Please note, that CIMware has transitioned into Paul Ranky Associates, USA
Engineering, Technology and Management Education, Executive Engineering Management Education, and State-of-the-Art 100% Digital Content in iSEE:Green, intelligent Sustainable Enterprise Engineering, Green Living & Green Mobility, IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), IoT Methods, Tools and Technologies, Digital Product & Process Design, Lean Six-Sigma, Zero Defect Quality, Project Management, Green PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping, Warehouse Management & Distribution Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Alternative Energy Solutions, International Energy Management Standards, CNC machining, Robotic Assembly, Welding, Machine Loading, Human Error Prevention & Detection, Ergonomics, Quality Control Methods and Technologies, Hi-tech Robotics & Automation, Automated Robot Hand Changers, Grippers & Tools, Nutritional Science & Dietetics,
Sustainable Eco-travel and SCUBA Diving Expeditions, Crafts & Design, and Others...
Our entire digital library is available for streaming VOD (Video On Demand) in HD and other formats!
33+ years in business! Please note, that we do not sell DVDs anymore; it is all digital!
=> NEW! Our Full List of Publications: Search This List... |
ADAM with IT International Journal (Editor: Prof. Ranky)
Alternative Energy Sources |
Asian Manufacturing |
Best Practice in Software Quality |
Business Analysis & Improvement |
Business Process Re-engineering Methods / Cases
Business Requirements Analysis |
CGMP - Current Good Manufacturing / Lab. Practice |
CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), CNC, FMS, Lean & Agile Sustainable Green Manufacturing
Collaborative Design & Global Manufacturing Engineering
Communication Skills |
Communication Technology |
Computer Graphics |
Computer Networking / Internet / Network Simulation
Concept Car Design
Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering / Integrated Eng...
Customer Requirements Analysis, VOC (Voice Of Customer)...
Defining & Managing Requirements |
Design & Innovation Methods, Tools & Use Cases |
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Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Green Supply Chain Design and Management |
System Simulation |
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Team Effectiveness, Human Error Prevention |
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Total Quality Management & Control
Virtual Factory Tours (with 2D and 3D interactive objects)
Visual Factory Design & Modeling
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CIMware Legal Notes |
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Sample video clips in 720p HD quality streaming from the CIMware CLOUD: Clip-1 and Clip-2. (Please make sure that you have a fast Internet connection.) Enjoy!
Please note, that ALL PAL ver. DVD video orders are 'special orders' as of May 15, 2015. If you have any questions, please email us about PAL availability (cimware@mac.com). Thanks!
Some links to our NEW featured TECHNICAL / TECHNOLOGY / BUSINESS / ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT products below. |
Process Kanban in Final Assembly, Kaizen, Quality Inspection, Heijunka Synchronization with the Customer, Visual Factory Management and Lead-time Reduction Examples with Supplier Kanban in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA. Part 2 of 2
(DVD Video) More...
Lean Visual Factory Management Principles and Industrial Examples in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA. An Engineering Management Educational Program, Part 1 of 2
(DVD Video) More...
Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering Methods,Tools and Case Studies Within a Quality Green PLM, (Product Lifecycle Management) Framework. Analytical, Quantitative, Computational, 3D Multimedia-based Approach To Concurrent Product, Process, Resource, and Service System Design.
(3D Multimedia eBook) More...
Introduction to Total Quality Management and the International Quality Standards, with Engineering, Management, IT, and Service Cases. Analytical, Quantitative, Computational, 3D Multimedia-based Approach to Quality Product, Process and Service System Design with Sustainable Lean Six-Sigma.
(3D Multimedia eBook) More...
The CNC Professor Series: CNC Machine and Robot Integrated Cells & Flexible, Agile, Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: Vol. 1: An Introduction With Industrial Examples. Boxset Vol. 1: Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4
(4 DVD Video Boxset) More...
Product Distribution & Supply Chain Management: Industrial RFID Smart Label Printing and Marking Engineering Design Challenges and Solutions.
(DVD Video) More...
Warehouse Operations Management: Automatic Fork Truck Guided Vehicles that Can Find the Load, Move the Load, and Load Trailers.
(DVD Video) More...
An Introduction to PLM-Part1 (Product Lifecycle Management) and Digital Manufacturing Using IBM Dassault Systemes, DELMIA PLM Methods & Solutions. Part 1 of 2.
(DVD Video) More...
An Introduction to PLM-Part2 (Product Lifecycle Management) and Digital Manufacturing Using IBM Dassault Systemes, DELMIA PLM Methods & Solutions. Part 2 of 2.
(DVD Video) More...
Collaborative Product / Process Development in a Global World: Introduction To Collaborative Global Product / Process / Service System Design Challenges & Solutions with a Sustainable Green Quality & PLM Focus. Use-cases, Analytical Methods, Software Tools, Product, Process & Service System Demonstrations.
Boxset Vol. 1 (4 DVDs) More...
Digital Product Design: Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Assembly (DFA) Principles, and Practical (Green) Product Design Examples.
(DVD Video) More...
Intelligent Enterprise Design. Overview of past, current and future product, process and enterprise design principles and methods. Future challenges intelligent enterprise designers will have to face.
(DVD Video) More...
Digital Product Design: Design for Quality (DFQ) Principles, and Practical Sustainable Green Product Design Examples discussed in detail with a quality focus.
(1 DVD video, and a 3D eBook on DVD) More...
Design For Customer Requirements: Customer Requirements Analysis, Sustainable Green Design and Other Use-cases, Analytical Methods, Software Tools, Customer-Centered Product, Process and Service System Demonstrations.
(3 DVD videos, and a 3D eBook Boxset) More...
Warehouse Management and Supply Chain / Distribution Logistics Challenges and Solutions. Lean warehousing, warehouse management and supply chain / distribution logistics challenges and solutions in a global economy.
(DVD Video) More...
Sustainable Green Farming & Living: Eco-farming / Organic Farming & Green Buildings For Green Living... What is organic vs. conventional farming? The differences between organic and non-organic produce. Visit the First Hungarian Cooperative For Organic Farming and the Eco-Village, in Europe.
(2 DVD Videos) More...
Digital Product Design: Risk-based Design: Introduction, Use Cases, Analytical Methods, Tools, Discussion and Practical Demonstrations. Covering the most important FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) analytical and practical aspects of Risk-based Design, within a digital product design framework.
(3 DVD videos, and a 3D eBook Boxset) More...
Machine Intelligent and Reconfigurable Material Joining Cell Using Integrated Vision and Multi-arm Controlled FANUC Robots. Fixtureless, machine intelligent joining methods and solutions using robot-integrated vision, force sensing, and multi-arm control.
(DVD Video) More...
Machine Intelligent Fixtureless Robotic Assembly & Joining Using Real-time Feedback Controlled Vision and Force Sensing FANUC Robots. Various fixtureless, machine intelligent robotic assembly and joining solutions using robot-integrated vision and force sensing.
(DVD Video) More...
Digital Product Design: Concurrent Engineering Principles, and Some Tools for Quality Design for Manufacturing, Assembly & Disassembly, and a Telephone Disassembly Use Case. Basic concepts of CE with product / process design, assembly /disassembly design rules.
(DVD video, and 3D eBook) More...
Visual Factory Management & Control Case: Rugged RFID with a Database On Board: Industrial Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Method, Technology and Application Cases.
(DVD Video) More...
Digital Product Design: The Design Process of an Automated Robot Tool / Hand Changer, and Several Use Cases Focusing on Reconfigurable Robot Tool Designs & Robot Cell Integration Applications.
(DVD video) More...
The Chemical Process, Pharmaceutical & GAMP (Good Automated Manufacturing Practice) Series: An Introduction to Safety Integrated Process Automation for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plants:
Part 1 of 2
(DVD video) More...
The Chemical Process, Pharmaceutical & GAMP (Good Automated Manufacturing Practice) Series: An Introduction to Safety Integrated Process Automation for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plants:
Part 2 of 2
(DVD video) More...
Digital Product Design: Design for Quality, Manufacturing, Assembly & Disassembly Principles, and an Inkjet Printer Green Engineering Disassembly Use Case.
(DVD video) More...
Robotized Welding Cell Design, with Automatically Changeable Electrode Tip Dresser, for Lean, Visual Factories. Robotized welding cell design and operation control topics in lean, Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) environments. Integrated set of methods and technologies for reducing waste at all levels.
(DVD Video) More...
An Introduction to Sustainable Green Industrial Design With Ergonomics (Human Factors Engineering): Principles & Examples.
Vol. 1
(3 DVD videos, and a 3D eBook Boxset) More...
Some links to our NEW featured NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE & DIETETICS products below. (View our full list of publications.) |
The Tastes & Sights of Hungary: A Culinary Trip To Hungary with a Dinner and a Movie Theme. An invitation, to go on a culinary trip to Hungary, Europe.
(4 DVD Videos + 4 HD Videos) More...
Enjoy Nutrition, Parts 1 & 2: Enjoy Nutrition is the foundation DVD set for the ‘Paint Your Meals’ cooking series. It provides fundamental nutrition principles for audiences of all nutritional background and understanding.
(2 DVD Videos) More...
Students Can Cook. Stay healthy, keep off the pounds and meet the demands of studying and exams is to cook and prepare simple and nutritious meals. You can share the experience and the results with your friends because ‘students can cook’.
(DVD Video) More...
Some links to our NEW featured CRAFTS & DESIGN products below. (View our full list of publications.) |
Be Crafty, Vol. 1, Parts 1 & 2, Crafty Dresses to Make for the 18" Doll From Babies' Clothing with a Doll Fashion Show
(2 DVD Videos) More...
Be Crafty, Vol. 2, Parts 1 & 2, A Crafty Year in Holidays for the 18" Doll with a Doll Fashion Show
(2 DVD Videos) More...
Some links to our NEW featured EXPERIENCE SUSTAINABLE ECO-TRAVEL, DIVE VIDEO / ISLAND TRACKING products below. (View our full list of publications.) Sample video clips in FULL HD quality streaming from the CIMware CLOUD: Clip-1, Clip-2, Clip-3, Clip-4, Clip-5, Clip6, Clip-7, and Clip-8. Enjoy!
Palau Experience: Volume 1: Diving Blue Corner, German Channel & Others, Rock Island Kayaking & Snorkeling, Jellyfish Lake, Palau and Peleliu Tours, Helicopter Flight and 360 Degree Panoramas in the Republic of Palau, Micronesia.
(8 DVD Boxset) More...
Bonaire Experience: Captain Don's Habitat, Klein Bonaire Dive Sites, and Shore Diving. Intriguing for all ages, or anyone who loves the diversity of the tropical ocean; this set showcases the wildlife of the island and waters of Bonaire, in the Dutch Caribbean.
(DVD Video & DVD Photo Boxset) More...
Experience Dominica: Island Tour, Diving, Whale & Bird Watching, and Tracking in the Rainforest. On several videos and pictures, you’ll witness firsthand an eco-traveller's and a SCUBA diver’s view of Dominica with an artistic, as well as documentary focus.
(6 DVD Boxset) More...
Experience China, Chongquing, Old Town, Witness Everyday Life and Culture. Chongquing is a province of about 32 million people in one of the hottest, most humid regions of China. It is one of China's biggest municipalities as well as one of the largest cities in the world.
(DVD Video) More...
Palau Experience: Volume 2: Diving Coral Gardens, Blue Corner, Blue Hole, Ulong & German Channel, Ulong Island Kayaking & Snorkeling, Palau Island Tours and an Interactive Map with 360 Degree Panoramas in the Republic of Palau, Micronesia (8 DVD Boxset 2, Vol.2)
(8 DVD Boxset) More...
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