In this page you can find the following:
CIMware Ltd. UK&USA has developed modular, easy-to-follow, interactive Engineering Multimedia CD-ROMs incorporating many international experts & contributing companies, high quality digital videos (shot on location in the USA, UK, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Europe and Australia), hundreds of integrated color images/ photos, plenty of text and a customisable Multimedia Resource Library (copy, paste & play compatibility with most third party graphics and presentation packages on PC & Mac platforms). (*) Note, that copyright restrictions apply for commercial distribution, but personal use of the Library is allowed for non-commercial purposes. Please refer to the CIMware License Agreement for details or contact one of our international offices.
The CD-ROMs typically include 350-700 interactive screens, 45-70 minutes of high quality digital, frame-by-frame controllable, interactive videos, text, graphics, hundreds of photographs and animation. The enjoyable and effective learning process is guaranteed. Furthermore, several tests have proven, that it takes approximately one minute to learn the user interface of the program.
Level & Length Each interactive multimedia CD-ROM offers four-to-five hours of enjoyable interactive learning! All-in-One, using an integrated, multi-platform (PC&MAC) format. Ideal for broad-based Science, Technology & Engineering Open/Distance Learning courses, for Workshops & Seminars, for High School Science and Technology students, for Undergraduate & Post-graduate University Students, for Researchers, Educators, Engineers & Managers working in industry! Ideal for high quality presentation purposes too!
Simple User Interface: Each ver.1.0 (up to ver. 1.9) interactive multimedia CD-ROMs have a simple and consistant user interface that is easy to master within a minute or less. Please note that all ver. 2.0 or later interactive multimedia CD-ROMs are to be viewed from an Internet browser ver. 4.6 or later, such as Netscape (by AOL), or Internet Explorer (by Microsoft Inc.) and have interactive 3D virtual reality objects and 360 degree, interactive panoramas executable in QuickTime ver. 4 or later (available FREE from the Apple web-site in multi-platform PC and/or Mac format,
Contributing companies and institutions include: NJIT, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USDC, USA Department of Commerce, Apple Computers Incorporated, IBM, FESTO, Hitachi - Seiki, Lucas Engineering and Systems, General Motors, The FORD Motor Company, Rolls - Royce Motor Cars, Renault, Volvo, Yamazaki Mazak, Matshushita Electric, the Sony Corporation, Yashuda Robotics, McDonnell Douglas, GPT-Plessey, ABB, FANUC, Cincinnati - Milacron, Cross and Tracker, Comao, Mandelli, Csepel Machine Tool Co., Fritz Werner, Bluko Technik, Sandvik Coromant, Brown & Sharp, DEA, Renishaw, ISIS Ltd., I-Define Ltd., Technical University of Budapest, Nottingham Trent University, UK, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, Surrey University, UK, University of East London, UK, MCI-Worldcom, USA, BOSCH, USA, TRW, USA, PSE&G, NJ, USA, Lucent TEchnology, USA, GenRad, USA, Raytheon, USA, IBM, USA and many others.
All our CD-ROMs run on: All ver 1.00 (up to ver 1.9) run on Win 3.1, Win 3.11, Win 95/98, Win NT, Macintosh 68000x and the PowerMac (6 platforms on the same CD-ROM!). Individual files (e.g. text, photos, digital videos, and animation files can be copied and pasted into one's own material with copyright restrictions on commercial distribution. An ideal resource for students as well as educators! (Note, that besides the five platforms, the indiviudual resources (e.g. videos and photos) can be played on UNIX systems too! - representing our sixth platform). All ver. 2.0, or later run on any multimedia computer that can execute an Internet browser (ver. 4.6 or later) and runs at 120 MHz or preferably faster (i.e. 233 MHz or faster).
Minimum System Requirements: Multimedia PC with 2x minimum CD drive and preferably thousands of colors and 800x600 resolution. Mac: standard 68000x or PowerMac.
For best quality we reccommend that you use an 8x or faster CD drive, set the screen to 800x600 (or preferably 1024 by 768) resolution and to thousands of colors (16 bit). (Please note, that our CDs will run on 640x480 and 256 colors too, but the quality will be significantly worse, in comparison to the above settings.)
Please Note: SINGLE USER LICENSE PER CD-ROM! (i.e. Not to be put on servers, unless you are authorized to do so in writing by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA) Modular, easy-to-follow, interactive and enjoyable Engineering Multimedia CD-ROMs incorporating many international experts & contributors, high quality digital videos (shot on location in the USA, UK, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Europe and Australia), integrated colour images/photos, plenty of text and a customisable Multimedia Resource Library* (copy, paste & play!).
(ISBN 1-872631-05-3) PC&MAC compatible! All-in-one! Published by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA (Available as a separate CD-ROM or as a Book/ CD combo: (Jump to Books) or (More about the Author) or (Pound Sterling Price) or (USA Dollar Price) or (Email your Order!)
SINGLE USER LICENSE PER CD-ROM! (i.e. Not to be put on servers, unless the user is authorized to do so by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA)
Level: Aimed at undergraduate and graduate engineering students and professional engineers and managers in industry, nevertheless several aspects and segments could be ideal for high school students exploring design and manufacturing technology!
Industrial Sponsors/ Contributors include Parametric Technologies Corp, PTC Inc. USA, Hewlett Packard, UK and USA, Sandvik Coromant, UK, Yamazaki Mazak, Japan, Sony, Japan, Hitachi-Seiki (UK and Japan), Matshushita Electrical, Japan, Fanuc Robotics, Japan and UK, Murata Machinery, Japan, GPT/ Siemens Plessey, UK/Germany, DEA UK, Renishaw, UK, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, UK, Ford Motor Company, UK and Europe, and others.
This CD-ROM is an excellent introduction to Concurrent / Simultaneous
Engineering. It discusses the basic principles, methods, tools and
technologies with several industrial and research case studies.
The over 700 interactive screens include 15 major topic areas, introduced by international experts on digital videos and highly interactive screens, including the following: What is Concurrent/ Simultaneous Engineering? The most important Concurrent Engineering Principles; Concurrent, or Parallel Engineering at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars; We Must Think and Work in New Ways... Management Issues; Design for Quality, Manufacture, Assembly, Maintenance, Total - lifecycle..; Innovate and Develop New Products and Services; Desktop Design, Manufacturing, and Rapid Prototyping; Total Quality Management and Teamwork; New Management Thinking and Methods are Needed!; Teamwork; The Relationships Between Concurrent Engineering and CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing); Computer Networks and Concurrent Engineering; Flexible Manufacturing and Concurrent Engineering; Computer Aided Production Management and Control and Concurrent Engineering; Interactive Multimedia. The Communication Method for Concurrent Engineering; Review Questions and Problems; Glossary of Concurrent Engineering Terms (with several hundred entries); About the CIM_Edupack Multimedia Library; Acknowledgements & Production Team and a "Relax" screen with interesting images and digital video.
Furthermore the program includes a comprehensive Multimedia Indexing System which enables the user to select individual topics and/ or multimedia objects (i.e. text, videos, images and animation) and jump promptly and accurately within this 650 Mbyte jungle of structured information.
View sample screen images of this and other CD-ROM titles...
CD-ROM: An Introduction to Total Quality Management & Control and the ISO9001 Quality Standard by Paul G. Ranky, PhD (Professor, NJIT, USA) (ver. 1.3)
(ISBN 1-872631-06-1) PC&MAC compatible! All-in-one! Published by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA. (Available as a separate CD-ROM or as a Book/ CD combo: (Jump to Books) or (More about the Author) or (Pound Sterling Price) or (USA Dollar Price) or (Email your Order!)
SINGLE USER LICENSE PER CD-ROM! (i.e. Not to be put on servers, unless the user is authorized to do so by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA)
Level: Aimed at undergraduate and graduate engineering students and professional engineers and managers in industry, nevertheless several aspects and segments could be ideal for high school students exploring design and manufacturing technology!
Industrial Sponsors/ Contributors include Festo UK and Europe, Parametric Technologies Corp, PTC Inc. USA, Yamazaki Mazak, Japan, Sony, Japan, Hitachi-Seiki (UK and Japan), Matshushita Electrical, Japan, Fanuc Robotics, Japan and UK, Murata Machinery, Japan, GPT/ Siemens Plessey, UK/Germany, DEA UK, Renishaw, UK, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, UK, Ford Motor Company, UK and Europe, and others.
This CD-ROM is an excellent introduction to Total Quality Management
and Control, including the ISO 9000x group of international
standards. It discusses the basic principles, methods, tools and
technologies with several industrial and research case studies.
The over 700 interactive screens include 15 major topic areas, introduced by international experts on digital videos and highly interactive screens, including the following: Introduction to Total Quality and the ISO 9001, 9001 and 9003 International Standards; Traditional versus Total Quality Principles; How can we achieve Total Quality? Total Quality Control (TQC) Principles, Benefits and Systems; Total Quality Management (TQM) Responsibilities (ISO 9001); Total Quality Systems and Contract Review (ISO 9001); Design, Document and Data Control (ISO 9001); Purchasing Customer Supplied Product and Traceability; ISO 9001 Total Quality Process Control (Product and Service); Inspection and Test Procedures, Status and Equipment (ISO 9001); Non-conforming Product Control, Corrective and Preventive Actions; Handling, Storage, Packing, Preservation and Delivery (ISO 9001); Control of Quality Records and Internal Quality Audits (ISO 9001); Total Quality Training and Education (9001); Customer Support, Servicing and Statistical Methods (ISO 9001); Application Examples of Total Quality Methods and Technologies; Review Questions and Problems; Glossary of Total Quality and ISO 9000x Terms (with several hundred entries); About the CIM_Edupack Multimedia Library; Acknowledgements & Production Team and a "Relax" screen with interesting images and digital video.
Furthermore the program includes a comprehensive Multimedia Indexing System which enables the user to select individual topics and/ or multimedia objects (i.e. text, videos, images and animation) and jump promptly and accurately within this 650 Mbyte jungle of structured information. (Note, that we have kept some of the screenprints larger than usual so that you can review details better. In the illustrated image below, you can see photo-icons that pop up if you click on them and an interactive QuickTime video clip that you can start/stop play, search fast forward and backward, or play frame-by-frame).
View sample screen images of this and other CD-ROM titles...
(ISBN 1-872631-08-8) PC&MAC compatible! All-in-one! Published by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA. (Available as a separate CD-ROM or as a Book/ CD combo: (Jump to Books) or (More about the Author) or (Pound Sterling Price) or (USA Dollar Price) or (Email your Order!)
SINGLE USER LICENSE PER CD-ROM! (i.e. Not to be put on servers, unless the user is authorized to do so by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA)
Level: Aimed at undergraduate and graduate engineering students and professional engineers and managers in industry, nevertheless several aspects and segments could be ideal for high school students exploring design and manufacturing technology!
Industrial Sponsors/ Contributors include Cincinnati Milacron Inc., Bluko Technic, USA, Parametric Technologies Corp, PTC Inc. USA, Yamazaki Mazak, Japan, Sandvik Coromant, UK, Sony, Japan, Hitachi-Seiki (UK and Japan), Matshushita Electrical, Japan, Fanuc Robotics, Japan and UK, Murata Machinery, Japan, GPT/ Siemens Plessey, UK/Germany, DEA UK, Renishaw, UK, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, UK, Ford Motor Company, UK and Europe, Festo UK and others.
This CD-ROM is an excellent introduction to Cellular Manufacturing,
work-cells, FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems), CIM (Computer
Integrated Manufacturing) and Flexible Automation, including Assembly
- in general. It discusses the basic principles, methods, tools and
technologies with several industrial and research case studies.
The over 700 interactive screens include 15 major topic areas, introduced by international experts on digital videos and highly interactive screens, including the following: Introduction to Flexible Automation and Manufacturing/ Assembly; What Do We Mean by FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems)? What is CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)? What is Flexibility (and Lean and Agile Issues)? Brief History of Flexible Manufacturing; FMS System Components with Examples; Design Criteria and General Considerations; Building Blocks of Flexible Assembly Systems; Flexible Manufacturing Cells and FMS Examples; FMS and Robot Applications; Cell and System Programming; Tooling and Tool Management/ Transportation; Part, Fixture and Tool Transportation; Cell Buffering, Part Transfer and Storage; Dynamic, Real-time Operation Control; A Summary of Lessons Learned; Review Questions and Problems; Glossary of Flexible Automation, Manufacturing and Assembly Terms (with several hundred entries); About the CIM_Edupack Multimedia Library; Acknowledgements & Production Team and a "Relax" screen with interesting images and digital video.
Furthermore the program includes a comprehensive Multimedia Indexing System which enables the user to select individual topics and/ or multimedia objects (i.e. text, videos, images and animation) and jump promptly and accurately within this 650 Mbyte jungle of structured information.
View sample screen images of this and other CD-ROM titles...
CD-ROM: An Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet with Engineering Examples by Paul G. Ranky, PhD (Professor, NJIT, USA) with John C. Scoccola (Senior Manager, MCI-WorldCom, USA)
(ISBN 1-872631-09-6) This is a PC&MAC compatible, browser readable, open source CD-ROM that you can run from your machine and link to the Internet too, if you are on-line.
In other words, you can run it off-line the Internet, directly read by your browser from the CD as an entirely self-contained program, or enjoy the hot-links to various Internet resources if you are on-line. This combines the best of both worlds, meaning fast local CD access speed and the latest information over the net. (Please note, that this CD is frequently updated).
In terms of size, this publication is comparable to an over 500 page textbook/ reference book illustrated with high quality color images, line diagrams, interactive clickable (i.e. hyperlinked) image maps, digital videos, animations, 3D virtual reality and 360 degree panoramic objects; hyperlinked to support you the reader!
All in open-source, meaning that you can access, modify and use the text, images, video-clips, 3D virtual reality and 360 degree panoramas either as an integrated presentation, as published, or edited by you, for your own presentation or learning activities! All-in-one! Published by CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd. UK.
Available as a separate CD-ROM or as a Book/ CD combo, or as a Multimedia Case Library Program: (Jump to Books) or (More about the Author) or (Pound Sterling Price) or (USA Dollar Price) or (Email your Order!)
SINGLE USER LICENSE PER CD-ROM! (i.e. Not to be put on servers, although the entire program is 100 percent Internet/ server enabled, browser readable with QuickTime plug-in, unless the user is authorized to do so by CIMware USA, Inc. or CIMware Ltd. UK. Site and lab licenses are available.)
Level: Aimed at undergraduate and graduate engineering, IT, computing
and management students and professional engineers and managers in
industry, nevertheless several aspects and chapters of this
interactive multimedia talking book could be ideal for high school
students learning/ exploring computer networking and Internet
Industrial Sponsors/ Contributors include MCI-WorldCom, USA, Lucent Technologies, USA, Ebonics Inc., USA, Festo UK and USA, Cincinnati Milacron, USA, Giddings and Lewis, USA, Hitachi-Seiki (UK and Japan), Fanuc Robotics, USA, Murata Machinery, Japan, Renishaw, UK, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, UK, Ford Motor Company, UK and Europe, General Motors, USA, Army National Guard, USA, and others.
Contents: This publication, tested on hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students in the USA and the UK, as well as in professional continuing education and distance learning programs internationally, is an excellent introduction to computer networking and Internet principles, standards, networking applications and practical computer networking technology. It discusses the basic principles, methods, tools and technologies with several industrial and research case studies discussed and demonstrated by industry experts, such as John Scoccola, Senior Manager, MCI-WorldCom, USA, often on-site in large, commercial Internet / intranet server rooms.
The over 720 interactive screens include 16 major topic areas, introduced by international experts on digital videos and highly interactive 3DVR screens, covering:
The program includes thousands of hyperlinks within the package as well as to the Internet, which enables the user to select individual topics and/ or multimedia objects (i.e. text, videos, images, animation, interactive 3DVR and panoramic) and jump promptly and accurately within this 650 Mbyte jungle of structured information.
View sample screen images of this program...
(A CIMware & FESTO Automation joint development) (ISBN 1-872631-07-X) PC&MAC compatible! All-in-one! Published by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA.
(Pound Sterling Price) or (USA Dollar Price) or (Email your Order!)
SINGLE USER LICENSE PER CD-ROM! (i.e. Not to be put on servers, unless the user is authorized to do so by CIMware Ltd. UK&USA)
Level: Aimed at undergraduate and graduate engineering students and professional engineers and managers in industry, nevertheless several aspects and segments of it, in particular the industrial case studies, could be ideal for high school students exploring pneumatics, servo positioning and control technology!
Industrial Sponsors/ Contributors include Festo Automation, UK, Siemens, and others.
This CD-ROM is an excellent introduction to open and closed loop
pneumatic control, to pneumatic positioning, servo pneumatics and its
application areas in general. It discusses the basic principles,
methods, tools and technologies with several educational videos and
industrial case studies.
The over 330 interactive screens include 12 major topic areas, introduced by FESTO Automation experts on digital videos and highly interactive screens, including the following: An Introduction to the Multimedia CD-ROM; An Introduction to the FESTO Corporation; Standard Pneumatic Positioning Solutions; Overview of Servo Pneumatic Components and Systems; The Assembly of Servo Pneumatic Components and Systems; How to Program a Servo Pneumatic System? The Control System Architecture of Servo Pneumatic Systems; Multi Axis Control Method and Examples; Examples of the Application of Servo Pneumatic Systems; An Introduction to Festo Didactic; FESTO - Product and System Innovations; An Overview of Some FESTO Software Tools; How to Place and Order and Obtain Further Information? Acknowledgements and Product Development Team.
Furthermore the program includes a comprehensive Multimedia Indexing System which enables the user to select individual topics and/ or multimedia objects (i.e. text, videos, images and animation) and jump promptly and accurately within this 650 Mbyte jungle of structured information.
A sample screen, showing three digital videos on the assembly procedure of servo pneumatic positioning systems, as of one of the 360 plus interactive screens and over 50 minutes of digital videos of this CD-ROM.
View sample screen images of this and other CD-ROM titles...