Our Safety Engineering... Publications
CIMware is an Advanced Design, Manufacturing, Engineering Management, PLM: Product Lifecycle Management, IT: Information Technology, Medical, Nutritional Science, Biomedical Engineering, R&D, Publishing & Consulting Company
=> NEW! Our Full List of Publications |
ADAM with IT International Journal (Editor: Prof. Ranky)
Alternative Energy Sources |
Asian Manufacturing |
Best Practice in Software Quality |
Business Analysis & Improvement |
Business Process Re-engineering Methods / Cases
Business Requirements Analysis |
CGMP - Current Good Manufacturing / Lab. Practice |
CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)
Collaborative Design & Manufacturing Engineering
Communication Skills |
Communication Technology |
Computer Graphics |
Computer Networking / Internet / Network Simulation
Concept Car Design
Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering / Integrated Eng...
Customer Requirements Analysis
Defining & Managing Requirements |
Design & Innovation Methods, Tools & Use Cases |
Design For Assembly, Manufacture, Quality, Safety, Harsh, and Other...
Design Of Experiments (DOE, Taguchi)
Digital Art and 3D Interactive Multimedia Resources |
Digital Lifestyle
Digital Manufacturing / Assembly System Design
Disassembly / De-manufacturing |
Electronic Assembly & Test |
Engineering & Business Consulting
Engineering Management, Leadership & Teams
Enterprise Design Engineering / Lean Enterprise...
Experience New Cultures, People, Cities, Land...
Factory Automation |
Factory Information Management |
FIRST Robotics Competition Experience... |
Flexible, Lean Manufacturing Cells, Systems & Automation
Global Competitiveness |
Global Design & Manufacturing |
Health & Safety Engineering
Human Factors in Engineering |
Humanoid Robotics |
Industrial Design of Products |
Industrial Ergonomics |
Information Systems Auditing |
Information Systems Management |
Information Systems Principles |
Innovation Methods & Tools
International Business |
Leadership & Strategy |
Leading Complex IT / IS / Software Projects |
Leading High Performance Teams |
Lego Mindstorm Robot Experience... |
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Manufacturing in Asia |
Marketing Hi-Tech |
Material Handling & Logistics |
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Medical & Biomedical Engineering
Medical Device Engineering |
New Product & Process Innovation (NPPI)
Nutritional Consulting
Nutritional Science & Healthy Living
Operations Management |
Pharmaceutical Engineering
PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) CAD, CAM, CAE
Process Improvement / Process Mapping / Lean-Six Sigma Transformation... |
Process Modeling (CIMpgr)
Product Design & Development |
Product Marketing Cases |
Production Control Methods & Software
Professional Quality Toys & Models
Project Management and Control
Quality Control |
Rapid Prototyping & Rapid Manufacturing
Reliability Analysis (Weibull)
Requirements Engineering |
RFID (Radio Frequency ID)
Risk, Process, System Failure Risk Analysis & Management
Safety Engineering |
Seminars & Workshops, JIT (Just-in-time) eLearning
Sensor Technology & Smart Sensors
Service Industry Quality |
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) |
Six-Sigma Lean Quality Engineering |
Skills & Productivity |
Soft-skills, Leading High Performance Teams |
Software Engineering (Object / Component-oriented…)
Statistical Quality Control |
Strategic Management |
Supply Chain Logistics |
Supply Chain Management |
System Simulation |
Systems Analysis, Modeling & Design |
Team Effectiveness |
Technology Management |
Telematics Engineering
Total Quality Management & Control
Virtual Factory Tours (with 2D and 3D interactive objects)
Visual Factory Design & Modeling
Warehouse Management |
Web Design Using Standards |
World Wide Web & Standards |
Title: |
Design For Safety & Quality: Lessons Learned from the Analysis of Crashed Daimler-Benz / Mercedes Automobiles (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An Interview with Miklos F. Ranky, BS(Eng. Hons), MS(Eng), Professional Engineer, Mercedes Automobile Design, Manufacturing and Repair Expert, Budapest, Hungary, Europe. With Special Thanks to Amon Pal, 126 Merci Bonto, Budapest, Hungary. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video interview and presentation by Miklos F. Ranky, BS(Eng. Hons), MS(Eng), Professional Engineer, Mercedes Automobile Design, Manufacturing and Repair Expert, Budapest, Hungary, Europe. The discussion topics include case-by-case, in-depth evaluation of several different crashed Mercedes cars, focusing on design for safety and quality, maintenance and repair aspects, as well as on quality design and manufacturing principles and processes.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
An Introduction to Alternative Energy Sources: Hybrid & Fuel Cell Vehicles with R&D and Visually Attractive, Practical Application Examples Discussed by DaimlerChrysler, EPA, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, The California Fuel Cell Partnership, and Others (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA. This publication is dedicated with thanks to DaimlerChrysler, EPA, Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, and The California Fuel Cell Partnership, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to hybrid and fuel cell automotive principles, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in videos and in 3D. The over 400 interactive screens include 20 digital videos, 7 lesson plans, and several highly interactive 3D objects of automobiles, covering: Introduction; Why Alternative Energy Sources? The Clean School Bus Initiative: A U.S. EPA Activity; Web-links to Exercises and Eco Science Games; A USA Military Fuel-saving program; Pollution Prevention and Reduction; The Core Challenges in this Case, and Our Problem Solving Method; Californian Fuel Cell Consortium Activities; Canon's Design for the Environment Methods and Examples; Some Design, Manufacturing, and Customer Requirements Aspects of Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles, with General Motors, DaimlerChrysler, The Californian Fuel Cell Consortium, Ford, Honda and Toyota Examples; Interactive Analytical Exercises; Dimensions and Tolerances; Pressure Holding Cylinders; Power Screw Mechanics; The Effect of Temperature on Objects; Electric Motor Experiments; References and Further Reading (with web-links); Other, Useful Resources in this eBook Publication; Lesson Plan Template (MS Word File); Lesson Plans: Alternative Energy Resources; Some Design, Manufacturing, and Customer Requirements Aspects of Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles; Dimensions and Tolerances; Pressure Holding Cylinders; Power Screw Mechanics; The Effect of Temperature on Objects; Electric DC Motors; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations. For related other modules please visit our library at www.cimwareukandusa.com
This product is available in the formats below:
S&H |
players are available |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Vi |
3D e |
players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Design For Safety & Quality: The Inspection and Auditing Process of Bridges, and Some Important Lessons Learned (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An Interview with George W. Davie, Adjunct Professor at NJIT, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, as well as Member of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Internal Auditor of Bridges and Tunnels, Broadway, New York, NY, USA. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video interview and presentation by George W. Davie, Adjunct Professor at NJIT, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, as well as Member of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Internal Auditor of Bridges and Tunnels, Broadway, New York, NY, USA. The discussion topics include a systematic, in-depth evaluation of the bridge inspection and auditing process, focusing on bridge design for safety and quality, maintenance and repair aspects, as well as on quality design and manufacturing principles and processes.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Visual Factory Management & Control Case: Rugged RFID with a Database On Board: Industrial Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Method, Technology and Application Cases (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Edited and produced by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, New Jersey, USA. |
Description: |
This publication is a professional quality DVD video covering rugged RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) methods and solutions. RFID is a major enabler in terms of tracing products, processes, accounting for inventory changes close to real-time, and integrating supply chains with the purpose of cutting losses and making any enterprise leaner. On its own, RFID is an exciting technology only... the key is to integrate RFID into a transparent, visually controlled business. VFM is an integrated set of methods and technologies for the purpose of reducing waste at all levels, improving profitability, increasing lean production control, product & process quality.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Ducati, Star, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs. Enjoy the Amazing Designs and the Excitement Quality (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Edited and produced by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, New Jersey, USA. |
Description: |
This publication is a professional quality DVD video, illustrating Ducati, Star, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and other custom motorcycle designs. The beautiful wide-angle, and close-up shots in this video illustrate the key artistic and engineering design concepts of achieving often amazing products, exciting the customer and creating motorbikes, that customers want and desire. (See more about these methods and technologies in Professor Ranky's Library.)
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PA |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Process Kanban in Final Assembly, Kaizen, Quality Inspection, Heijunka Synchronization with the Customer, Visual Factory Management and Lead-time Reduction Examples with Supplier Kanban in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA. An Engineering Management Educational Program (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Edited and produced by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, New Jersey, USA. |
Description: |
This publication is a professional quality DVD video factory tour, covering Denso lean manufacturing system solutions, with kanban, kaizen, quality inspection, heijunka synchronization methods and actual industrial solutions in a Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) framework. VFM is an integrated set of methods and technologies for the purpose of reducing waste at all levels, improving profitability, increasing lean production control, product & process quality, productivity, safety, on-demand / just-in-time (JIT) Kanban production / delivery, and employee morale in a factory, or virtually in any business. VFM and factory automation typically begins by following an integrated process, requirements, and risk analysis method, embedded into a statistical analysis and multimedia framework. As a result, the team will have a clear picture about what needs to be done, when, and how. The next step is typically the implementation of a 'Five S', a 'Lean Six-Sigma', and a 'Monozukuri' program. (See more about these methods and technologies in Professor Ranky's Library.)
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Design Engineering Challenges of the Corvette (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An Interview with Jim Campbell, Director - Car Marketing, General Motors Corporation and David C. Hill, Performance Cars Vehicle Line Executive, Corvette Chief Engineer, General Motors Corporation, Warren, Michigan, USA. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video of an in-depth, technical interview with Jim Campbell, Director - Car Marketing, General Motors Corporation, and David C. Hill, Performance Cars Vehicle Line Executive, Corvette Chief Engineer, General Motors Corporation, Warren, Michigan, USA, focusing on the integrated product / process / manufacturing / quality and safety design aspects of one of the most popular US sports cars, the Corvette. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Visual Factory Controls: Signaling Solutions, Industrial Switches, Push Button Solutions, Single & Multi Status Indicators, Control Lights, Panel Mount Alarms, LED Round Beacons, Stack Lights, Panelview and Industrial Displays, Handheld Devices, PDAs, Hazardous Location Signaling, Industrial Electronic Horns, Dual-circuit Panel Alarms, Light Curtains, Safety Relays, Interlock Switches, and Others (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An Interview with Darrell S. Filtz, Manager, Rockwell Automation, Milwaukee, WI, USA. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication is a professional quality DVD video covering Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) topics, in particular signaling solutions, industrial switches, push button solutions, single & multi status indicators, control lights, panel mount alarms, LED round beacons, stack lights, panelview and industrial displays, handheld devices, PDAs, hazardous location signaling, industrial electronic horns, dual-circuit panel alarms, light curtains, safety relays, interlock switches, patented, enhanced E-stop safety self monitoring industrial switches & contact blocks, and others.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 1) Akhter PC & Fax Machine Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 2) Akhter PC & Hummer Headlight Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 3) Akhter PC & IBM PC Floppy Drive Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 2) Akhter PC & Hummer Headlight Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 3) Akhter PC & IBM PC Floppy Drive Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 4) Akhter PC & Hummer Indicator Lights & Switch Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 5) Akhter PC & PC Hard Disk Drive Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
DFRA: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis (Vol. 6) Akhter PC & HP LaserJet Printer Disassembly (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA and in the UK, is an excellent introduction to disassembly (and process) failure risk analysis principles, standards, applications and practical examples. It discusses the basic methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts in 3D. The over 700 interactive screens include 8 major topic areas, and over 40 digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR objects, covering: Introduction to disassembly (and generic process) failure risk analysis; A detailed case study and electronic user manual of the DFRA tool; Case-based learning and marketing methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; A PC and a Fax machine disassembly (process) risk analysis challenge (using 3D objects); References; Case documentation guidelines; Useful spreadsheet templates for educators and students; A Major Glossary of Terms; Customizable, open-source MS-Excel Tools & Templates to perform your own calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
yers are available in the USA |
DVD players are available |
3f DVD players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Process Modeling Case: Japanese Cake & Food Preparation Process Examples (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Edited and Produced by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video resource for all of those who wish to analyze and then model everyday-life processes. The video takes the viewer to the modern, 21st Century Japan, to Osaka, and illustrates several interesting Japanese cake and food preparation processes. This video could be used for triggering in-depth process analysis as well as quality audit discussions.
Furthermore, it is an excellent resource complementing Professor Ranky's videos on Total Quality Management, Continuous Quality Improvement, Customer Requirements Analysis, Risk Analysis, Design Review, and other process modeling methods, tools and practical solutions.
Title: |
Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) Technology Case: An Introduction and Overview of Factory Automation Components & Systems (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An Interview with Andrew Pierro, Sales Manager, NY Region, Festo Corporation, USA. Interviews & Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication is a professional quality DVD video covering Festo factory automation components and systems in a Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) framework. VFM is an integrated set of methods and technologies for the purpose of reducing waste at all levels, improving profitability, increasing lean production control, product & process quality, productivity, safety, on-demand / just-in-time (JIT) production / delivery, and employee morale in a factory, or virtually in any business. In this DVD video we focus on factory automation components & systems, including ISO & NFPA standard cylinders, guide & slide units, rotary actuators, rodless linear actuators & displacement encoders, pneumatic grippers, precision parallel grippers, grippers for harsh environments, swivel grippers, and others, air filtering, air diagnostics, Rockwell Automation integration solutions with Fieldbus, Ethernet / IP and other technologies, plug-and-play valve manifold I/O for Ethernet / IP enabled controllers, remote device / system monitoring & troubleshooting over the web, Festo CPV valve terminals for DeviceNet, fast switching valves, fluid muscle cylinders, servo valves to control the hard stop, various integrated systems, and other factory automation & control solutions. |
Title: |
Conversational CNC Programming: An Introduction with Programming Demonstrations Using Mori Seiki Multi-axis, High-Precision, High-Efficiency Integrated Mill Turn Centers (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An In-depth Technical Discussion and Practical Demonstrations with Paul Calistro, Applications Engineer, Mori Seiki, USA, Inc. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication is a professional quality DVD video introducing and demonstrating the various conversational CNC programming features, and some simple programming examples of an advanced, integrated Mori Seiki multi-axis mill turn CNC (Computer Numerical Control), a precision, high-efficiency machine tool. This video is an ideal introduction to CNC operators, and production / industrial / manufacturing systems engineers who want to understand the basic principles of conversational / graphical CNC programming. Furthermore, conversational CNC programming concepts are explained and demonstrated for automated machining factory designers and operations managers, quality control engineers, industrial and manufacturing systems engineers, visual factory designers, workforce productivity improvement managers, CNC machinists and programmers, engineering and management students & faculty, interested in eliminating unnecessary waste, and improving productivity by utilizing integrated mill-turn CNC machines, methods and technologies. |
Title: |
An Introduction to a Mori Seiki Multi-axis Integrated Mill Turn CNC Machine (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An In-depth Technical Discussion and Practical Demonstrations with Marlow Knabach, Vice President, Marketing, Mori Seiki, USA, Inc. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This publication is a professional quality DVD video introducing and demonstrating the various features, components, and some of the basic functions of an advanced, integrated Mori Seiki multi-axis mill turn CNC (Computer Numerical Control) precision machine tool. This video is an ideal introduction to lean machining cell design engineers, CNC operators, automated machining factory designers and operations managers, quality control engineers, industrial and manufacturing systems engineers, visual factory designers, workforce productivity improvement managers, CNC machinists and programmers, engineering and management students & faculty, interested in eliminating unnecessary waste, and improving productivity by utilizing integrated mill-turn CNC machines, methods and technologies. |
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