Our Design & Innovation Methods, Tools & Use Cases... Publications
CIMware is an Advanced Design, Manufacturing, Engineering Management, PLM: Product Lifecycle Management, IT: Information Technology, Medical, Nutritional Science, Biomedical Engineering, R&D, Publishing & Consulting Company
=> NEW! Our Full List of Publications |
ADAM with IT International Journal (Editor: Prof. Ranky)
Alternative Energy Sources |
Asian Manufacturing |
Best Practice in Software Quality |
Business Analysis & Improvement |
Business Process Re-engineering Methods / Cases
Business Requirements Analysis |
CGMP - Current Good Manufacturing Practice |
CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)
Collaborative Design & Manufacturing Engineering
Communication Skills |
Communication Technology |
Computer Graphics |
Computer Networking / Internet / Network Simulation
Concept Car Design
Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering / Integrated Eng...
Customer Requirements Analysis
Defining & Managing Requirements |
Design & Innovation Methods, Tools & Use Cases |
Design For Assembly, Manufacture, Quality, Safety, Harsh, and Other...
Design Of Experiments (DOE, Taguchi)
Digital Art and 3D Interactive Multimedia Resources |
Digital Lifestyle
Digital Manufacturing / Assembly System Design
Disassembly / De-manufacturing |
Electronic Assembly & Test |
Engineering & Business Consulting
Engineering Management, Leadership & Teams
Enterprise Design Engineering
Experience New Cultures, People, Cities, Land...
Factory Automation |
Factory Information Management |
FIRST Robotics Competition Experience... |
Flexible, Lean Manufacturing Cells, Systems & Automation
Global Competitiveness |
Global Design & Manufacturing |
Health & Safety Engineering
Human Factors in Engineering |
Humanoid Robotics |
Industrial Design of Products |
Industrial Ergonomics |
Information Systems Auditing |
Information Systems Management |
Information Systems Principles |
Innovation Methods & Tools
International Business |
Leadership & Strategy |
Leading Complex IT / IS / Software Projects |
Leading High Performance Teams |
Lego Mindstorm Robot Experience... |
Management of Technology |
Manufacturing / Assembly / Test Processes |
Manufacturing in Asia |
Marketing Hi-Tech |
Material Handling & Logistics |
Measuring & Improving Processes |
Medical & Biomedical Engineering
Medical Device Engineering |
New Product & Process Innovation (NPPI)
Nutritional Consulting
Nutritional Science & Healthy Living
Operations Management |
Pharmaceutical Engineering
PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) CAD, CAM, CAE
Process Improvement / Process Mapping |
Process Modeling (CIMpgr)
Product Design & Development |
Product Marketing Cases |
Production Control Methods & Software
Professional Quality Toys & Models
Project Management and Control
Quality Control |
Rapid Prototyping & Rapid Manufacturing
Reliability Analysis (Weibull)
Requirements Engineering |
RFID (Radio Frequency ID)
Risk, Process, System Failure Risk Analysis & Management
Safety Engineering |
Seminars & Workshops, JIT (Just-in-time) eLearning
Sensor Technology & Smart Sensors
Service Industry Quality |
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) |
Six-Sigma Quality Engineering |
Skills & Productivity |
Soft-skills, Leading High Performance Teams |
Software Engineering (Object / Component-oriented…)
Statistical Quality Control |
Strategic Management |
Supply Chain Logistics |
Supply Chain Management |
System Simulation |
Systems Analysis, Modeling & Design |
Team Effectiveness |
Technology Management |
Telematics Engineering
Total Quality Management & Control
Virtual Factory Tours (with 2D and 3D interactive objects)
Visual Factory Design & Modeling
Warehouse Management |
Web Design Using Standards |
World Wide Web & Standards |
Title: |
Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering Methods,Tools and Case Studies Within a Quality PLM, (Product Lifecycle Management) Framework. An Analytical, Quantitative, Open-source Computational, 3D Multimedia-based Approach To Concurrent Product, Process, Resource, and Service System Design. A Browser Readable, Open Source, 3D Interactive Multimedia Case Based Learning & Marketing Program (3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA, with Richard G. Ranky, BS(Hons) RA, NJIT |
Description: |
1. An Introduction and Overview... within an Integrated Engineering Design (CE) Framework; 2. An Overview of International (ISO 9000:2000) and US Quality Standards, and the way these Standards Should be Applied in Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering and PLM; 3. Design For Manufacturing, Assembly, Quality, and for Other Objective Functions (DFx); 4. Computer Aided Design and Manufacture (CAD/CAM) and Concurrent Engineering Methods and Tools; 5. Concurrent Engineering Information System and Process Modeling 6.Concurrent Engineering, Advanced Integrated Product / Process Design Methods, as Part of Collaborative Design in PLM; 7. Integration of Concurrent Engineering and Quality... Collaborative, Networked TQM; 8. Concurrent Engineering Customer Requirements Analysis Modeling, Based on the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) Method, Using Our CORA (Component Oriented Requirements Analysis) Software Tool for PLM; 9. Concurrent Engineering Process Failure Risk Analysis Modeling (PFRA); a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Method, and Our Software Tool; 10. Case Study: Collaboration of Parametric Technology's ProEngineer Wildfire and Windchill Software Tools 11. Rapid Prototyping Methods, Tools 12: Kaizen, Kanban, JIT (Just-in-Time), and Lean Production Control Methods to Support the Integrated Design Processes and Flexible / Real-time Dynamic Supply Chains in PLM 13. The Lean Six Sigma Methodology 14. Networked CE and PLM Methods, Tools and Technologies, on a Global Basis; 15. CAD, CAM, and Other Software Quality Improvement Issues and Solutions; 16. Integrated Engineering and TQM Methods... Cases in Service Industries; 17. Quality Design Teamwork 18. Some Aspects of Globalization and Outsourcing in PLM 19. Continuous Design Improvement Methods Glossary of terms. Open Source, Active Code, and Customizable MS-Excel Templates. (Note, that you'll need MS-Excel, or a compatible program in your computer to run our code).
This product is available in the formats below:
players are available |
ayers are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
An Introduction to PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Using IBM Dassault Systemes Methods & Technology, Part 1 of 2 (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Peter Schmitt, PhD, VP / Marketing & Communications, Americas, IBM Dassault Systemes, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation by Peter Schmitt, PhD, VP / Marketing & Communications, Americas, IBM Dassault Systemes and DELMIA, focusing on the key elements, and the benefits of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The presentation includes several advanced use cases, mostly from the automotive industry, nevertheless the principles presented apply to literally any industry.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
An Introduction to PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Using IBM Dassault Systemes Methods & Technology, Part 2 of 2 (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Peter Schmitt, PhD, VP / Marketing & Communications, Americas, IBM Dassault Systemes, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation by Peter Schmitt, PhD, VP / Marketing & Communications, Americas, IBM Dassault Systemes and DELMIA, focusing on the key elements, and the benefits of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The presentation includes several advanced use cases, mostly from the automotive industry, nevertheless the principles presented apply to literally any industry.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
An Introduction to PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and Digital Manufacturing Using IBM Dassault Systemes, DELMIA PLM Methods & Solutions, Part 1 of 2 (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Dominic Anne, Director, DELMIA PLM Solutions, IBM Dassault Systemes, 92156 Suresnes Cedex - France. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation by Dominic Anne Director, IBM Dassault Systemes DELMIA PLM Solutions, Dassault Systemes and DELMIA, France, focusing on the key elements, and the benefits of Digital Manufacturing, within PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The presentation includes several advanced product design, digital manufacturing, assembly and process planning and simulation use cases, mostly from the automotive industry, nevertheless the principles presented apply to literally any industry.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
An Introduction to PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and Digital Manufacturing Using IBM Dassault Systemes, DELMIA PLM Methods & Solutions, Part 2 of 2 (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Dominic Anne, Director, DELMIA PLM Solutions, IBM Dassault Systemes, 92156 Suresnes Cedex - France. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation by Dominic Anne Director, IBM Dassault Systemes DELMIA PLM Solutions, Dassault Systemes and DELMIA, France, focusing on the key elements, and the benefits of Digital Manufacturing, within PLM (Product Lifecycle Management). The presentation includes several advanced product design, digital manufacturing, assembly and process planning and simulation use cases, mostly from the automotive industry, nevertheless the principles presented apply to literally any industry.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSCs are available in the USA |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Advanced Multi-Engineering Analysis, Modeling, Design and Simulation Challenges and Solution Cases, Using Dymola Methods and Tools (Dynasim) (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An In-depth Technical Interview with Mats Genberg, Sales Manager, Dag Bruk, Senior Specialist, Dynasim.com, and Jonas Eborn, PhD, Product Development Manager, Modelon AB, Lund, Sweden. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video interview and in-depth technical discussion with Mats Genberg, Sales Manager, Dag Bruk, Senior Specialist, Dynasim.com, and Jonas Eborn, PhD, Product Development Manager, Modelon AB, Lund, Sweden. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA. The discussion topics include case-by-case, in-depth demonstration of the advanced multi-engineering analysis, modeling, design and simulation challenges and solution cases, using dymola methods and tools.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Advanced 3D Interactive Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Development Concepts and Cases. An Interview and Software Demonstrations with Bill Gibbs, President, Gibbs & Associates, California, USA (DVD Video, and/or Optional 3D eBook) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation of an advanced Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software solution as part of an integrated product / process / resource design approach. The discussion topics and application examples include: Why is it important to think in terms of an integrated product, process and resource system? What are the system components of GibbsCAM and how does the technology work?... What are the main application areas of GibbsCAM in multi-axis CNC (Computer Numerical Control) turning and milling? How does the software help the CNC part programmer and operator to program the toolpath and cutting parameters of multi-axis CNC machines? What are the user-friendly CAM software design features and how do they work in practice?... and others. (Note, that this package has an optional 3D eBook too.)
The optional 3D eBook, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA, Asia and in the UK/ Europe, is an excellent introduction to advanced computer aided manufacturing systems engineering with an integrated product / process (concurrent engineering) focus. It discusses the basic steps, methods, tools, and software development technologies, advanced CAM systems for 5 axis milling and 4 axis turning are developed, with several examples and case studies demonstrated by industry leader and expert, Bill Gibbs, President, Gibbs Associates.
This product is available in the formats below:
D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Multi - CAD Data Exchange Using ELYSIUM Methods and Solutions (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
An In-depth Technical Interview with Peter Heath, Director, Product Development, ELYSIUM Inc., Southfield, Michigan, USA. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation by Peter Heath, Director, Product Development, ELYSIUM Inc., Southfield, MI, USA, focusing on the key challenges and benefits of multi-CAD data exchange solutions. The presentation includes several advanced CAD to CAD data exchange demonstrations and use cases, from the automotive and telecom industries, nevertheless the principles presented apply to literally any industry.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Integrated Digital Mocup (DMU) Using IBM/Dassault Systemes ENOVIA and CATIA Methods and Solutions (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Paul Silver, Manager, IBM PLM Solutions, and Gary Carne, Technical Support Engineer, IBM, USA. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation by Paul Silver, Manager, IBM PLM Solutions, and Gary Carne, Technical Support Engineer, IBM, USA, focusing on the key elements, and the benefits of Digital Mocup (DMU) within Dassault Systemes' PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) set of methods and software tools. The presentation includes several advanced digital product review, assembly, process planning and simulation use cases from the automotive industry, nevertheless the principles presented apply to literally any industry.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Intelligent Enterprise Design (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Peter T. Rayson, BSc, MSc, DSc, Associate Director, Head of Design and Process Innovation, Technology Innovation Centre, UCE Birmingham, United Kingdom. Interviews and Edited by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video presentation by Peter T. Rayson, Associate Director, Technology Innovation Centre, UCE Birmingham, UK. Dr. Rayson has over 30 years of professional experience in CAD, CAM, CAE, PLM (Product Lifecycle management), advanced manufacturing and automation, and collaborative digital enterprise design and management, primarily in the aerospace and in the machine tool industries. The discussion topics and application examples include a brief overview of past, current and future product, process and enterprise design principles and methods. Then he focuses on future challenges intelligent enterprise designers will have to face. Towards the second half of the video Dr. Rayson gives a novel insight of the way the global economy will require such resources in the future.
This product is available in the formats below:
DVD Video Hi-Def NTSC |
Video iPod Video Streamed |
DVD Video SD PAL |
DVD Video Hi-Def PAL |
3D eBook CD and SD NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
Video iPod Video Shipped on CD-ROM |
3D eBook CD and SD PAL DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def PAL DVD Video-combo |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Server-based License |
Title: |
An Introduction to Collaborative Project Management Methods, Tools & Technologies with International Examples and Use-cases in Engineering, IT, Management and Service Industries (3D eBook) A Browser Readable, Open Source, 3D Interactive Multimedia Case Based Learning & Marketing Program |
Author(s) / Editor: |
By Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA, Marti Ranky, BS(Hons), Gregory N. Ranky, BS(Hons), and Richard G. Ranky, BS(Hons) RA, CIMware USA, Inc. |
Description: |
This publication, tested on many undergraduate and graduate students and professionals in the USA, UK/Europe and Asia, is an excellent introduction to Project Management. It discusses the basic methods, tools, technologies, and international standards, with several industrial and research case studies demonstrated by academic and industry experts in 3D. In order to offer the highest chance for any project to succeed, our novel approach integrates project requirements analysis, process modeling and risk analysis. We illustrate this integrated, professional engineering method with several use-cases and active code tools that can be customized by the readers / users. The over 500 interactive screens include 40 plus digital videos, spreadsheet templates and interactive 3D objects, covering: Introduction to Project Management Challenges and Principles; Project Management (PM) Process Modeling Methods, Tools and Templates with Use-cases; PM Requirements Analysis Modeling Methods and Tools with Use-cases; Project / Process Failure Risk Analysis Methods and Tools with Examples; Case-based PM Learning and Marketing Methods; Major Review Questions & Problems; References & Further Reading; Case Documentation Guidelines; Useful Spreadsheet Templates for Educators and Students; A Major Glossary of PM Terms; Customizable, Open-source Process Model Templates and Spreadsheets to Perform Your Own PM Requirements Analysis, and PM Risk Analysis Calculations.
This product is available in the formats below:
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
S&H |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
V3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-comboi |
3D e3D eBook CD and Hi-Def NTSC DVD Video-combo |
players are available |
Full Color Printed Book and 3D eBook CD-combo |
Interactive 3D eBook on CD-ROM |
Server-based License |
Title: |
Process Modeling Case: Japanese Cake & Food Preparation Process Examples (DVD Video) |
Author(s) / Editor: |
Edited and Produced by Professor Paul G. Ranky, PhD, NJIT, USA |
Description: |
This electronic publication is a professional quality DVD video resource for all of those who wish to analyze and then model everyday-life processes. The video takes the viewer to the modern, 21st Century Japan, to Osaka, and illustrates several interesting Japanese cake and food preparation processes. This video could be used for triggering in-depth process analysis as well as quality audit discussions.
Furthermore, it is an excellent resource complementing Professor Ranky's videos on Total Quality Management, Continuous Quality Improvement, Customer Requirements Analysis, Risk Analysis, Design Review, and other process modeling methods, tools and practical solutions.
Welcome to www.cimwareukandusa.com Please note, that this website is kept as simple as possible to support fast data access from anywhere in the world! CIMware Ltd. UK and CIMware USA Inc. are privately owned companies, and IEE & IMechE approved (The Institution of Electronic and Electrical Engineers, London, incorporating The Institution of Manufacturing Engineers, and by The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, United Kingdom) Professional Continuing Education Engineering, Medical, Biomedical Engineering Multimedia Developer and Publisher. All rights reserved! The entire CIMware UK&USA web-site is copyrighted by CIMware Ltd. UK and CIMware USA, Inc. 1995 to date. Furthermore please note, that the packaging formats, the contents and the price of our products can change without any prior notice. Thank you for visiting our website, enjoy the tour and email us if you have any comments or suggestions! All known trademarks are acknowledged.
CIMware UK&USA Offers: DVD videos, 3D interactive eBooks on CD-ROM, ADAM, The Advanced Design And Manufacturing with IT Journal, New Design, Manufacturing and Information Technology Product Announcements, Cyberspace Product and Service Reviews in our Cyber Expo. Virtual Exhibition Hall, Engineering Case Studies, Work-cell Design, Agile Manufacturing, Lean Manufacturing, Flexible Manufacturing, KANSEI, Flexible Assembly, De-manufacturing, Automation, Robotics, Sensors, Machine Vision Systems, Lasers, FMS, CIM, Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering, DFM, DFA, DFx Analysis of Existing and New Products and Processes, Total Quality, ISO9000:2000, Engineering Case Studies, Production Control, JIT, Medical Science and Biomedical Engineering, Rehabilitation Engineering, Systems Engineering, System Modeling & Design, Simulation, Virtual Manufacturing, Interactive Engineering Multimedia, Multimedia Design and Resource Generation, Multimedia Production, Electronic Publishing, Website Design, Engineering and Multimedia Consulting, Project Management, and Complex Product Marketing Services using Professional Quality Digital Art and Interactive 2D and 3D Multimedia over the web as well as using other formats, such as CD-ROMs and DVDs. ADAM with IT is an Internet Registered, 100% Electronically Published R&D Journal Listed in the Directory of Scholarly Electronic Journals and Academic Discussion Lists, Published by the Association of Research Libraries, Washington DC, USA and professionally Indexed by The Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library (EEVL).
Copyright© 1995 to date by CIMware Ltd. UK and CIMware USA, Inc. Disclaimer. CIMware Ltd. UK and CIMware USA, Inc. at www.cimwareukandusa.com makes appropriate efforts to ensure that the information on this entire website is accurate. Neither www.cimwareukandusa.com nor its sponsors are responsible for loss due to inaccurate information. Mention of third-party products or services is for the purpose of providing information about them and do not constitute neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. CIMware Ltd. UK and CIMware USA, Inc. at www.cimwareukandusa.com and its sponsors assume no responsibility in regard to the use or performance of these products or services. In case such information is required, CIMware Ltd. UK and CIMware USA, Inc. at www.cimwareukandusa.com suggest contacting such third parties directly for additional information and to confirm information found here at the www.cimwareukandusa.com website. Thank you for your attention!
We cover a wide variety of products and services in the area of Product Lifecycle Management PLM, Advanced Design Engineering, Product / Process Design Engineering, Manufacturing, Total Quality Management, Multimedia, 3D web, Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Multimedia, Case Based Learning, Problem Based Learning, Context Based Learning, Virtual Product Demo, Design for Environment, DFE, Design for assembly, 3D web-objects, Object Oriented Design, Programming, Computers, Concurrent Engineering, Rapid Prototyping, Advanced Design, Manugacturing, Automation, Robotics, Flexible Manufacturing, Asembly, High Tech, Hi-tech, Computer Science, and Information Technology. Our sponsors and/ or collaborators include NJIT, BMW, MINI, Daimler-Chrysler, IBM Dassault Systemes, DELMIA, Department of Defense (USA), EDS, Emerald Publishers, Festo, Ford Motor Company, Genrad, GM (General Motors), Hardinge, IBM, IMI Norgren, Kessler Rehabilitation Institute, MCI, New Jersey Medical and Dental School (UMDNJ), Mercedes Benz, Nissan, Acura, Lexus, Honda, Infiniti, OKUMA, Yamazaki-MAZAK, Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Siemens-Plessey, Kistler, Denso, Rockwell Automation, Springer Scientific Publishers, Taylor & Francis Publishers, Springer Scientific, Fanuc Robotics, General Motors, GM, FLOW, Hexel, LEGO, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Toyota, Oakridge National Laboratory, Sekisui Automotive Japan, Yamazaki Mazak, and many others. This site is listed as a reference source in the directory of the NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) National Center for Manufacturing Education, www.ncmeresource.org.