About Paul G. Ranky, BS / MS (Hons) Mech. and Ind. Eng., MS (Eng. Edu.), PhD (Automation Engineering with IT)

Email: ranky@njit.edu or via the publishers on a reliable UNIX server at cimware@mac.com at URL: http://www.cimwareukandusa.com
He is a Full Tenured Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, Industrial and Management Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) at NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), with an additional faculty appointment with NJIT's IT (Information Technology Program), as Professor of IS & IT. NJIT is the Public Research University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, USA. Member, or former member of SAE(USA), IEE(UK), IET (UK), IEEE(USA) Sustainable Green Engineering Series Editor , PMI(USA), SME(USA), ASME(USA), ISPE (USA), International Soc. of Pharmaceutical Engineers, ASQ(USA), member of the International RFID Business Association, the Lean Manufacturing and the Quality Auditing Divisions, educated by ASQ (USA) in lean six-sigma, quality leadership, and others.
He is a Registered and Chartered Professional Engineer, specializing in iSEE:Green, intelligent Sustainable Enterprise Engineering with a Green focus, IIOT, the Industrial Internet of Things, green integrated product and process design, design reviews in aerospace, automotive and underwater device design, quality, sustainable green PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), using digital product, process, manufacturing, and factory design methods and tools, concurrent / simultaneous engineering, in design for manufacturing / assembly / disassembly / quality, in quality system design and auditing, advanced lean and flexible cellular manufacturing systems and industrial engineering, in assembly automation and robotics with advanced sensors, in GMP (Good Manufacturing & Laboratory Practice), in sustainable green manufacturing, in advanced aerospace design for manufacturing and assembly / automation, in humanoid robotics, in hi-tech project management, in customer requirements analysis, in process risk analysis, in total quality management, in designing and operating lean systems, in energy management (ISO 50001 Energy Management US TAG to ISO/PC 242), in medical device design and manufacturing, designing electronic user and maintenance manuals with 3D web content, in RFID system design (Radio Frequency Identification systems), information systems & information technology, and in underwater device test engineering, with related learning content & curriculum development, as well as talent management with nationally and internationally recognized academic, manufacturing, automation, quality and industrial and engineering management experiences.
In more detail, his research, education, and professional consulting includes the following domains:
- Integrated product and process design, green sustainable PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), object oriented collaborative concurrent/ simultaneous engineering, multi life-cycle assessment and integration of product design and manufacturing/ de-manufacturing processes, product requirement analysis, product innovation, product development from concept to product, process analysis and design, design for manufacturing / assembly / demanufacturing / quality,
- Lean Six-sigma and agile flexible/ cellular manufacturing and assembly automation system / factory design, simulation, operation control and programming, manufacturing/ machining/ electro-mechanical, automotive assembly process design, CAD/CAM to CNC, tool management, robotics (research and industrial scale), certain aspects of medical robotic design and manufacture,
- Total quality control and management, ISO9001:2008, 2015, product testing and evaluation, root-cause identification, analysis and quality documentation, risk analysis, customer requirements analysis, process modeling, process improvement, zero defect analysis and design, value chain analysis, gap analysis, continuous quality improvement,
- Product / process design reviews for hi-tech products,
- High-def imaging and dynamic analysis of pantographs and other devices on electric locomotives in harsh environments,
- Information Systems Engineering and Information Technology (IT), including computer programming, computer graphics, interactive multimedia authoring and programming, web-authoring, e-commerce system design, web design using standards, object-oriented user interface design for engineering multimedia, digital imaging and video, 3D VR virtual product marketing over the Internet,
- Industrial & systems engineering, system modeling (analysis, design and system integration of complex engineering, management and IT systems), business process analysis, design and re-engineering,
- Technical writing and editing in engineering and IT, publishing (traditional books, videos and technical journals as well as electronic publishing, including interactive CD-ROMs and multimedia on the web, electronic user and maintenance manuals, and others),
- Research proposal writing, R&D fund raising, R&D consortium building, actual research and implementation, R&D project and team management (including national as well as international, global teams), R&D marketing, marketing hi-tech.,
- Senior engineering management in industry, professional industrial consulting,
- Senior academic management, traditional as well as open/distance/ Internet-based academic course and program design, management, delivery and quality review of educational programs in engineering, management and computing sciences at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels in the UK, in Europe, USA, Hong Kong/ China, Thailand and Singapore,
- SCUBA diving / rescue diving with hi-tech engineering analysis and high-def imaging technologies, mountain-bike design, analysis and test,
- Professional video producer: 1990-2005 SD, 2005 to date Full HD, and as of 2017 to date, 4K video shooting, editing and production skills with over 350 technical, educational, marketing, travelling and SCUBA diving (underwater) video projects completed successfully (please find samples on YouTube, search for 'Paul Ranky'),
- Most importantly delivering agreed quality results on time and within budget.
To summarize, he is an internationally recognized innovator, researcher, educator, technical author and professional consultant both in academia as well as in industry.
Eur-Ing. Professor Paul G. Ranky, Dr-Techn/ PhD, Registered and Chartered Professional Engineer, was born in a European (i.e. Hungarian, Austrian, Swiss) family, with a well documented family tree dating back to the 12th century Europe.
He has earned a combined honours level BS & MS in Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (completed with distinction in 1974), and a second masters degree, taught in parallel, in Engineering Education / Pedagogy, (totaling a 5 year intensive full-time university educational program at the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, established in 1782 as one of the first engineering and science universities in Europe, where famous scientists, such as John von Neumann, the world famous computer scientist and mathematician, Albert Szentgyorgyvary, the inventor of the vitamin C extraction process, Tivadar Puskas the inventor of the telephone exchange system (in Bell Labs) and others have studied and/or lectured. After 5 years of part-time R&D he has earned his research doctorate, Dr-Techn/ PhD, in 1980, in the area of the design and operation of flexible automation/ lean manufacturing systems engineering with IT, whilst he was working full-time in industry in Europe.
He is a member or former member of several international engineering societies, including IEE(UK), IIE(USA), IEEE(USA), SME(USA), ASME(USA), PMI(USA), ASEE(USA), ASQ (USA), American Society for Quality, Quality Auditing, Lean and Advanced Manufacturing Divisions, and he is a Registered Chartered Professional Engineer, CEng., by The Engineering Council, (London, UK), and FEANI (Europe). He is a full tenured research professor at the Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, with an additional faculty appointment with NJIT's IT (Information Technology Program), NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), University Heights, Newark, NJ 07102-1982, USA.
After graduation, with an undergraduate (Hons) and two masters degrees in his pocket, he has started to work in 1974 for United Nation's UNDP program, (Geneva, Switzerland and Europe) where he gained formal computing science and information technology education at postgraduate level, then at Csepel Machine Tool Company, also known as Excel in Budapest, Hungary, then at Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, UK), then at The University of Michigan, (Ann Arbor, USA), then at Surrey University (Guildford, UK), and before his current job at NJIT USA at the University of East London, (London, UK) as Head of Department (Chair Professor) of Industrial Engineering and Design.
Dr. Ranky has always been fascinated by the opportunities of exploring different cultures, working with various research groups and students in academia, and with professional engineers and managers in industry. This is why he became a truly global engineer (and together with his family "world explorers" - as a hobby).
His novel contributions to product, process, system design and manufacturing systems/ industrial engineering, management, information technology, biomedical engineering, academia, industry and the society can be summarized as follows:
After graduation, he has worked with the United Nations on computing science and education projects for two years (1974-76), where he gained formal IT education at postgraduate level. His novel contributions during this period included: computing science and information technology education to professional engineers and managers in Europe, IT retraining of employees who have lost their jobs, interactive terminal communication and remote programming, computer assisted learning and engineering plotting/ drafting software development, traditional, as well as video and computer-assisted IT corporate education / course and program design and delivery in English, German and Hungarian. Furthermore he was involved in several research projects, including Computer Assisted Learning, Interactive Programming, Drafting Software development with IBM and Calcomp, and the ALOHA computer networking project, part of the ARPANet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network by the DOD, USA), the predecessor of the Internet and the distributed world-wide-web (WWW) although at that time the "Internet" and the "www" terminology wasn't even invented, and nobody new the enormous impact this project will make on all of us.
In 1976 he was invited to participate in a major flexible / lean manufacturing system R&D project (FMS), a major product / process design, design for manufacturing, and systems engineering R&D project, with a large machine tool and FMS builder in Europe for four years (1976-80) as one of the research and development engineers responsible for researching, designing and developing novel flexible / lean manufacturing cells and systems. His work was honoured with a company prize, a national engineering prize, as well as by becoming one of the chief R&D engineers of the firm.
His novel contributions during this period include: CNC interactive user interface design, CNC programming and machine tool component design (meaning product / process design in a concurrent engineering fashion), including cams, with commercial CAD tools, as well as CAD / CAM software tools which he has developed and programmed himself from scratch (for a DEC PDP 11 minicomputer, manufactured by Digital, USA), FMS system design methodology, FMS tool and fixture database and tool management system, FMS programming, FMS networking, dynamic scheduling of FMS, CMM (co-ordinate measuring machine) testing, programming and integration into an automated manufacturing system, ASRS (Automated Storage and Retrieval System) design and FMS integration, flexible, modular fixturing system design, FMS testing by means of a novel test part design, by means of laser interferometers, CMMs (Co-ordinate Measuring Machines), statistical quality control methods, and others.
During this period he has completed his earned doctorate by research in flexible automation/ lean manufacturing systems, focusing on FMS programming, object-oriented database and tool management issues as part of the FMS production control (JIT) system. (His core PhD topics, novel object-oriented method to manufacturing/ FMS data base data structure design and FMS dynamic programming were several years ahead of their time. Notably, the lean concepts and principles he has defined and validated in R&D and in industry, as well as object orientation became fashionable in industry about ten years later in the early 1990s...). Simultaneously working in industry on a major R&D project, as well as researching and taking courses for his research doctorate at the university weren't easy, nevertheless this period provided significant R&D, industrial engineering management, engineering IT, and team building experiences for him.
In 1980, in Nottingham, UK, as part of a team, he has obtained research grants and as a result was involved in designing and implementing new digital telephones and their manufacturing/ robotized electronic assembly and test systems as well as the related CIM information, networking and database systems with Plessey (GEC/GPT) and Trent in Nottingham. The R&D project received a national prize for the R&D team and Plessey Innovation Prize in the UK. Furthermore, during this period he has developed a unique Automated Robot Hand Changer (most likely a first in the industry and about 6 to 8 years ahead of any comparable commercial products in this area) for electro-mechanical assembly. He has also developed novel robot cell design and robot test methods.
In 1982 he has authored his first book, that became the first book published on FMS (IFS / North Holland, "Design and Operation of FMS" in which he has published his novel principles of flexible, lean automation), another book (with C. Y. Ho) on Robotics in 1984 (IFS / Springer Verlag), his first CIM book (with Prentice Hall, 1985) and two more books on flexible manufacturing systems and CIM with the Open University Team (UK). (Note, that the Open University is the largest university system in the world with over 700, 000 students, mostly on a distance learning basis!)
During this time, with his students he has created an FMS software library, developed computer controlled robot arms, pressure and touch sensors, and experimental DNC system (Distributed Numerical Control), and various software systems for robot programming and testing purposes.
In 1985-87 he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (where he has worked on research projects with Ford Motor Company, Chrysler, ITI, IBM, General Motors, EDS, the Kellogg Foundation, and others). At Michigan, with his students, he has developed novel virtual machining and assembly (digital) factory simulation models (a first in the industry, using IGRIP, later DELMIA, and ROBCAD on Silicon Graphics workstations using UNIX), non-contact, dynamic robot testing systems with ITI and the Ford Research Center, the RAACC center, as well as a flexible, robotized fixture assembly demonstration (with Bluko and IBM).
Upon his return to the UK he has established a Masters and PhD Program in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) at the University of Surrey, UK, a modular, industry-collaborative, as well as internationally collaborative research and education model that was recognized not just in the UK, but also overseas, including Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan.
At the University of Surrey, during 1988-92 he has gained experience in satellite engineering, micro-satellite manufacture and various mobile telecommunications satellite application areas. (Note, that we have built our own micro-satellites and used them for engineering data communication purposes all around the world before the Internnet! Very novel...). He has pioneered a JVS sponsored multimedia laser disk R&D project, that was exhibited at the International Computer Show in London (UK, 1988), and created and established the industry and UK government (DTI) sponsored Masters in CIM graduate engineering and management program. In 1991 he has initiated the "CIM in Orbit" European and UK sponsored education and Concurrent Engineering research project with UK, IBM Sweden, ABB and Portuguese partners that, amongst others, employed the Surrey micro-satellites for communicating Concurrent Engineering data in Europe via satellite (a first in the industry). Developed novel 3D milling applications for cutting 3D propellers, based on a new mathematical approach. He wrote four CIM related books and developed several videos and multimedia packages during this time, many of which were broadcast interactively using the EuroPace satellite network, sponsored by IBM, DEC, Thompson, Olivetti, Apple, British Telecom, and others to thousands of professionals working in industry and academia.
In 1992 he became the Head of Department and Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Industrial Engineering and Design, at the University of East London, UK and started to work closely with the Ford Motor Company and Jaguar Motor Cars Ltd. in the UK and Ford of Europe in Germany and Ireland (1992-95). Furthermore, he had collaborative concurrent engineering and manufacturing research projects with Rolls-Royce & Bentley Motor Cars, with Hitachi-Seiki, with ISIS, on computerized tool management (also known as Kennametal Tool Boss), with Hitachi-Seiki (now Mori-Seiki), and ERT on Distributed Numerical Control (DNC) and FESTO , and others on educational projects, as well as on product design, flexible automation, simulation, concurrent engineering and engineering multimedia projects. During this period, with his brother (Mick F. Ranky) he has developed novel, object linked, interactive multimedia design, programming and authoring methods and software techniques, that are successfully used, as well as continuously developed, in literally all of his research and publishing activities. Amongst others, this period provided significant academic R&D, technical writing, publishing and industrial management and team building experiences for him.
Furthermore, with his department faculty and his dean, he has attracted funding and developed several new large scale research and teaching laboratories in CAD/CAM (HP, ProEngineer, Mastercam, Mentor Graphics, BYGgrasp), in flexible manufacturing (Hitachi-Seiki, Kennametal, Sandvik, ERT), in industrial design (Apple) and in pneumatic control, mechatronics, Desktop CIM and sensing (FESTO). During this period he has configured and designed a video-conferencing system, that was one of the first of its kind in academic use in the UK for interactive learning, for research meetings and for remote interviewing / recruiting purposes between Ford of Europe and other institutions in the UK, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Hong Kong, and Switzerland.
In 1994 his Desktop CIM R&D and educational development proposal attracted substantial research funding with Hong Kong university partners and formed the basis of an international video-conferencing and "virtual laboratory network" between the UK, Hong Kong and Singapore, a first of it's kind in the world.
In 1995, as the British project leader and member of a European medical engineering R&D Consortium, led by Professor T. Pato (Berne Institute of Technology, Switzerland) the REDHA-CUT Research Consortium won the Swiss Innovation Price for a medical micro-robot research & development project. This research project, under continuous research support (EUREKA / Europe), has produced several novel contributions to medical engineering and science, and was invited by NASA to exhibit in Boston in 1997, as part of the future technologies exhibition.
Other novel contributions in this period (as well as later) included the virtual reality simulation of mobile telephone design, manufacture, test and assembly, engineering multimedia, system / process modeling with a new method (CIMpgr); the object oriented product data management database design (an early approach to PLM, Product Lifecycle Management, with Famos / Eigner + Partner in Germany and Switzerland); the dynamic scheduling method of FMS (ORDAT and CONTAD); the development of an object oriented flexible conveyor system (with one of his PhD students, Dr. J. Ho, in Hong Long); a novel, expert system-linked concurrent engineering research toolset, with his PhD student, Dr. P. Ashton, with Roll-Royce Motor Cars (Crew, UK); the manufacturing system simulation work for the Ford manual transmission plant at Halewood (with his Ford student, Mr. Ian Lamb), and the design for manufacturing study for the new Jaguar V8 4 litre aluminum cylinder block with his student, Mr. Martin Knapman, which later became the car of the year in the UK, as well as in the USA.
The educational and research work with the Ford Motor Company and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars won himself as well as his research students and colleagues international recognition in 1994-96.
In 1995 he has joined NJIT as a Chair Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME). Since then he has successfully contributed to various NJIT educational and research initiatives funded by NSF (USA, National Science Foundation), the DOD (USA, Department of Defense), industry and other sponsors. His research, authoring, education and consulting work takes up most of his time and involves concurrent product and process design, automobile maintenance, quality assurance, lean methods, PLM, interactive multimedia, strategy based analytical and mathematical methods, interactive multimedia and web-based virtual product marketing.
In (1997/98), as a co-principal investigator with Professor Tricamo, at NJIT (USA) he and his research partners have received substantial research funding for complex automobile maintenance, interactive multimedia and concurrent engineering research sponsored by DARPA, General Motors, Hughes, Raytheon, Interactive Solutions Inc., and the US National Guard.
In 1997-98 his Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at NJIT (Newark College of Engineering, NJ, USA) was recognized as the 17th among all IE Departments in the USA in terms of research expenditures and 7th in terms of the number of graduate students. During this period, the IME Department's Engineering Management Masters Program became the largest masters program in NJIT.
Another large collaborative research grant was awarded by the New Jersey Technology Council and the USA Federal Government, The US Department of Commerce, focusing on hi-tech internet-based Virtual Trade Show and technical marketing, and technology transfer of electronic and communications products and their design and manufacturing processes (with Professor Richard Hatch, NJIT, USA, 1998-2000). As a positive result, in June 1999 the R&D program entered into a formal agreement with the US Commercial Service under which it markets the project's services through its 170 overseas offices.
In the NJIT funded R&D project (in 1999) he was the principal investigator (PI) working with NJIT co-PI faculty members (Dr. Jeng, ergonomics, Professor Milano, design, Dr. Surjanhata, reverse engineering) on developing his concept of DEKA (Digital Educational Knowledge Assets), an object oriented digital, interactive, re-usable and interactively scalable educational engineering multimedia library for faculty and students over the global Internet, NJIT's own intranet and interactive multimedia CD-ROM.
As part of substantial NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) R&D grant (1999) he was the principal investigator and lead author with several partners developing educational learning modules for engineering technicians working in US manufacturing, automotive, communications and computing industries.
He is an International Professional "Who is Who?" listed member (1999).
He is the year 2000 "Highly Commended Award" winner of the British Literati Club, MCB University Press, United Kingdom, for his technical authoring activities.
With Professors Caudill, Das, and Geskin, Ranky has received a major DOD (US), CTC grant (2000-2001) to research and develop a web-enabled Virtual Disassembly Management and Product ID system for electronic demanufacturing and multi-lifecycle engineering (NJIT, MERC, Multi-lifecycle Engineering Research Center), Newark, USA.
As of January 2001 appointed Editor North America of the top ranked, refereed IJCIM academic journal (International Journal of CIM, Computer Integrated Manufacturing) by Taylor & Francis Ltd. London and Baltimore (http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/boards/t-boards/cim-edbrd.htm).
His recent professional consulting and international R&D projects include Concurrent Engineering, Lean/ Cellular Manufacturing, Flexible Assembly, Medical Engineering, Virtual Reality/ Multimedia and other R&D projects with USA, UK and Swiss partners, funded by research agencies, or by the corporations themselves, such as Lucent/ Phillips and Bell Labs (mobile telephone assembly and drop testing); Air Cruisers/ Zodiac Group and Boeing (777 inflatable aircraft evacuation shoot cellular/ lean manufacturing/ assembly and process quality control); Denford (CIM); FESTO (servo pneumatics and actuation for mainly assembly purposes); Rolls-Royce Motor Cars (concurrent engineering); Raytheon Inc. Dallas, Texas, USA, object oriented software development methods for mission critical tasks and concurrent engineering / concurrent software engineering; demanufacturing (with Professors Caudill, Das and Gjeskin, NJIT), sponsored by DOD (US), CTC Inc., and others.
He has authored and co-authored over 400 refereed technical publications, including journal and conference papers, technical DVD videos, interactive multimedia 3D eBooks, and 13 engineering text books relating to flexible/ lean manufacturing cells and system design and operation control and CIM, CAD/CAM, collaborative design and concurrent engineering, total quality, manufacturing database management systems, computer networking and the Internet with engineering and enterprise applications.
He is a founding member of the editorial board of two international technical/ academic research journals: IJCIM (International Journal of CIM, by Taylor & Francis, London, UK), and IJFMS (International Journal of FMS, by Kluwer in Boston, USA). Furthermore he is an Editorial Board Member of Industrial Robot and Editor of the Industrial Robot Research Register by MCB University Press (UK).
Formerly he has acted on the editorial boards of other technical/ academic magazines too, such as ROBOTICA (Cambridge University Press for 5 years) and Journal of Manufacturing Systems (by SME, USA for 3 years). He is the Founding Editor in Chief of ADAM with IT , "Advanced Design And Manufacturing with Information Technology" a relatively new 100% interactive electronic journal under continuous development and expansion over the multimedia Internet. (In June 1999, ADAM became listed in the Directory of Scholarly Electronic Journals and Academic Discussion Lists, published by the Association of Research Libraries, Washington DC, USA). In June 2000 ADAM reached over 130,000 readers over the Internet.
He has designed and produced over 130 engineering multimedia video packages and Interactive Multimedia CD-ROMs with Internet support for engineering education. He has delivered over 20 hours of CIM, Concurrent Engineering and Networking educational video programs via satellite in Europe to engineering and academic audiences hosted by IBM, DEC, HP, Thompson, British Telecom, Olivetti, and others.
In 2000 he has created a 3D browser readable, open source library of 3D eBooks, in the form of Multimedia Cases, covering real-world engineering, management and IT challenges/ solutions for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as for professional engineers, managers, IT specialists and marketing managers in industry. This very successful ongoing development is supported by over 30 industrial companies and several universities on an international basis. The Multimedia Use Cases consist of a large number of reusable digital, interactive 2D photos, line diagrams, image maps and video clips, interactive 3D objects and panoramas, (QuickTime readable Sample3D1PCframe, sample3D2PCframe, 3DMercedesGSTzoom), text, and animation components/ objects, as well as active code, that are integrated into several browser readable eBooks, covering an introduction to the challenges of the case, a detailed discussion, and several interesting solutions, with plenty of problem solving and discussion opportunities for students and professionals.
In 2002 to date, he has successfully applied his object-oriented, 3D interactive multimedia, case based learning and knowledge documentation and management architecture, to biomedical engineering and medical science subjects. As a result of this major effort, in collaboration with Dr. Scott Nadler D.O. (an Associate Professor, and a Best Doctor of America title holder at the New Jersey Medical School and the Kessler Rehabilitation Institute) the world's first 3D interactive low back pain diagnosis multimedia publication was born (all medical text by Dr. Nadler, the rest of the material, including all media processing and programming by Dr. Paul G. Ranky and Marti Ranky, BS(Hons)), that includes internal and external interactive 3D virtual tours of the human body, and other novel features, such as automated-self test evaluation for anatomy studies, and others.
In 2003, he is ASEE (American Society of Engineering Educators) USA National Record Winner (2003), SAE International (The Engineering Society For Advancing Mobility, Land, Sea, Air and Space, USA) Certificate of Appreciation Awardees (2003), and New Jersey (USA) Annual Faculty Best Practices Showcase for Outstanding Examples of Curricular Innovation with Technology Awardees (2003).
In 2003 (based on work starting in 1991), created the world's first technical, engineering, management and IS & IT DVD video library with a green focus, hence the term he has coined: iSEE:Green, intelligent Sustainable Enterprise Engineering with a Green focus... available on any computer that can play QuickTime videos and run a modern web-browser, on Apple's Video iPod, iPad, and other modern devices, integrated with his novel 3D eBooks and full screen DVD videos (many already in hi-definition) for on-demand, JIT (just-in-time) hi-tech education and knowledge transfer/management. Note, that since the iPod Video device (by Apple Computers) can hold up-to 150 hrs of interactive videos, his novel approach and advanced multimedia content has also been successfully applied to on-the-job electronic support systems at various levels, ranging from technicians to high level engineering, IT and management (His library is published by CIMware UK and USA, 2005). The first public demonstration of this novel achievement took place at the 3rd Annual NJEDge Technology in Education Conference, Harrison Conference Center, Princetown University Campus, Plainsboro, NJ.
In 2006 received Software Donation by IBM / Dessault Systemes, Delmia Inc., USA, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) $2.98 million for NJIT students and research.
In 2007-2010 received three important grants relating to developing new digital product creation methods, humanoid robots and a science exhibit for demonstrating various aspects of sustainable green living and green mobility: New Jersey Liberty Science Center and NJIT research grant (as part of the new LSC $109 million expansion) on Digital Product and Process Design (Started in June 2007; see the evolving web site: http://njit-lsc.njit.edu/pauldesign.html ) and New Jersey Liberty Science Center and NJIT research grant (as part of the new LSC $109 million expansion) on Humanoid Robotics (Started in June 2007; see the evolving web site: http://njit-lsc.njit.edu/paulrobot.html)
In 2008-2009 received major research grant from New Jersey State to develop new curriculum in Advanced Manufacturing and Design Engineering, including sustainable green design and manufacturing, project management and a simulation library.
2011 to 2014: Co-PI in a major R&D grant (in access of $ USD 1 million) in the area of Energy Management and Sustainable Green Engineering with Professors Caudill, Das, and Zhiming at NJIT, in the MIE (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department), New Jersey Institute of Technology, the Public Research University of New Jersey, USA.
2016 to date: received several NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) research grants with students in the area of modeling and analysis of factory process improvements, zero defect quality, waste reduction, product improvements, and others. (See the grant section of this document for more details.)
International Cultural Experiences
He is fluent in English, Hungarian and Austrian/ German and has obtained professional technical translator and interpreter examinations between these languages in 1977-78.
He has significant cultural and professional engineering and R&D management experiences both in academia as well as in industry in the UK and Europe, in the USA, in Hong Kong / China, and in Japan. Furthermore, he and his work is also known in China, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Palau, several Caribbean Islands, Mexico, Honduras, and Australia.
He is a family man, married with two children (Gregory and Richard), he likes to innovate, build models, take pro. pictures and hi-def videos, likes to listen as well as to play music (sample song in .mov format, another song also in .mov format), travel, nature, all sorts of sports, skiing, kayaking, walking, mountain-biking, and technology, quality computers (like Apples), professional DIY (do-it-yourself) tools, and fast cars. He is a SCUBA diver, certified by PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) of America. (Sample SCUBA video clip, originally shot in full HD, rendered for the web.)
In order to conduct new research in the area of design for harsh environments (DfH) and product testing, he has also obtained the PADI Open Water, PADI Enhanced Oxygen (NITROX), and the PADI Advanced Open Water SCUBA Diving Certifications, as well as the PADI Rescue Diver Certification (including the New Jersey CPR and life-support certifications).
Also, PADI certified professional underwater photography and video professional. (See some nature photography, video and other samples here: http://www.cimwareukandusa.com/RW-Street-PanoSiteNavig-Upload/Variety/VarietyShow.html as part of a bigger 360 Panorama Navigation Map demo here: http://www.cimwareukandusa.com/RW-Street-PanoSiteNavig-Upload/RW-Street-PanoSiteNavigation-Map.html).
Don't miss his recent diving and rain forest pictures taken in Dominica, swimming with large sharks in Palau, in Micronesia, as well as his exciting desert safari in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) near Dubai. You can also see his recent hi-def diving and travel / experience DVD sets with sample video clips and photos at his publisher's site.
A few words about shark protection… Sharks are detoxifying the oceans… so why should anyone kill such incredibly useful animals? Sharks are detoxifying the oceans because they have very large livers. One of the most important functions of the liver is to cleanse the mammal of toxins. A shark's liver is made of two large lobes that concentrate and store oils and fatty acids. A shark's liver is relatively large, making up 5% to 25% of its total body weight and takes up to 90% of the space inside its body cavity. A great white shark weighing 3,312 kg (7,302 lb.) had a liver 456 kg (1,005 lb.) in weight. A 940-kg (2072-lb.) basking shark liver may yield as much as 2,270 liters (549 gallons) of oil. Over time, if the liver is exposed to too many toxins, liver cells that act as detoxifiers can become overloaded and ultimately die. (Watch my video clip swimming with large sharks I shot whilst diving in the pristine waters of Palau, in Micronesia.) More on this topic: Palau Shark Sanctuary, http://www.sharksanctuary.com/pss-history.html
Paul Ranky is a National Geographic (USA) Traveler Panel Member (2010 to date).
Courses He is Typically Teaching at NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology, a Public Research University in New Jersey, USA)
Besides his research and authoring activities, he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at NJIT, in industrial engineering, in product/process design, in manufacturing systems engineering, in total quality engineering, in engineering management, and IT (including software engineering) subjects. The list below represents a selection of courses he typically teaches in various semesters:
IE203: Computer Graphics in IE (View sample syllabus)
IE673: Total Quality Management (View sample 2009 syllabus)
IE655: Concurrent/ Simultaneous Engineering (PLM- Product Lifecycle Management) (View sample 2009 syllabus)
EM636: Project Management (View sample 2013 syllabus)
MNE 601: Manufacturing Systems Engineering (View sample syllabus)
IE690 and MnE690: Digital Enterprise Modeling (View sample syllabus)
IT420: Computer Networking (View sample syllabus)
CIS 683: Software Engineering (View sample syllabus)
IS698: Enterprise Web Design Using Standards (View sample syllabus)
MIE699a: Sustainable Green Engineering Design and Manufacturing (As of Summer 2009)
MIE699b: Sustainable Green Project Management (As of Summer 2009)
MIE699c: Micromanufacturing, Precision CAM / CNC (As of Summer 2009)
Selected Publications (1981 to date)
- P G Ranky: Increased productivity with robots in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, The Industrial Robot, UK, December 1981, pp 234-237.
- Book: Ranky, P G: The Design and Operation of FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) Book published jointly by IFS (Publications) Ltd., and North-Holland Publ. Co., 1982. 348pp. (This was the first book published in the world on FMS with software).
- Book: Ranky, P G, C Y Ho: Robot Modelling, Control and Applications with Software, Book published by IFS (Publications) Ltd., and Springer-Verlag, 1985. 364pp.
- P G Ranky: The FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) Software Library, The FMS Magazine, UK, January, 1984 pp 19-22.
- P G Ranky: Programming industrial robotics in FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems), ROBOTICA, Cambridge University Press, International Journal of Information Education and Research in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, UK, 1984.
- P G Ranky: Libreria Software FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) (An FMS Software Library), PIXEL (Computer Graphics, CAD/CAM, image processing), Vol 5, No 1, 1984, pp 49-54 (in Italian).
- P G Ranky: Test method and software for robot qualification, The Industrial Robot, UK, June, 1984, vol. 11No. 2, p 111-115.
- P G Ranky: FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) in CIM (Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Computer Integrated Manufacturing), ROBOTICA, Cambridge University Press, 1985, Vol 3, pp 205-214 (also acted as the guest editor of this special FMS issue).
- P G Ranky: Dynamic Simulation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), Applied Mechanics Reviews, Special FMS issue, ASME (The American Society of Manufacturing Engineers), 1986.
- Book: Ranky, P G: CIM, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, An Introduction with case studies, Prentice Hall International, UK-USA 1985 and 1986, 528pp.
- Book: Ranky, P G et al: Structure and Design of Manufacturing Systems, Unit 2: Flexible Automation Book with video tapes for the BBC Open University (postgraduate course in computer integrated manufacturing systems) BBC Open University Press, UK, 1986.
- Book: Ranky, P G et al: Structure and Design of Manufacturing Systems, Unit 3: Computer Integrated Manufacture Book and video tapes for the BBC Open University (postgraduate course in computer integrated manufacturing systems) BBC Open University Press, UK, 1986.
- P G Ranky: A software library for designing and controlling Flexible Manufacturing Systems IFIP/IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) World Congress, July 1984, p 147-152 Proceedings
- P G Ranky: Pallet alignment error correction in FMS by means of Software International Conference on the Development of Flexible Automation Systems, Organized by the Institution of Electrical Engineering, UK.
- P G Ranky: A Software Library for the Design and Optimization of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. P G Ranky: Integrated Software for Designing and Analyzing FMS 3rd International Conference on FMS (IFS Conferences) Stuttgart, 1984. Proceedings
- P G Ranky: Robot Tool Management for Flexible Automation Systems, Robot Tool Design Conference, SME, Detroit, 1986. Proceedings
- P G Ranky: Tool Management Tasks in Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), NAMRCXIV, North American Manufacturing Research Conference, Minnesota, 1986. Proceedings, International (IEEE) Robotics Conference, San Francisco, California, 1986. Chairman of the Robotized assembly session.
- P G Ranky: A Program Prospectus for the Simulation, Design and Implementation of Flexible Assembly and Inspection Cells, International FMS Conference at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1986., Proceedings. Also acted as the session chairperson of the System Design and the Expert Systems in Manufacturing Sessions.
- P G Ranky and P H Francis: Design and Solid Model Simulation of Generic Assembly Cells and Systems, Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1986, Osaka, Japan, Proceedings
- P G Ranky: End of Arm Tool Management System for Robotized Assembly Lines, Robots West Conference, SME, Long Beach, CA, 1986, Proceedings
- P G Ranky: An Operation Control Strategy of FMS, Providing and Quality, International Conference on Productivity Research, ICPR'87, The University of Miami, 1987, Proceedings . (Accepted paper for both the conference as well as for the book that was published by Elsevier, North Holand in the same time).
- P G Ranky: Real-Time Quality Control Feedback Loops in CIM Environment, Automated Inspection and Product Control Conference organized by IFS Conferences and IITRI, Chicago, 1987 (invited paper) Proceedings
- P G Ranky: The Solid Model Design and Simulation of Flexible Automation Components, FAE/ESD International Computer Graphics Conference and Exposition, Detroit, Cobo Hall April 7-9, 1987 (invited paper) Proceedings
- P G Ranky (instructor), D B Lane, J Rao, G Yang and D T Quada (students): An FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) Operation Control Strategy and an Experimental Real-Time Loading Sequencing and Scheduling Program Capable of Coping with Random Requests and Dynamic Changes in the Operation of the FMS, CRIM research report (Center for Research in Integrated Manufacturing), The University of Michigan Research Reports, 1987.
- P G Ranky (instructor), A Nath, J Revel, T Tanade (students): A Real-time Implementation of a Robot Tool Management System with a Robot Hand Data Base for Robotized Assembly Cells, published by CRIM (Center for Research in Integrated Manufacturing), The University of Michigan Research Reports, 1986.
- P G Ranky: Design and Simulation Case Studies of Flexible Assembly Cells and Systems, CRIM Research (Center for Research in Integrated Manufacturing), the University of Michigan Research Reports, 1986.
- P G Ranky: Tool Management System Design for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, CRIM research (Center for Research in Integrated Manufacturing) The University of Michigan Research Reports 1986.
- P G Ranky and Mike Wodzinski: Robot Testing and Assembly Cell Design, IEEE 1987 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, March 1987, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA (invited tutorial paper) Proceedings
- P G Ranky: Static Robot Pose Error Testing for Off-line Evaluation and Real-time Re-calibration Purposes, ASME Manufacturing International, '88, 17-20 April 1988, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (invited paper) p 465-470, Proc. Publ ASME Press, 1988.
- Ranky, P G: A comparative analysis of tool management systems for flexible machining and assembly systems, invited paper presented on the International CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) Conference in 23-25 May 1988, organized by RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Troy, New York, USA, p 36-43, Proc. Publ. IEEE (Comp. Soc. Press), USA 1988. Proceedings. Also acted as a member of the international Program Committee.
- P G. Ranky: Software Engineering methodology and tools for designing advanced manufacturing systems, FACTORY 2000 International Conference in Cambridge, England, Sept. 1988, 8 p.Org. by The Inst. of Electronic and Radio Engineers. Proceedings
- P G. Ranky: The Design Experience of a Modular Master Course in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), 1990 Pacific Conference on Manufacturing, 17 - 21 December 1990, Sydney and Melbourne, Australia 299-309 p. Proc. Publ. Lawrence techn. Univ and Swinburne Inst. of Technology, Australia, 1990 Proceedings
- Book: Ranky, P G: Total Quality Control and JIT Management in CIM, CIMware Ltd., UK,ISBN 1-872631-00-2 1990, 264 p. (Incl. Teaching OHs and Data Diskettes)
- Book: Ranky, P G: Computer Network Architectures for World Class CIM Systems, CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-01-0, 231 p. (Incl. Teaching OHs and Data Diskettes)
- Book: Ranky, P G: Manufacturing Database Management and Knowledge Based Expert Systems, CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1 872631-03-7, 1990, 240 p (Incl. Teaching OHs and Data Diskettes)
- Book: Ranky, P G: Flexible Manufacturing Cells and Systems in CIM, CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631 02-9, 1990, 264 p. (Incl. Teaching OHs and Data Diskettes)
- Book: Ranky, P G: Concurrent /Simultaneous Engineering Methods, Tools and Case Studies, CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN1-972631-04-5, 1995, 264p. (Incl. Teaching OHs and Data Diskettes)
- P G. Ranky: A generic CIM system modeling methodology with practical examples (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), 1990 Pacific Conference on Manufacturing, 17 - 21 December 1990, Sydney and Melbourne, Australia 500-512 p., Proc. Publ. Lawrence techn. Univ and Swinburne Inst. of Technology, Australia 1990 Proceedings. Invited session chairman of the CIM session
- P G Ranky: A general solution to the FMS design problem within CIM, FAIM 91 (Factory Automation and Information Management Conference), 13-15 March 1991, Limerick, Ireland p. 158-172, Publ. CRC Press USA, 1991. Proceedings. Invited member of the International Review Committee Invited session chairman (CIM)
- P G Ranky: Master Course in CIM - The Surrey Experience, International Conference on CIM '91, 2-4 October 1991, Singapore (Invited paper), p.43-47 Proc. Publ. World Scientific, 1991 Proceedings
- P G Ranky: Total Quality Information System Design Model within a CIM architecture, International Conference on CIM '91, 2-4 October 1991, Singapore (Invited paper), p.71-77, Proc. Publ. World Scientific, 1991 Proceedings. Invited member of the International Advisory Panel and an Invited Speaker
- P G Ranky: CIM in Orbit (Engineering Data Interchange, Concurrent/ Simultaneous Engineering, Cellular Manufacture and CIM Network Design and Implementation via Low Orbit Micro-satellites), Rensselaer's Third International Conference on CIM, New York USA, May 1992. Proceedings. Invited member of the International Review Panel and an Invited Speaker
- P G Ranky: Intelligent Planning and Dynamic Scheduling of Flexible manufacturing Cells and Systems, International USA/Japan Flexible Automation Conference, San Francisco, USA, July 1992 Proceedings. Invited member of the International Review Panel and an Invited Speaker
- P G Ranky: CIM in Orbit - Master Course in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacture) The Surrey Experience, 1992 World Conference on Engineering Education, September, Portsmouth, UK, 1992. Proceedings
- P G Ranky and M Wodzinski: Accuracy. Robot Testing Methods, an invited paper for the International Encyclopaedia of Robotics Applications and Automation ; Published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1988; Vol.1 p 1-12.
- Paul G Ranky: FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) Tool Management, Robotica, Cambridge University Press, 1988 Vol 12 No.2. p 223-227.
- Paul G Ranky: A Real-Time Rule Based Loading Sequencing and Dynamic Scheduling System for FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems), (Part 1) International Journal of CIM, Vol 1, No 1 p 55-72, 1988 .
- Paul G Ranky: A Real-Time Rule Based Loading Sequencing and Dynamic Scheduling System for FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems), (Part 2) International Journal of CIM, Vol 1, No 3, pp. 84-91, 1988 .
- Paul G Ranky: Solid Model Simulation of Dedicated and Flexible Assembly Systems, Annals of Production Research, Basel, 1988.
- Paul G Ranky: CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) Information System Modelling with Case Studies; Published by Elsevier Science Publ. B V North Holland, 1991 IFIP ed. B Z Barta and H Haugen, p. 69-88.
- Paul G Ranky: A Systematic Approach to the FMS (Flexible Manufacturing Systems) Design Problem with CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), The Journal of Applied manufacturing Systems, Vol.4, No.2, 1991, St.Thomas Technology Press, St. Pauls, Minnesota, USA, p. 39-45.
- P G Ranky: Desktop design, manufacturing and CIM: Assembly Automation, Bedford University Press, 1994
- P G Ranky: Concurrent Engineering and Enterprize Modelling, Assembly Automation, Bedford University Press, 1994, vol. 14, N0. 3, pp.14-21
- Ashton, Phil and Ranky, P G: A methodology for analyzing concurrent engineering and manufacturing processes at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd., ICCIM'93, International Conference on CIM in Singapore, September 1993, Proceedings. Invited member of the International Conference Org. Committee
- Ranky, P G: A generic, object oriented approach to Computer Integrated Enterprise modeling using the CIMpgr methodology and toolset, IMCC'93, The sixth International manufacturing conference with China, in Hong Kong, March 1993, Proceedings. Invited Chairman of the CIM/Automation session
- P G Ranky: A methodology for structuring the new product development process, IEE International Conference, FACTORY 2000, York, 1994. Published by IEE, p.453-461 Proceedings. Invited Chairman of the Concurrent Engineering session
- K L Ho and P G Ranky: A reconfigurable, flexible material handling system design based on an object oriented approach, IEE International Conference, FACTORY 2000, York, 1994. Published by IEE, p.67-75 Proceedings
- P G Ranky: A methodology for supporting the product innovation process, USA/Japan International IEEE Conference on Factory Automation, Kobe, Japan, 1994. p. 234-239 Proceedings. Invited Chairman of the Concurrent Engineering session
- P Ashton and P G Ranky: The development and application of an advanced concurrent Engineering research tool set at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited, UK, USA/Japan International IEEE Conference on Factory Automation, Kobe, Japan, 1994. p. 186-190 Proceedings
- K L Ho and P G Ranky: The design and operation control of a reconfigurable flexible material handling system, USA/Japan International IEEE Conference on Factory Automation, Kobe, Japan, 1994. p. 350-357 Proceedings
- Ranky, P G: Multimedia for Advanced Manufacturing and Design Enginering, SEFI, Hypermedia in Vaasa, International Conference on Computers and Engineering Education, Finland, 1994. p.350-358 Proceedings
- Ranky, P G: The principles, application and research of Interactive Multimedia and Open/Distance Learning in Advanced manufacturing Technology, Invited Keynote presentation, The Fourth International Conference on Modern Industrial Training, Xi'an, China, 1994. Publ. by Sci-tech Enterprise department, Xi'an Jiaotong University and the Industrial centre, Hong Kong, p. 16-28 Proceedings
- Ranky, P G: Interactive Multimedia for Educating Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Product Design, Preparing World Class Manufacturing Professionals, Manufacturing Education for the 21st Century, March 13-15, San Diego, CA, SME Proceedings 1996.
- Ranky, P G: The Development & Application of Multimedia Tools for Industrial, Manufacturing & Design Engineering Education, ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), Middle Atlantic Section, April 27, 1996. (Published in the Proceedings). Temple University, USA
- Ashton, P. and Ranky, P G: The Methodology and Research Toolset for Analyzing and Implementing Parallel Engineering Processes at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd., Flexible Automation 1996, Proceedings of the Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, ASME, Boston, July 1996. p. 691-696. Also acted as Session Chair for the Concurrent Engineering session as well as organized a workshop on International Research Collaboration Opportunities between the USA, Japan and Europe.
- Ranky, P G, Spak, G T , Lippel A F, Swart, W: Methods, Multimedia Tools and Results in Distance Learning at NJIT (with Engineering Multimedia Demonstrations), Flexible Automation 1996, Proceedings of the Japan/USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, ASME, Boston, July 1996. p. 501-505. Invited Chairman of the Concurrent Engineering session
- K L Ho and P G Ranky: An Object Oriented and flexible material handling system, Assembly Automation, Bedford University Press, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1995, pp. 15-20.
- Ranky, P G: Some Aspects of Real-time Production Control in Distributed Flexible Assembly Systems, Assembly Automation, MCB University Press, Vol. 18, No. 1, 1998, p.57-67.
- P G Ranky: Interactive Multimedia for Engineering Education, European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1996, p. 273-293.
- K L Ho and P G Ranky: Object oriented modeling and design of reconfigurable conveyors in flexible assembly systems, International Journal of CIM, IJCIM, 1997, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 360-379.
- P G Ranky and M F Ranky: Interactive Multimedia for Engineering Management Education and Distance/ Open Learning (A Presentation with Interactive Multimedia CD-ROM Demonstration) Norfolk, VI, USA, October 23-26, 1997, American Society for Engineering Management, National Conference, Proceedings, p. 49-59
- Ranky, P G, Bengu, G. and Spak, G.T.: The Development and Application of Synchronous and Asynchronous Technology Based Learning Aids for Undergraduate Engineering Education, The NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) Engineering Education Innovators' Conference, NSF sponsored conference participation, April 7-8, 1997, Arlington, VA, USA, Proceedings.
- Ranky, P G: Distance Learning for Engineering Education, The Cyber University Conference, Invited Speaker, The New Jersey State Conference of Chapters, American Association of University Professors, April 11, USA, 1997, Proceedings.
- Ashton, P T and Ranky, P G: The Research, Development, Validation and Application of an Advanced Concurrent (Parallel) Engineering Research Toolset at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited, ETFA '97, The 6th International IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Los Angeles, USA, September 9-12, 1997. Proceedings, p. 24-26
- Ranky, P G and Ranky, M F: Engineering Multimedia CD-ROMs with Internet Support for Educating the Next Generation of Engineers for Emerging Technologies (A Presentation with an Interactive Multimedia CD-ROM Demonstration) ETFA '97, The 6th International IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Los Angeles, USA, September 9-12, 1997. Proceedings, p.76-81
- Ranky, P G: An Object Oriented Electronic Enterprise Modeling & Design Method with Rolls-Royce and Small Manufacturing Enterprise Examples, Norfolk, VI, USA, October 23-26, 1997, American Society for Engineering Management, National Conference, Proceedings, p. 499-508
- Ranky, P G: Industry Collaborative R&D for the Development and Application of Interactive Multimedia CD-ROMs, Wilmington, Delaware, American Society of Engineering Education, ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference, October 31-November 1, 1997, Proceeding
- Ranky, P G: Interactive Multimedia for Engineering Education, NJIT Educational Conference and Workshop, funded by the Gateway Coalition Grant, National Science Foundation, USA, November 1997, Newark, NJ, USA.
- Ranky, P G: Invited guest speaker: IEE Engineering Hypermedia in Manufacturing Conference, London June 1998, Proceedings.
- Ranky, P G: Object Oriented Design Methodology of Automated Flexible/lean Manufacturing Cells and Systems with Industrial Examples, Manufacturing '98 Conference, SME, Chicago, IL, USA, September 9-16, 1998, Proceedings.
- P H Ashton and P G Ranky: Automotive Design and Assembly System Modeling Research Toolset at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd., Assembly Automation, MCB University Press, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1998 2nd issue, pp. 138-152.
- P G Ranky and S. Tricamo: Smart Dart: A Smart Diagnostic and Repair Tool, Assembly Automation, Bedford University Press, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1998 2nd issue, pp. 166-167.
- Ranky, P G, Ranky, M F, Flaherty, M, Sands, S, Stratful, S: An Introduction to Servo Pneumatic Positioning: An Interactive Multimedia Program Development Supporting Outcome Driven Engineering Assessment, European Journal for Engineering Education 1998 3rd issue, pp. 339-352.
- Ranky, P G: Design for Service, with Particular Emphasis on Machines Working in Dirty Environments, Industrial Robot, MCB University Press, Volume 25, Number 3, pp. 166-167.
- Ranky, P G: Car Manufacturing: The Future Car Body: Style versus economy, IEE: London: Manufacturing Engineer, The Technical Journal of the Institution of Electrical, Electronic and Production/Industrial Engineers, UK, Vol. 77, No. 3, June 1998, pp. 120-121.
- IEEE ENCYCLOPEDIA BOOK CHAPTER p. 106 to 122 in the Webster: fully refereed IEEE Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 3, Ca to Co, Ranky, Paul G and Ranky, Mick F: CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs and Computer Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 1999 (both paper and electronic versions as one of the 1300 invited articles in this gigantic 19000 page, 22 volume encyclopedia “for research, academia and industry”)
- KLUWER BOOK Chapters, Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management (ed. By Paul M. Swamidass, Auburn University, AL, USA), 1999, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell, MA, USA, 979 p. Ranky, P G: Manufacturing with Flexible Systems, Main article/ chapter, pp 441-445. Ranky. P G: Manufacturing System, Flexible, definition/ detailed antology, pp422, Ranky. P G: Production Rule Base, definition/ detailed antology, pp581, Ranky. P G: Scheduling for FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System), Dynamic definition/ detailed antology, pp668-669, Ranky. P G: Tool Management for FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System), definition/ detailed antology, pp793
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Ranky, P G: An Introduction to Concurrent/ Simultaneous Engineering, An Interactive Multimedia Presentation on CD-ROM with off-line Internet support, published by CIMware 1996, 1998. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Ranky, P G: An Introduction to Flexible Manufacturing, Automation and Assembly, An Interactive Multimedia Presentation on CD-ROM with off-line Internet support, published by CIMware, 1996, 1998. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook:Ranky, P G: An Introduction to Total Quality and the ISO90001 Standard An Interactive Multimedia Presentation on CD-ROM with off-line Internet support, published by CIMware, 1997, 1998. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Ranky, P. G. with Scoccola, J. (MCI-Worldcom, USA): An Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet with Engineering Examples. A 3D interactive multimedia electronic book with several Case Based Learning challenges, 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-09-6, 1999-2002. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Ranky, P G: Modern Laser Applications: Guiding light, IEE: London: Manufacturing Engineer, The Technical Journal of the Institution of Electrical, Electronic and Production/Industrial Engineers, UK, Vol. 77, No. 6, December 1998, pp. 261-263.
- Ranky, P G: Some Generic Algorithmic Solutions to the Problem of Dynamic Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems that Operate Globally, ADAM (Advanced Design And Manufacturing), An international R&D journal over the Internet hosted by: http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, 24 p.
- Ranky, P G: An Object Oriented Development Model of Multimedia Techniques, The Second Regional Conference on Innovations in Teaching and Learning, NJIT, Newark, funded by the Gateway Coalition Grant, National Science Foundation, USA, January 1999.
- IEEE encyclopedia book chapter in the Webster: fully refereed Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ranky, Paul G and Ranky, Mick F: "CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs and Computer Systems", John Wiley and Sons, USA, 1999, p. 106 to 122. ISBN 0471 - 13946 - 7 (set), ISBN 0471 - 13942 - 4 (Volume 3).
- Kluwer book chapter, Encyclopedia of Production and Manufacturing Management (ed. by Paul M. Swamidass, Auburn University, AL, USA), Ranky, P G: Flexible Design & Manufacturing Systems, 1999, 22p. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell, MA, USA, 1999-2000.
- Ranky, P.G.: Design, Manufacturing and Assembly Automation Trends and Strategies in China, Assembly Automation, MCB University Press, Vol 19, No. 4, Dec. 1999, p. 301-305. (This article has received the "Highly Commended Award of 2000", a Literati Club Award for Excellence in 2000, by MCB Universtity Press, UK).
- Ranky, P.G.: Modular fieldbus designs and applications, Assembly Automation, MCB University Press, Vol 20, No. 1, Jan. 2000, p. 40-45.
- Ranky, P. G.: Some Analytical Considerations of Engineering Multimedia System Design within an Object Oriented Architecture, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM, Taylor & Francis, London, New York) ), Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2000, p. 204-214
- Ranky, P.G., and Ranky, M.F.: A Dynamic Operation Control Algorithm with Multimedia Objects for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM, Taylor & Francis, London, New York, ), Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2000, p. 245-263
- Ranky, P.G.: Engineering Multimedia in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), IJCIM (International Journal of CIM, Taylor & Francis, London, New York, ), Vol. 13, No. 2, May 2000, p. 169-171
- Ranky, P.G., Das, S and Caudill, R.: A Web-oriented Virtual Product Disassembly and Identification Method for DFE (Design for Environment) and Electronic Demanufacturers, 2000 IEEE (USA) International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment, Organized by IEEE (USA), and the Computer Society, USA, May, 2000, San Francisco, CA, USA, Conference Proceedings.
- Ranky, P G.: A Multimedia Web-based Flexible Manufacturing Knowledge Management Framework, Japan-USA International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), July, 2000, Ann Arbor, MI, Conference Proceedings.
- Ranky, P G.: An Object Oriented Virtual Concurrent Engineering Model and Product Demonstrator Case Study, Japan-USA International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), July, 2000, Ann Arbor, MI, Conference Proceedings.
- Ranky, P G.: Virtual Collaborative Concurrent Engineering and Disassembly, Half Day R&D Seminar for the Japan-USA International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), July, 2000, Ann Arbor, MI, Conference Proceedings.
- Ranky, P G.: Utilizing Manufacturing Cells and Systems in a Job Shop (The Analysis, Design and Computer Control of Lean, Flexible Manufacturing Work Cells & Systems with Practical Examples), IMTS 2000, International Machine Tool Conference, Chicago, September, 2000, Proceedings.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Frazer, A. and Ranky, P.G.: A Case-based Introduction to the National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (NEMI) Plug and Play Factory Project; An interactive multimedia publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-41-x, 2000-2003. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Upcraft, S. and Ranky, P.G.: A Case-based Introduction to Rapid Prototyping Solutions; An interactive multimedia publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-42-8, 2000-2003. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Virtual Concurrent & Multi-lifecycle Engineering Over the 3D Internet, An invited cluster presentation / interactive workshop by Paul G. Ranky, PhD, Professor, NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Multi-lifecycle Engineering Research Center, NJ, USA, Email: ranky@njit.edu, INFORMS International Meeting, Maui, July 2001.
- 3DVR Component-based User Requirements Analysis Methods and Software Tools for Collaborative Multi-lifecycle Engineering, by Paul G. Ranky, PhD, Professor, NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Multi-lifecycle Engineering Research Center, NJ, USA, Email: ranky@njit.edu, INFORMS International Meeting, Maui, July 2001.
- An Object Oriented Model and Cases of Design, Manufacturing, and IT Knowledge Management Over the 3D- enabled Web and Intranets, by Paul G. Ranky, PhD, Professor, NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology), Multi-lifecycle Engineering Research Center, NJ, USA, Email: ranky@njit.edu, INFORMS International Meeting, Maui, July 2001.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Gibbs, B. and Ranky, P.G.: A Case-based Introduction to Advanced Computer Aided Manufacturing; An interactive multimedia publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-45-2, 2000-2003. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Dunkerley, G., Norton, N. and Ranky, P.G.: A Case-based Introduction to IMI Norgren's Reengineering Project at Kenilworth, UK; An interactive multimedia publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-40-1, 2000-2003. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Ranky, P G: The Design and Implementation of a Case-based Learning Library for Engineering, Management and IT with 3D web-objects, Third Annual Faculty Best Practices Showcase, Invited Paper, NJ Higher Education Network, Proceedings, NJIT, Newark, NJ, Nov 9, 2001
- Ranky, P G, Deek, F., and Friedman, R: Interactive 3D Multimedia Cases for the Computer Systems and Networking Curriculum in NJIT’s I-TOWER Sponsored Wireless Laboratories, American Soc. Of Engineering Educators Conference (ASEE), West Point, April 2002 (in the Proceedings) Accepted paper
- Ranky, P G, Caudill, R. J., Limaye K., Alli, N., Satishkumar ChamyVelumani, Apoorva Bhatia and Manasi Lonkar A Web-enabled Virtual Disassembly Manager (webVDM) for Electronic Product / Process Designers, Disassembly Line Managers and Operators, IEEE International Design For Environment Conference, San Francisco, May 2002 (in the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P G, Caudill, R. J., Limaye K., Alli, N., Satishkumar ChamyVelumani, Apoorva Bhatia and Manasi Lonkar A Disassembly User Requirements Analysis Method and Validated Examples, IEEE International Design For Environment Conference, San Francisco, May 2002 (in the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P G: Advanced Digital Automotive Sensor Applications, Sensor Review: An International Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2002, pp. 213-217, by Emerald Publishing Ltd., England
- Ranky, P.G., Caudill, R., Limaye, K., Alli, N., Satishkumar ChamyVelumani, Apoorva Bhatia and Manasi Lonkar: A Web-enabled Virtual Disassembly Manager (web-VDM) for Electronic Product / Process Designers, Disassembly Line Managers and Operators, a UML (Unified Modeling Language) Model of our Generic Digital Factory, and Some of Our Electronic Support System Analysis Tools, ADAM with IT, an International R&D Journal on the Web, published by www.cimwareukandusa.com, 2002.
- Ranky, P G: Smart Sensors, Sensor Review: An International Journal, (Accepted feature paper in print) by Emerald Publishing Ltd., England
- Ranky, P G: A Method for Planning Industrial Robot Networks for Automotive Welding and Assembly Lines, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 29, No. 6, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England, Vol. 29, Number 6, 2002, pp.530-537
- Ranky, P G: A Simulation Method and Distributed Server Balancing Results of Networked Industrial Robots for Automotive Welding and Assembly Lines, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England, pp. 192-197
- Ranky, P G: Reconfigurable Robot Tool Designs and Integration Applications, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 338-344, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England
- Ranky, P.G.: eTransition in the Multi-Lifecycle CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) Context, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 4-5, pp. 229-234.
- Ranky, P.G., Lonkar, M. and ChamyVelumani, S.: eTransition Models of collaborating Design and Manufacturing Enterprises, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 4-5, pp. 255-266.
- Ranky, P.G.: Network Simulation Models of Lean Manufacturing Systems in Digital Factories and an Intranet Server Balancing Algorithm, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 4-5, pp. 267-282.
- Ranky, P.G. and ChamyVelumani, S.: A Method, a Tool (CORA), and Application Examples for Analyzing Disassembly User Interface Design Criteria, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 4-5, pp. 317-325.
- Ranky, P.G. and ChamyVelumani, S.: An Analytical Approach, A Tool (DFRA) and Application Examples for Assessing Process-related Failure Risks, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 4-5, pp. 326-333.
- Ranky, P.G.: A 3D Web-enabled, Case Based Learning Architecture and Knowledge Documentation Method for Engineering, Information Technology, Management, and Medical Science / Biomedical Engineering, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo, 2003, Vol. 16, No. 4-5, pp. 346-356.
- Ranky, P.G.: Advanced Machining Cell Design Concepts, Methods, Architectures and Cases, Manufacturing Review, The Journal of IEE (The Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, incorporating the Institute of Manufacturing Engineers), London, UK (Accepted research paper in print), 2003
- Ranky, P G: Collaborative Synchronous Robots Serving Machines and Cells, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England, pp. 213-217
- Ranky, P.G.: Interactive 3D Multimedia Cases for Engineering Education with Internet Support, ASEE (American Society of Engineering Educators) Middle Atlantic Section Conference, October 25-26, 2002, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, USA. (Paper published in the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: Introduction to Concurrent Engineering, an NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) sponsored Gateway Coalition streamed multimedia narrated web-presentation, December, 2002, NJIT, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: A 3D web Collaborative Concurrent Automotive Engineering Method Based on Our ‘Distributed Digital Factory’ and ‘Digital Car’ Models, Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, Detroit, March, 2003 (In the Proceedings; Paper No.: 2003-01-0668)
- Ranky, P.G.: 3D Engineering Multimedia Cases. A Customizable 3D Web-enabled Library with Reusable Objects, ASEE (American Society of Engineering Educators) Mid-Atlantic Conference, Kean University, NJ, USA, April, 2003 (In the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: A Biomedical Engineering Case with 3D Lower Back Interactive Virtual Anatomy Tours Inside and Outside the Human Body with Automated Post-test Student Assessment, ASEE (American Society of Engineering Educators) Mid-Atlantic Conference, Kean University, NJ, USA, April, 2003 (In the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G., Subramanyam, M., Caudill, R.J., Limaye, K., and Alli, N.: A Dynamic Scheduling and Balancing Method and Software Tool for Lean and Reconfigurable Disassembly Lines, 2003 IEEE (USA) International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment & the IAER Electronics Recycling Summit, May 19-22, Boston, MA, USA (In the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G., Morales, C., and Caudill, R.J.: Lean Disassembly Line Layout, Process and Network Simulation Models and Cases, Based on Real-world Data, 2003 IEEE (USA) International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment & the IAER Electronics Recycling Summit, May 19-22, Boston, MA, USA (In the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G., and Nadler, S.F.: A New, Web-enabled Multimedia Approach with 3D Virtual Reality Internal and External Body Tours to Support Low Back Pain Diagnosis, The 4th Annual Faculty Best Practices Showcase in NJ, March 2003 at the Kean University, NJ (In the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G. and Nadler, S.F.: A Novel Multimedia Approach to Low Back Pain Diagnosis with Internal and External 3D Interactive Body Tours, 29th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights, Newark, NJ, March, 2003 (in the Proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: Rapid Prototyping Cases for Integrated Design and Manufacturing Engineering Education with 3D Internet Support, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Design in Engineering Education Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: Interactive 3D Multimedia Cases for Manufacturing Engineering Education with Internet Support, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Manufacturing Engineering Education Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: A Novel 3D Internet-based Multimedia Method for Teaching and Learning About Engineering Management Requirements Analysis, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Engineering Management Education Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: Computerized Engineering Assessment Method Based on 3D Interactive Multimedia, That Students Enjoy, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Continuing Professional Development Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: Interactive 3D Multimedia Cases for Engineering Education with Internet Support, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Computers in Education Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: A 3D Multimedia Approach to Biomedical Engineering: Low Back Analysis, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: An Interactive 3D Multimedia problem-based Library for Manufacturing Engineering Technology Education with Internet Support, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Engineering technology Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Ranky, P.G.: A New Approach for Teaching and Learning About Engineering Process Failure Risk Analysis with IE (Industrial Engineering) Case Studies, ASEE, American Society of Engineering Educators, US National Meeting, Industrial Engineering Division, June 2003 in Nashville, USA (In the proceedings)
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Ranky, P.G.: A 3D Multimedia Case: Component Oriented Disassembly Failure Risk Analysis, An interactive multimedia publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-47-9, 2001-2003. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky. (Published 6 volumes of this main title with different risk analysis challenges explained).
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Ranky, P.G.: A 3D Multimedia Case: Component Oriented Disassembly User Requirements Analysis, An interactive multimedia eBook publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-50-9, 2001-2003-2005. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky. (Published 7 volumes of this main title with different requirements analysis challenges explained).
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Ranky, P.G.: Key R&D and eTransition Trends in US and International Collaborative Design & Manufacturing Enterprises: An interactive multimedia eBook publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-65-7, 2003-2005. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Nadler .S. F., Ranky, P.G and Ranky, M., 2002-2003: A 3D Multimedia Approach to the Diagnosis of Low Back Pain (Vol. 1 18 & 40 year old males), An Interactive 3D Multimedia Presentation on CD-ROM with off-line Internet support (650 Mbytes, approx. 150 interactive screens, 50 minutes of digital videos, 3D internal and external body tour, animation and 3DVR objects), by CIMware (IEE and IMechE Approved Professional Developer), ISBN 1-872-631-63-0, 2002-2006, Multimedia design & Programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Nadler .S. F., Ranky, P.G and Ranky, M., 2003: A 3D Multimedia Approach to the Diagnosis of Low Back Pain (Vol. 2. in preparation, to be published soon)
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Roman, H.T. and Ranky, P.G.: A Case-based Introduction to Service Robotics; An interactive multimedia eBook publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-48-7, 2003-2006. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Loose, D.C. and Ranky, P.G.: A Case-based Introduction to IBM’s Telematics Solutions; An interactive multimedia eBook publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-73-8, 2003-2006. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook: Ranky, P.G.: An Introduction to Digital Factory & Digital Telematic Car Modeling with R&D and Industrial Case Studies; An interactive multimedia eBook publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-66-5, 2003-2005. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky
- Ranky, P G: Novel Automated Inspection Methods, Tools and Technologies: Assembly Automation, An International Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England, pp. 252-257.
- Ranky, P G: Advanced Machine Vision Systems and Application Examples: Sensor Review, An International Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2003, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England, pp. 242-245.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook:: Ranky, P.G.: An Introduction to Alternative Energy Sources: Hybrid & Fuel Cell Vehicles; An interactive multimedia eBook publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-97-5, 2003-2006. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Interactive 3D Multimedia CD-ROM/web/ eBook:: Ranky, P.G.: Customer Needs, Wants & Requirements Analysis: Automotive Exterior Rearview Mirror; An interactive multimedia eBook publication with 3D objects, text and videos in a browser readable format on CD-ROM/ intranet by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com, CIMware USA, Inc. and CIMware Ltd., UK, ISBN 1-872631-67-3, 2003-2006. Multimedia design & programming by P G Ranky and M F Ranky.
- Featured Speaker at the Project Management Institute (PMI): New Jersey Chapter: Ranky, Paul G.: An Integrated PM Approach, Including: Process Modeling, Requirements Analysis, Risk Analysis, Statistical Tools and 3D Multimedia, January, 2006.
- Featured Speaker: Ranky, Paul G.: Focus on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Methods, Technologies and Education, January, 2006, webinar as part of the NCME Mission (National Center for Manufacturing Education), sponsored by NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) and industry. Mission: to provide manufacturing technology educators with the tools and resources they need to be successful. The future of the manufacturing industry depends upon this country’s educators and business leaders. The NCME works to provide them with best-of-class and leading-edge products and services to successfully educate tomorrow’s manufacturing workers and leaders. Manufacturing Education Resource Center -MERC, is a national clearinghouse of resources for educators and industry professionals with a vast database of print, multimedia and online resources, along with a powerful search engine. Designed to enable users to find and gain access to materials and other resources that can enhance their teaching. Created in 2003 to provide a clearinghouse for manufacturing education resources. Visit the NCME website! http://www.ncmeresource.org/. This is the third of six webinars to be held during the first three years of the project.
- Accepted conference paper: Ranky, Paul G.: A Generic, Analytical Method to Assess Process-related Risk with Case Studies. The Project Management Institute (PMI) Risk SIG and the Institute for International Research (IIR): Annual US National Project Risk Symposium. This 5-day event all encompassing event will take place May 22 May 26, 2006 in Houston, TX, and will include full day workshops, all day maturity level symposia, and two main conference days with four special interest group breakout tracks for optimal customization. Attendees will be both new and experienced in Project Management, Risk Management/Analysis, Program Management, Engineering, Business Analysis, and R&D/Scientist. Across industries including Government, IT/Information Systems, Software Development, Pharmaceuticals/Healthcare, Aerospace & Defense, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services & Insurance, Business/Professional Services, Transportation/Construction, Telecommunications, Security Products & Services, Media.
- International Program Committee Member, and Session Chair of the Innovative Product and Process Design Methods and Cases at the 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Osaka, Japan, sponsored by NSF, National Science Foundation, (USA) by the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineering, The Dynamic Systems and Control Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Participating Societies include: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, July 10-12, 2006.
- Ranky, P.G., Ranky, G.N., Ranky, R. G.: An Integrated, Analytical Product, Process and Service System Design Innovation Method, Tools, and Examples, within a Statistical and 3D Interactive Multimedia Framework, The 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Osaka, Japan, sponsored by NSF, National Science Foundation, (USA) by the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineering, The Dynamic Systems and Control Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Participating Societies include: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, July 10-12, 2006
- Ranky, P.G., Ranky, G.N., Ranky, R. G.: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Methods and Solutions for Advanced Flexible Automation, and Global Supply Chain Operations in Digital Manufacturing Networks, The 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Osaka, Japan, sponsored by NSF, National Science Foundation, (USA) by the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineering, The Dynamic Systems and Control Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Participating Societies include: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, July 10-12, 2006
- Ranky, P.G., P.T. Rayson, Wong, C., Poon, P., Ranky, G.N.: An Interactive Multimedia Knowledge Management and Distribution Approach for Globally Networked, Collaborative Flexible Automation R&D Teams, The 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Osaka, Japan, sponsored by NSF, National Science Foundation, (USA) by the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineering, The Dynamic Systems and Control Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Participating Societies include: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, July 10-12, 2006
- Ranky, P.G.: Knowledge Management Challenges for Complex, Hi-technology Products, Processes, Manufacturing / Assembly Systems, and Services. Pre-conference Research Seminar at the 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation (ISFA), Osaka, Japan, sponsored by NSF, National Science Foundation, (USA) by the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineering, The Dynamic Systems and Control Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Participating Societies include: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, July 9, 2006
- Ranky, P.G.: Eighteen ‘monozukuri-focused’ assembly line design and visual factory management principles, with Denso industrial examples, Assembly Automation, Feature Article, 27/1, (2007) p.12-16, Emerald Group Publising Ltd.
(Note, that in 2012 this became a publication, that was downloaded 9,309 times, making it Emerald's 79th most downloaded case: Paul G. Ranky (2007), "Eighteen "monozukuri-focused" assembly line design and visual factory management principles with DENSO industrial examples", Assembly Automation, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp 12-16
- Ranky, P.G.: Some Tested Methods and Tools for Real-life Exposure in an Academic Setting for Millennial Generation Engineering Students, Spring 2007 ASEE (American Soc. of Engineering Educators) Mid-Atlantic Section Conference, April 13-17, NJIT, NJ, USA. In the Proceedings.
- Ranky, P.G.: MagneMotion's linear synchronous motor (LSM) driven assembly automation and material handling system designs, Assembly Automation ISSN: 0144-5154 Feature Article, 2007 Volume: 27 Issue: 2, Page: 97 - 102.
- Ranky, P.G.: Engineering Management-focused Radio Frequency Indentification (RFID) Model Solutions, Engineering Management Review, IEEE, 2007, Vol. 35, Issue 2, Page: 20-30
- Ranky, P. G.: Computer Science Seminars “Learning Beyond the Classroom": TITLE: A Method and Tool for Software Engineering-focused Customer Requirements Analysis in Global, Digital Enterprise Environments, Graduate Research Seminar: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 (Seminar Room: Jonas Board Room, 2nd floor of Metcalfe Building) 6:15 7:15 PM
- Ranky, P. G.: The City University of New York , Graduate / PhD Applied Mathematics Seminar: Multi-Variable Optimization Challenges Described by N-dimensional Continuously Differentiable, Dynamic Vector-Functions, in the Digital Product Design and Digital Manufacturing Domain, Friday, December 14, 2007 at 04:00 PM Room: 4419 (Graduate Center of CUNY). This research seminar highlights the complexity of Multi-Variable Optimization Challenges Described by N-Dimensional Continuously Differentiable, Dynamic Vector-Functions, in the Digital Product Design and Digital Manufacturing Domain, as well as shows some promising directions to come up with realistic solutions. More (PDF)...
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Methods and Solutions for Advanced Lean Automation Systems in Globally Operated Supply Chains of Networked Digital Factories by Paul G. Ranky, Gregory N. Ranky, Richard G. Ranky, Ashley John. Accepted research paper in print for IJCIM (International Journal of CIM), 2008.
- Ranky, P.G.: A Pharmaceutical Strategic Resource Design and Management Method and Solutions, Based on a Quantitative Decision Model, Pharmaceutical Strategic Resource Design and Management Conference, Pharmaceutical Strategy Series, organized by the Cambridge Healthtech Institute, Philadelphia, USA, November 17-18, 2008
- Ranky, P.G., Ranky, G.N., Ranky R. G., John, A.: Analytical and Computational Methods and Examples for Designing and Controlling Total Quality Management Pharnaceutical Manufacturing Systems, in the Wiley Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Handbook: Regulations and Quality, Ed. by Shayne Cox Gad, p. 165 - 200, ISBN 978-0-470-25959-7, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2008
- May 2008, Green Manufacturing Engineering R&D Seminars in Hong Kong, Hong Kong / China
- December, 2008, Sustainable Eco-friendly Green Engineering and Technology R&D Seminars in Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong Institute of Industrial Engineers, IE, CA, EV Divisions, AMC and MC co-organzed technical seminar (Summary)
- February 5, 2009, IEEE Industry Day, Sustainable Green Design and Manufacturing, Telcordia Building, Piscatawy, NJ (http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r1/princeton-centraljersey/ieee_industry_day.htm)
- February 12, 2009, NJIT Graduate Students in Engineering Management, Total Quality Management and Green Concurrent Engineering, PLM, Stabile Lab., NJIT
- April 14, 2009, Sustainable Green Engineeering and Quality seminar, ASQ (American Society for Quality) regional meeting at NJIT
- April 21, 2009, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Green Mobility International World Congress R&D paper presentation: Sustainable Green Design And Manufacturing Requirements and Risk Analysis Within A Statistical Framework, Detroit, Michigan (In the World Congress proceedings)
- April 21-22, 2009, Green Supply Chain the Eyefortransport Logistics Technology Forum in Chicago, 10th North American Technology Forum
- April 30-May 1, 2009, New Jersey Technology Education Conference, Workshop Designed on Sustainable Green Engineering (curriculum development and research), http://www.njtea.org/Pages/ProDev/NJTEA%20Conference.html
- Ranky, P.G., and Ranky, G.N.: Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering: Chapter on CD-ROMs and Computer Systems, by Wiley-Blackwell, USA, 5 volume set, 3328 pages total, 2009.
- Ranky, P.G.: A Green Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Focused Customer Requirements Analysis Method, with Design of Experiment Principles & Tools to Assure Zero Project Failure, the IEEE Sponsored Second International Conference on Engineering Systems Management and its Applications (ICESMA2010) March, 2010, Sharjah, The American University of Sharja, near Dubai (UAE)
- Ranky, P.G.: Sustainable Product and Process Engineering Management Rules and Examples, Following Monozukuri Principles, the IEEE Sponsored Second International Conference on Engineering Systems Management and its Applications (ICESMA2010) March, 2010, Sharjah, The American University of Sharja, near Dubai (UAE), also Session Chair: Green Supply Chain Management.
- Ranky, P.G.: An Integrated Architecture, Methods and Some Tools for Creating More Sustainable and Greener Enterprises, IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems, Washington DC, USA, May 2010, In the Proceedings
- Ranky, P.G.: Sustainable Green Product Design and Manufacturing / Assembly Systems Engineering Principles and Rules with Examples, IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems, Washington DC, USA, May 2010, In the Proceedings
- Ranky, P.G.: Problem-based Teaching / Learning Methods and Cases for Millennial Generation Engineering Students Interested in Sustainable Green Engineering, IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Sustainable Systems, Washington DC, USA, May 2010, In the Proceedings
- Ranky, P.G.: Creating More Sustainable and Greener Quality Enterprises: Methods & Technologies, ASQ (American Society for Quality), 2010 USA Symposium on Quality, New Jersey, April 2010, In the Proceedings
- Ranky, P.G.: Case-based / Problem-based Sustainable Green Engineering Teaching / Learning Methods and Experiences for Millennial Generation Engineering Students in the USA, Europe and Asia, ISFA2010 (International Symposium on Flexible Automation) in Tokyo, Japan, July 2010, Sponsored by NSF (USA), ASME (USA), Japan Society for Quality Engineers, and others. Paper published in the Proceedings. Also Session co-chair of the Green Engineering Session, as well as the Electric Car Design and Manufacturing Session.
- Ranky, P.G.: Quality Lessons Learned in Japan and Palau, Micronesia. A multimedia technical presentation for the American Society for Quality Metropolitan Section 300, as well as for the NJIT Student Section at NJIT, November 2010
- Ranky, P.G.: An Introduction to Sustainable Green Engineering Part 1, 2010-2011, IEEE Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 95 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: An Introduction to Sustainable Green Engineering Part 2, 2010-2011, IEEE Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 90 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: Introduction to Sustainable Green Engineering System Analysis & Design, 2010-2011, IEEE Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 85 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: Sustainable Green Engineering Modeling Methods, Notations & Examples, 2010-2011, IEEE Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 80 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: Data Dictionary and Process Description Methods & Examples, 2010-2011, IEEE Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 70 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: Process Modeling Use Cases and More Green Engineering Challenges & Solutions, 2010-2011, IEEE Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 90 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: Customizable and Downloadable Graphic Templates (PC and Mac) for Process Modeling Green Engineering Systems, 2010-2011, IEEE Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 60 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: Sustainable Green Engineering and Technology, an IET Malaysia Institutional research seminar and workshop at the University of UTAR in Malaysia, July 2011.
- Ranky, P.G.: ISO (International Standards Organization) 50001 International Standard on Energy Management, co-author. Published by ISO in June 2011
- Ranky, P.G.: Some Design & Validation Experiences of an Interactive Multimedia Resource Library for Teaching & Learning About Sustainable Green Engineering, ASEE MIDDLE ATLANTIC SECTION, FALL CONFERENCE 2011 OCTOBER 28-29, 2011 College of Engineering, 1947 N. 12th Street TEMPLE UNIVERSITY, PHILADELPHIA, PA, USA
- Ranky, P.G. and Ho, J.K.L.: An Introduction to wind energy production. The mechanics and the dynamics of wind turbines. Design and Manufacturing Processes with USA and International Examples. An Overview of Wind Power Physics, Design, Manufacturing and Application Challenges and Some Solutions, 2011, IEEE, Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 60 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G. and Ho, J.K.L.: An Introduction and Overview of Wind Turbine Design and Manufacturing Challenges and Some Solutions , 2011, IEEE, Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 65 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G. and Ho, J.K.L.: Wind Turbine Manufacturing, Assembly, Test and Maintenance Challenges and Some Solutions, 2011, IEEE, Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 72 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G. and Watanabe, T.: An Introduction to Photovoltaics. Solar Panel Design and Manufacturing Processes with USA and International Examples: Introduction and Overview of Solar Cell Physics, Design, Manufacturing and Application Challenges and Some Solutions, 2011, IEEE, Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 65 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G. and Watanabe, T.: An Introduction to Photovoltaics. Solar Panel Design and Manufacturing Processes with USA and International Examples: Introduction and Overview of Solar Cell Design Challenges and Some Solutions, 2011, IEEE, Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 70 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G. and Watanabe, T.: An Introduction and Overview of Solar Cell Manufacturing and Application Challenges and Some Solutions, 2011, IEEE, Sustainable Green Engineering Publications, (approximately 68 interactive multimedia screens): IEEE (USA) on-line publication: http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/subscriptions/prod/elearning_overview.htmlgth
- Ranky, P.G.: Quality Lessons Learned in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Palau, Micronesia. A multimedia technical presentation for the American Society for Quality Metropolitan Section 300, as well as for the NJIT Student Section at NJIT, November 2011
- Ranky, P.G.: Sustainable Energy Management Process Models and Technology Based on ISO50001: The International Energy Management Standard. ISST2012, IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology ISSST, Boston, MA, USA, May 2012, Paper ID 157, Live Conference Presentation
- Ranky, P.G.: Sustainable Energy Management and Quality Process Models and Technology Based on ISO50001: 2011, The International Energy Management Standard.Proceedings of ISST2012, IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology ISSST, Boston, MA, USA, May 2012, Paper ID 157
- Ranky, P.G., with Olga Kalaba and Yijun Zheng, MS, RA, New Jersey Institute of Technology, The Public Research University of NJ, USA Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department,: Sustainable Green Engineering System Design and Quality Educational Challenges and Solutions. ISST2012, IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology ISSST, Boston, MA, USA, May 2012, Paper ID 175, Live Conference Presentation
- Ranky, P.G., with Olga Kalaba and Yijun Zheng, MS, RA, New Jersey Institute of Technology, The Public Research University of NJ, USA Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department,: Sustainable Lean Six-sigma Green Engineering System Design Educational Challenges and Interactive Multimedia Solutions. Proceedings of ISST2012, IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology ISSST, Boston, MA, USA, May 2012, Paper ID 175
- Ranky, P.G. with Reggie J. Caudill, Professor, and Olga Kalaba and Yijun Zheng, MS, RA, New Jersey Institute of Technology, The Public Research University of NJ, USA Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department,: : Best Management Practice, Sustainable Systems Web-Documentation Methods and Active Code Examples. Poster and Live Code Presentation, ISST2012, IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology ISSST, Boston, MA, USA, May 2012, Live Conference Poster Presentation
- IEEE Press Release: Small Robots Seen to Extend Life Expectancy By 2030, October 24, 2012 | PRNewswire: Distinguished members of IEEE, a large, global professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, have found that advancements in small robots, ranging from nanorobots to shoebox-sized robots, hold promise for delivering innovative and life-altering future applications. With a wide range of capabilities including, minimizing the potential of food safety incidences, monitoring health and administering medicine from inside the body and providing vital information for search and rescue teams, small robots will have a large impact on the longevity and wellbeing of our society. "Whether it is analyzing the levels of mercury in fish, the humidity during the aging process of cheese or the acidity levels during the fermentation of wine, these miniature robots can provide the in-depth insight needed for not only improving the quality of taste, but also minimizing the likelihood of food-borne illnesses," said Dr. Paul G. Ranky, IEEE Member and a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) More here: http://www.pcbdesign007.com/pages/zone.cgi?a=87415&artpg=1.
- Zheng, Y. and Ranky, P.G.: Towards an Integrated Lean Six-sigma Statistical Methodology and Toolset For Digital Enterprise Improvement, ASQ Section 300, New York / New Jersey (American Soc. for Quality) Technical Meeting Presentation, March, 2013.
- Ranky, P.G.: Continuous Quality Improvement Opportunities and Challenges for Small, Large and Megacities: a Multimedia Journey Around the World, ASQ Section 300, New York / New Jersey (American Soc. for Quality) Technical Meeting Presentation, March, 2013.
- Ranky, P.G.: iChina Advanced Robotic Research and Application Interview about the future of advanced robots... January 2013: On-line here: http://www.ichina.net.cn/Html/2013/newproducts&technology/21605.html, and in PDF (Chinese ver. ) here. Description: Starting with the discussion about the popularity of robots, the article featured Dr. Ranky's perspectives on robots maintaining food safety based on a written interview with Dr Ranky. The future of robotic research and applications in maintaining food safety, zero defects quality operations, and food safety monitoring using sensory controlled advanced robots were mentioned in the article. (iChina Editor's comments: 'Your insightful perspectives on this domain were impressive. The QA we provided were well used and turned out to be a 2-page in-depth report. The placement was about 2,000 Chinese Characters.)
- Ranky, P.G.: Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Colloquium: Some R&D Results and New Research Methodologies in Concurrent / Simultaneous Product & Process Design Engineering with 3P and Other Methods, Graduate Research Seminar, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA, February, 2013
- Ranky, P.G.: Why Engineering and IT/IS Projects Fail and How to Prevent Project Failures?, BUTE, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, invited Graduate Research Seminars, as part of the European MBA Program, Budapest, Hungary, Europe, April, 2013.
- Ranky, P.G.: Engineering Management Challenges of Automation with a Human Touch: Lean Jidoka (Advanced Robots Working With Humans Together), BUTE, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, invited Graduate Research Seminars, as part of the European MBA Program, Budapest, Hungary, Europe, April, 2013.
- Ranky, P.G.: Design & Engineering Management Challenges of Megacities with New York City, Chicago, Tokyo and Other Examples, BUTE, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, invited Graduate Research Seminars, as part of the European MBA Program, Budapest, Hungary, Europe, April, 2013.
- Ranky, P.G.: Industrial Robot Developments: The Third Industrial Revolution, China Electronic News, March 2013, English summary of the Chinese article: the article discusses the third industrial revolution, and the importance of industrial robots. This includes three parts: (1) industrial robots in developed countries, (2) high quality, low cost and zero defect policies, and (3) how China needs to change it's education system, and educate innovative, multi-disciplined engineers who are keen to create new wealth, versus modify and change existing designs 'adopted' from the west...; http://epaper.cena.com.cn/shtml/zgdzb/20130329/45804.shtml. Link to online version (published in Chinese, translated from English; note: Dr. Ranky does not speak Chinese; about 2,300 Chinese Characters total): http://epaper.cena.com.cn/shtml/zgdzb/20130329/45807.shtml
(In PDF: Part1 and Part2)
- Fitzpatrick, J., Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ
, and Ranky, P.G., NJIT, NJ: Applying Quality Strategies of Biological Systems to High-Tech. Manufacturing / Enterprise Decision Systems. (NSF sponsored workshop examines the biological as well as engineering management systems that enable bacterial evolution, as well as enterprise design and operational principles in parallel, focusing on the ability of an organism or organization to adapt is critical to survival and success. HI-TEC is a national conference on advanced technological education where secondary and postsecondary educators, counselors, industry professionals, and technicians can update their knowledge and skills. Charged with Educating America’s Technical Workforce, the event focuses on the preparation needed by the existing and future workforce for companies in the high-tech sectors that drive our nation’s economy. NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) sponsored: July 21-24, 2013, Austin, TX, USA
- Ranky, P.G. with his NJIT Total Quality Graduate Students: Human Design and Operator Error Detection and Prevention Methods, Tools and Technologies with Practical Case Studies & Examples: an interactive NJIT ASQ Chapter workshop presentation. ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) General Session, Newy York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 300. NJIT, October 2013.
- Ranky, P. G.: An Introduction to Lean Six-sigma with Engineering and Service System Examples by Vincent Miller and Paul Ranky. Key Concepts (by Paul Ranky). Define value, VSM (Value Stream Mapping), continuous flow, pull, perfection, the difference between lean and 6 sigma (by Vincent Miller). Engineering examples and application areas with huge potentials for LSS (by Paul Ranky); Business and Service system examples and application areas with huge potentials for LSS (by Vincent Miller); Lean SIG (Special Interest Group) ASQ New York / New Jersey Section 300, 2014 Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) Ott Quality Conference at NJIT, March 27, 2014
- Ranky, P. G.: How to Achieve Lean Six-sigma Zero Defect Product Designs and Quality Systems? An interactive workshop with practical demonstrations and an interactive exercise with a novel LSS Zero Defect Kit developed by Paul G Ranky, PhD. Interactive workshop / exercise run by Paul Ranky, Vincent Miller, and Parnitha Selvaraj; Lean SIG (Special Interest Group) ASQ New York / New Jersey Section 300, 2014 Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) Ott Quality Conference at NJIT, March 27, 2014
- Ranky, P. G.: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) as a System Enabler for Lean Six-sigma Operations in Various Design, Manufacturing and Service Industries by Paul Ranky, Lean SIG (Special Interest Group) ASQ New York / New Jersey Section 300, 2014 Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) Ott Quality Conference at NJIT, March 27, 2014
- Ranky, P. G.: Visual Factory Management Based on IIoT (The Industrial Internet of Things) Methods and Technologies, ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New York / New Jersey Section 300, 2014 R&D Presentation at NJIT, October 28, 2014
- Ranky, P G: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Quality System Integrator, ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New York / New Jersey Section 300, 2014 R&D Presentation at NJIT, November 10, 2014
- Ranky, P.G., et al.: Editorial board as ISO USA TAG member, tasks completed in 2014 include the following: as a US TAG (International Standards Organization, USA Technical Advisory Group) voting member involved in the process for ISO 50015, ISO 50006, and ISO 50004. The following documents were published in (2014):
ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management
ISO 50002:2014 Energy Audits
ISO 50004:2014 Implementation guidance for Energy Management
ISO 50006:2014 EnPIs and Baselines
ISO 50015:2014 Guidance for Measurement and Verification.
- North American Governments Announce Pilot Program to Accelerate Regional Adoption of the Energy Management Standard ISO 50001. On April 27, 2016, energy ministries from Canada, Mexico, and the United States announced that nine companies will join the North American Energy Management Pilot Program to promote implementation of the ISO 50001 international energy management system standard.
- Ranky, P. G.: Quality Design Reviews of Underwater and Topside Devices, Instruments, Machines and Structures Using Lean Six-sigma and Other Methods, Tools and Technologies.(This R&D presentation is about quality design reviews of underwater and topside devices, instruments, machines and various system engineered structures using lean six-sigma and other modern methods, tools and technologies. A quality design review is a major milestone within a product development process whereby a product, process or service system design is evaluated against its requirements in order to verify the outcomes of previous activities and identify issues before committing to, and if need to be re-prioritize, further design work. Design reviews can and should be conducted at several phases of the design process. This reduces waste, and unnecessary cost and time-to-market delays. Design reviews also play a crucially important role in safety. The ultimate design review, if successful, triggers product, process and/or service system improvements (a.k.a. continuous quality improvements) in all aspects, and eventually supports a successful product launch or product release. In many safety critical, and often harsh environment targeted industries, such as in underwater exploration, aerospace, automotive mobility, robotics, computer numerical controlled machines, and others, design reviews are compulsory, as part of design controls. This R&D presentation is illustrated with many practical, real-world examples, industrial and research use cases, based on sound methods, tools and technologies developed by the author as well as by others.) ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New York / New Jersey Section 300, 2015 R&D Presentation at NJIT, April, 2015.
- Lean Six-sigma Zero Defect Simulation with a Tolerance Analysis Focus (by Paul G. Ranky, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department, NJIT ASQ Student Chapter Founder). This interactive R&D presentation and workshop focuses on the basic principles of LSS tolerance analysis with the aim of achieving zero defect. Participants face a real-world challenge in terms of establishing and measuring KPIs (Key Process Indicators) of physical devices, entering data into a statistical software tool developed by Dr Ranky, and then analyzing and discussing the results. ASQ New York / New Jersey Section 300, Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) Ott Quality Conference at NJIT, April 15, 2015
- Ranky, P.G.: An Integrated Architecture, Methods and Some Tools for Enhancing Sustainable Enterprises and Systems
Article Published in Systems 2015, 3(2), 27-44; doi:10.3390/systems3020027; Received: 9 February 2015 / Revised: 14 April 2015 / Accepted: 24 April 2015 / Published: 4 May 2015; Show/Hide Abstract and Link to Full Article (FREE access) http://www.mdpi.com/2079-8954/3/2/27 Read statistics of this article: 1653(March, 2017)
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Enhancing Sustainable Performance in Organizational and Inter-Institutional Systems)
- Ranky, P.G.: Multimedia Apple iBook: Sustainability: A Sustainability Multimedia Resource Library with Aruba Images, Interactive Exercises and Video Clips...Genre: Science and Nature, 130 pages, May 18, 2015, Published by www.cimwareukandusa.com and Apple iBooks. (Please search the Apple iBooks store in the web; search: 'Paul Ranky, sustainability')
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Interactive Ott Quality Conference presentation: Quality Engineering Management Methods of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, October 2015, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G. and Vollo, M.: Ott Quality Conference presentation ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Interactive Seminar: Zero Defect by Quality Design (Human Error Prevention and Detection Methods, Tools and Technologies): An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, October 2015, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: Health and Safety Management R&D Seminar, at Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA, October 2015.
- Ranky, P.G: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New York City Lean Six-sigma Conference presentation: “Some Critically Important Lean Six-Sigma (LSS) Quality Methods, Tools and Use Cases with a Service System Focus.” This interactive ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) conference presentation focuses on the basic principles of LSS service system analysis and design with the aim of reducing waste and cost, improving customer satisfaction and throughput, and ultimately achieving zero defects. Participants face a real-world challenge in terms of understanding professional process modeling, customer requirements analysis, process failure risk analysis, and other LSS methods and tools with service system quality improvement use cases. November 3, 2015, ASQ Presentation in NYU Torch Club in New York City.
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Occupational Safety and Health Quality System Engineering Design and Management Methods and Some Tools: An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, November 2015, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G. and Vollo, M.: Ott Quality Conference presentation, ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Interactive Seminar: How Zero Defect by Quality Design and Manufacturing Can Be Achieved (Human Error Prevention and Detection Methods): An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, November 2015, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) North Jersey ASQ Quality Conference Presentation: Quality Design Review Methods, Tools, and Case Studies, Hannover Marriott, Whippany, NJ, March 24, 2016
- Ranky, P.G.: Why Projects Fail and How to Prevent Project Failures? The 16 Principles of Successful Project Management, BUTE, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, invited Graduate Research Seminars, as part of the European MBA Program, Budapest, Hungary, Europe, May, 2016.
- Ranky, P.G.: Business Managemet Methods and Use Cases of the Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT, BUTE, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, invited Graduate Research Seminars, as part of the European MBA Program, Budapest, Hungary, Europe, May 2016.
- Ranky, P.G.: Sustainable Green Engineering of Smart Cities, New Jersey Technology Council (NJTC) presentation at KEAN University, Union, NJ, July, 2016.
- Ranky, P.G. USA ISO TAG Member: ANSI/MSE/ISO 50001 - 2011 Energy management systems -Requirements with guidance for use; rev. 2016
- Ranky, P.G. USA ISO TAG Member: ANSI/MSE/ISO 50002 - 2014 Energy audits - Requirements with guidance for use; rev. 2016
- Ranky, P.G. USA ISO TAG Member: ANSI/MSE/ISO 50003 - Energy management systems - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of energy management systems; rev. 2016
- Ranky, P.G. USA ISO TAG Member: ANSI/MSE/ISO 50004 - 2014 Energy management systems - Guidance for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of an energy management system; rev. 2016
- Ranky, P.G. USA ISO TAG Member: ANSI/MSE/ISO 50006 - 2014 Energy management systems - Measuring energy performance using energy baselines (EnB) and energy performance indicators (EnPI) - General principles and guidance; rev. 2016
- Ranky, P.G. USA ISO TAG Member: ANSI/MSE/ISO 50015 - 2014 Energy management systems - Measurement and verification of energy performance of organizations - General principles and guidance; rev. 2016
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Zero Defect Quality Methods and Tools: An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, October 2016, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Zero-defect Principles and Analytical Methods Within The Lean six-sigma Quality Framework (Human Error Prevention and Detection Methods), An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, November 2016, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Why Zero Defect Quality is An Achievable Goal (Human Error Detection and Prevention Methods and Tools): An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, March 2017, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Design Quality Review Methods of Megacities with a PLM (Product Lifecycle Engineering) Focus. An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, March 2017, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA. (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Zero Defect Quality Methods: An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, October 2017, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Design Quality Review Case Studies of Megacities with a Green Product Lifecycle Engineering Focus (How could we deploy lean six-sigma quality and sustainable green systems engineering concepts, methods and tools to design and operate megacities better?): An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, October 2017, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: How Hi-tech, Feedback Controlled Manufacturing and Fabrication Systems Can Enable Zero-defect Production Results. An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, March 2018, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA. (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Zero-defect Quality Modeling Methods Using Lean Six-sigma Statistical Analysis (Human Error Prevention and Detection Methods); An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, March 2018, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA. (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: Manila-VIP-Video-CityTour-Paul-Ranky-Part1-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Manila-VIP-Video-CityTour-Paul-Ranky-Part2-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YYouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Manila-VIP-Video-CityTour-Paul-Ranky-Part3-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Manila-To-Palawan-Puerto-Princesa-Flight-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Puerto-Princesa-UndergroundRiver-Tour-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Honda-Bay-Island-Hopping-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-01-El-Nido-Sunrize-Harbour-Sunset-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-02-Tunnel-HelicopterIsland-SouthMiniloc-Nat-Nat-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-03-SunrizeDives-Coral Gardens-Destacado-Rock-North-Rock-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-04-EntalulaIslandWestWall-SouthMiniloc-NatNat-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-05-South-Minilok-North-Rock-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-06-Abdeens-South-Miniloc-North-Rock-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-07-Sibaltan-Dives-SoonKo-RunwayReef-SharkBait-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-08-El-Nido-To-Coron-Ferry-Ride-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-09-Coron-WreckDives-01-KogyoMaru-TeruKazeMaru-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-10-Coron-WreckDives-02-OlympiaMaru-MorazanMaru-CoralGarden-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-11-Coron-WreckDives-03-KogyoMaru-TeruCaseMaru-BarracudaLake-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: Palawan-Dives-12-Coron-WreckDives-04-Akitsushima-OkikawaMaru-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: The Digital Quality Transformation Process Supported By Visual Factory Management Workflows: An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, October 2018, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Zero-defect Quality Modeling Methods Using Lean Six-sigma Statistical Analysis Methods and Tools (Human Error Prevention & Detection Methods): An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, October 2018, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Smart, Feedback Controlled, On-demand Manufacturing Systems To Enable Zero-defect Production, Human Error Prevention and Detection: An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, November 2018, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Quality Analysis and Modeling Methods Using Lean Six-sigma Statistical Tools: An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, November 2018, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Human Error Prevention and Detection Methods Using An Object-oriented Approach For Engineered Systems: An Interactive Session with Practical Examples, November 2018, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: The Digital Factory Transformation Process To Reduce / Detect / Eliminate Human Errors In Computer Numerically Controlled Systems: A Presentation and an IInteractive Session with Practical Examples, March 2019, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This technical event / conference and workshop is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Integrating AI and Machine Learning Capabilities into Process Failure Mode / Risk Analysis: A Presentation and an IInteractive Session with Practical Examples, March 2019, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This technical event / conference and workshop is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Section)
- Alberto Bernardi, Paul G. Ranky, and Roberto Montanari: Lean Philosophy In A Small Industry, by Alberto Bernardi, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Roberto Montanari, PhD, Full Professor, Architecture and Engineering Department, UNIPR, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Mirko Alessi, Paul G. Ranky, and Massimo Bertolini: The Impact of RuleDesigner’s PLM Implementation for Extrema Montascale Srl's Purchase Order Process and the Flowchart of Workflow and Logistic According to ISO9001:2015 Optics, by Mirko Alessi, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Massimo Bertolini, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Lucia Alfieri, Paul G. Ranky, and Giuseppe Vignali: How INDUSTRY 4.0 AR (Augmented Reality) Applications Impact The Performance Of Maintenance Activities In The Food Industry, by Lucia Alfieri, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Giuseppe Vignali, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Claudia Bisceglia Bisceglia, Paul G. Ranky, and Massimo Bertolinii: The Efficiency And Cost Changes After The Implementation Of Second Generation AGVs In A Plant Where First Generation Machines Are Still Being Used And/or Manual Handling Is Still Ongoing by Claudia Bisceglia Bisceglia, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Massimo Bertolini, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Marco Carletti, Paul G. Ranky, and Massimo Bertolini: Choices, Methods And Tools For Optimization Of Production Management Of E9 With A View To Total Quality Management by Marco Carletti, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Massimo Bertolini, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Marcella Di Marco, Paul G. Ranky, and Massimo Bertolini: Increasing Efficiency Through The 5s' Methodology by Marcella Di Marco, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Massimo Bertolini, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Mirella Eccli, Paul G. Ranky, and Francesco Galati: Are We Able To Offer Customers What They Really Need? by Mirella Eccli, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Francesco Galati, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Camilla Facini, Paul G. Ranky, and Roberto Montanari: Time & Cost Reduction By Developing Lean Six-sigma Methods For Cellular Line Supply Chain Order-import Cycle by Camilla Facini, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Roberto Montanari, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Giulia Iapozzuto, Paul G. Ranky, and Antonio Rizzi: Systems Engineering Modeling Of Returnable Logistics Assets, EUR EPAL Pallets, Using RFID Technology by Giulia Iapozzuto, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Antonio Rizzi, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
https://gi27.weebly.com/masters-project.html May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Gabriella Luchnini, Paul G. Ranky, and Eleonora Bottani: Goods Distribution Process Improvement: The Bormioli Rocco Case Sudy by Gabriella Luchnini, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Eleonora Bottani, PhD, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Fedele Marino, Paul G. Ranky, and Francesco Zammori: The Implementation Of An ERP System In A Company by Fedele Marino, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Francesco Zammori, PhD, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Federica Panciroli, Paul G. Ranky, and Andrea Volpi: Cost Analysis Of Machine Options Of Homogenizer For The Food Industry by Federica Panciroli,, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Andrea Volpi, PhD, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Francesco Quaretti, Paul G. Ranky, and Andrea Volpi: Process Reengineering And Quality Control In A Food Company, Cleaning cycle optimization: An Experimental Approach To Cleaning The Filling Valve by Francesco Quaretti, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Andrea Volpi, PhD, Industrial Engineering Department, University of Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma, ITALY The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Andrea Savocchi, Paul G. Ranky, and Francesco Galati: Optimization and Management of Purchase Invoices And The Implementation Of Electronic Invoices by Andrea Savocchi, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Francesco Galati, PhD, Eng., Professor, Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Chiara Valentini, Paul G. Ranky, and Andrea Volpi: Platform Simplification And Cost Analysis Of A Product’s Modular Architecture: The Sidel S.p.A Case by Chiara Valentini, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Andrea Volpi, Eng, PhD, Professor, Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
May, 2019, a LinkedIn publication
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-01-Dives-RangerStation-AmosRock-Ko-ok-4Kvideo-MasterEdit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-02-Dives-SeafanAlley-SharkAirport-WashingMachine-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-03-Dives-MalayanWreck-BlackRock-DelsanWreck-StaghornPoint-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-04-Dives-JessieBeazleyReef-RangersVisit-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Cebu-To-Malapascua-Island-By-Van-and-Boat-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Malapascua-Island-Gato-Island-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Malapascua-Kalanggaman-Island-Dive-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Panglao-BeachWalk-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-01-DoljoPoint-PuntodWall-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-02-ArcoPoint-AlonaHouseReef-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-03-BalicasagIsland-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Ranky, P.G.: Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-04-GakAng-Doljo-AlonaBeachHouseReefNightDive-4Kvideo-Master-HD, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Tubbataha, Malapascua Island and Bohol Island, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Mirella Eccli, Paul G Ranky, Francesco Galati: Are We Able to Offer Customers What They Really Want? Part 1, ASQ, Customer-Supplier Division, Excellence Through Quality, Fall 2019, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pages 11-21
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Modern Quality Management Systems Integrated with Cybersecurity: Methods, Tools and Technologies; Solutions, Questions and Answers: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, February 2020, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Digital Factory Transformation Process To Reduce / Detect / Eliminate Cybersecurity Related Human Errors And Downtime; Solutions, Questions and Answers: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, February 2020, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G., Vaccari, Ray, and Olamide (Naomi) Habib: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Real-time Feedback Controlled 4.0 Quality Management Systems In Advanced Digital Factories; Solutions, Questions and Answers. An interactive presentation with a 4.0 Quality Management System (QMS) focus. February 2020, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Anthea D'Ambrosio, Paul G. Ranky, and GIUSEPPE VIGNALI: ANALYSIS OF MACHINE DOWNTIME AND WARNINGS IN AN ASEPTIC PACKAGING PLANT, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): GIUSEPPE VIGNALI, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
June 2020, a LinkedIn publication
- Vanessa Di Iorio, Paul G. Ranky, and GIUSEPPE VIGNALI: Evaluation of the investment in technologies with greater automation in an engineering company, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): GIUSEPPE VIGNALI, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
June 2020, a LinkedIn publication
- Beatrice Iacci, Paul G. Ranky, and Barbara Bigliardi: Analysis of a production process in the context of the Food Valley, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Professor Barbara Bigliardi, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
June 2020, a LinkedIn publication
- Mariachiara Rossi, Paul G. Ranky, and Eleonora Bottani: Quality Management analysis in the inventory area of Fiege Logistics Italia S.r.l., MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Eleonora Bottani, Eng., Ph.D. Associate professor of Industrial Logistics, Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, ITALY. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
June 2020, a LinkedIn publication
- Alessandro Scaramuzza and Paul G. Ranky: Benefits of collaboration strategies like VMI and CPFR over TSC considering a multi-echelon supply chain of a typical retailer industry, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
June 2020, a LinkedIn publication
- Micol Tarasconi, Paul G. Ranky, and Andrea Volpi: Feasibility study of a pellet production plant starting from spent coffee grounds, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Andrea Volpi, Eng, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Parma, ITALY. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
June 2020, a LinkedIn publication
- Matteo Barozzi, Paul G. Ranky, and Alberto Petroni: A RECRUITING SYTEM INSIDE A COMPANY AND THE CREATION OF AN INTERACTIVE TOOL TO IMPROVE THE PEROMANCE OF THE SYTEM ITSELF, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA, and Academic Supervisor (Italy): Alberto Petroni, Eng, PhD, Professor, University of Parma, ITALY. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here:
June 2020, a LinkedIn publication
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 Quality Conference presentation: A 5D Business Process Modeling Method With Use Cases Focusing on Human Error Prevention, Optimization and Complex Engineered Systems: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, October 2020, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Cybersecurity Challenges and Solutions For Complex Engineered Systems: Methods, Tools and Technologies (Questions and Answers): A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, December 2020, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Quality 4.0 / Industry 4.0 Management Systems Focusing On Cybersecurity: Advanced Methods, Tools and Technologies: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, December 2020, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Main Cybersecurity Challenges of Industry 4.0 / IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) / Quality 4.0 Sensory Feedback Controlled Networked Digital Factory Systems (With Industrial and Research Use Cases): A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, December 2020, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Cybersecurity For Complex Design and Automation Factories and Systems: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical research and industrial examples, March 2021, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Cybersecurity Solutions for Quality 4.0 Engineering Management Systems: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical research and industrial examples, March 2021, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Edge Computing Cybersecurity Solutions for Networked Digital Factories (With Industrial and Research Use Cases): A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, March 2021, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Real-time Drone Configuration, Flightpath Optimization and Control Algorithms for Networked Digital Factories: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, March 2021, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 ASQ Ott Quality Conference presentation: Cybersecure Safe Data Input and Output Filtering Algorithms for Quality 4.0 Management Systems: A technical presentation and an interactive session with practical examples, March 2021, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) New Jersey Section 304 Annual Spring ASQ Quality Conference presentation: Cybersecurity Process Modeling Solutions for Complex Engineered Systems: A technical presentation, April 2021, on-line: webex, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, Paul, G.: Advanced Process Modeling Solutions for Sustainable Green Engineered Systems, Invited Keynote Speech, ECCMES 2021 International Conference On Chemical, Mechanical and Environmental Sciences, KPR College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, International Conference via Google, March 2021
- Ranky, Paul, G.: Cybersecurity Process Modeling Solutions For Complex Engineered Systems Within a QMS (Quality Mangement System) Framework, ASQ (American Society for Quality), New Jersey Regional Conference, org. by ASQ Section 304, April 2021
- Nabil Bachar and Paul G. Ranky: Implementation of Objective Indices in the Evaluation of the Quality of a Pizzeria, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng. PhD. Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://nbachar.weebly.com/full-article.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Paolo Bedoldi and Paul G. Ranky: IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF WAREHOUSE IN A COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISE, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng. PhD. Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://calibrothers.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Claudio Bertelli and Paul G. Ranky: Implementation of an online rental portal for boat rentals, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Eleonora Bottani, Eng. PhD., Full Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://claudiobertelli.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Luca Fabrizio Cornici and Paul G. Ranky: Study of cost analysis, assembly and related performance deriving from the implementation of electric motors in cars with the help of photovoltaic panels, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng. PhD. Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://luca-fabrizio-cornici.webnode.it/master-project/, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Giacomo Cuttica and Paul G. Ranky: Feasibility study of a cogeneration plant for a pharmaceutical company?, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://giacomocuttica.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Yurian de Jong and Paul G. Ranky: Study on cost analysis, assembly and related performance deriving from the implementation of electric motors on cars with the help of photovoltaic panels, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng. PhD. Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://ydjsupplies.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Marco Del Monaco and Paul G. Ranky: Optimizing inefficiencies and bottlenecks of a Parmigiano Reggiano production line, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Roberto Montanari, Full Professor at Università di Parma, Italy. Engineering and Architecture Department, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://qualifly.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Federico Dellapina and Paul G. Ranky: FEASIBILITY STUDY OF BARCODES IMPLEMENTATION IN WAREHOUSE, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng. PhD. Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://federico-dellapina-njit.webnode.com/master-project/, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Samuele Gianni and Paul G. Ranky: Analysis of the changeover process of CNC single spindle lathes and application of SMED methodology to reduce changeover times in an Italian SME, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Giovanni Romagnoli, PhD, full professor, engineering and architecture department, University of Parma, and Cristian Gualtieri, research fellow at the University of Parma, Engineering and Architecture Department, Parma, ITA, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://lunigianaathome.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Gianpietro Guatelli and Paul G. Ranky: An Oil & Gas Company providing Services to other Companies of the sector: Geometrical-Dimensional Inspection of Pipelines with Caliper Pig and Intelligent Pig, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng. PhD. Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://gianpietroguatelli.weebly.com/abstract.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Francesco Milazzo and Paul G. Ranky: Renewable energy systems, the way to renovate and save the world, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng. PhD. Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://milazzonet.weebly.com/master-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Nicolò Papini Bertelli and Paul G. Ranky: Analysis of transport processes and optimization of empty trips, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Giuseppe Vignali, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://nicolopapinibertelli.webnode.com/master-project/, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Luca Pelizza and Paul G. Ranky: Automation of the production process in a farm producing Mela Val di Non D.O.P., MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://lucapelizza.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Filippo Perfetti and Paul G. Ranky: ANALYSIS OF INSURANCE PROFILES, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, PhD, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://filippoperfetti.weebly.com/master-project.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Matteo Piacentini and Paul G. Ranky: Continuous process improvement through BPM Software applied to an international sailmaking company, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Alberto Petroni, PhD, Full Professor, University of Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://matteopiacentini.com/masters-project/, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Lorenzo Piga and Paul G. Ranky: Improvement of a production line, through the automation of a part of it, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Giuseppe Vignali, full professor, department Management and Industrial engineering, University Of Parma Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://pigalorenzo.weebly.com/masters-projecrt.html, June 2021, a LinkedIn publication.
- Ranky, Paul, G.: Cybersecurity Process Modeling Solutions For Complex Engineered Systems (Challenges and Solutions), Invited IEEE India Keynote Presentation, Narayana Institute of Techniology, Adoor, IEEE SB SNIT, India (via Google Meeting), June 2021.
- Ranky, Paul, G.: Cybersecurity For Complex Engineered Systems With An Edge Computing Focus, Invited IEEE India Keynote Presentation, St. Joseph College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Kerala, IEEE, India (via Google Meeting), July 2021.
- Ranky, Paul, G.: San Diego, California, Tall Ships 4K Video by Paul G Ranky is being used (by permission) by California State Parks, CA, USA. This video (recorded, produced and edited by Ranky) is part of an exhibit project that is installed in the California State Capitol. The theme of the exhibit is California State Symbols and the State Tall Ship is the 'Californian'. Besides several other large old vessels, this tall ship also appears in the video. (The full video is also on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkP0VrvIzOE). August, 2021
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Cybersecurity For Complex Engineered Systems With Edge Computing and QMS (Quality Management System) Integration: An Interactive Session with Analytical and Practical Examples, October 2021, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300 and 304, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Sections)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Real-time Feedback Controlled Quality 4.0 Design and Implementation Challenges and Solutions in Hi-tech Digital Factories: An Interactive Session with Analytical and Practical Examples, October 2021, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA (This event is sponsored by ASQ, Section 300 and 304, New York/New Jersey Metropolitan Sections)
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Integrated Warehouse Robot Optimization Models and Solutions For Hybrid Fulfillment Centers: An Interactive Session with Analytical and Practical Examples, March 2022, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Automated Order Picking Preference Optimization Models For Fully Automated Warehouses: An Interactive Session with Analytical and Practical Examples, March 2022, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Mathematical Modeling of CNC Turning Tool Tip Geometry For Optimal Chip Formation and Programming: An Interactive Session with Analytical and Practical Examples, March 2022, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Ott Quality Conference presentation: Engineering-focused Cybersecurity Challenges, Modeling and Solutions: An Interactive Session with Analytical and Practical Examples, March 2022, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Ranky, P.G.: ASQ (American Soc. for Quality) Invited Quality Conference presentation / ASQ Worcester Section: Cybersecurity Modeling Solutions Within a QMS (Quality Management System) Framework: An Interactive Session with Analytical and Practical Examples, March 2022, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA
- Paul G Ranky: An Introduction to Total Quality Management and Control (TQM/TQC) for Engineering Project Managers, Amazon Kindle eBook publication, 136 pages, May 2023.
- Valentina Beretta and Paul G. Ranky: MEASURING PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE AND CRITICALITY ANALYSIS FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Prof. Roberto Montanari, Full Professor of Industrial Plants, Department of Engineering and Architecture, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma , Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://valentina-beretta.weebly.com/ms-project.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Andrea Bianco and Paul G. Ranky: A Systematic Marketing and Financial Analysis to Support the Design of New Business Models by Means of Digital Services for the Cosmetic Business Domain, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Angelo Daiana, Industrial Engineering Departement, University of Parma, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://espressoit.weebly.com/master-project.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Francesco Bisaschi and Paul G. Ranky: Quality and Cybersecurity Focused Process Improvement Analysis and Design of an Interactive Parts Catalogue for an Engineering Company in Italy?, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Eng, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://francescobisaschi.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Marco De Rosa and Paul G. Ranky: The Analysis of the Water Footprint of the Cosmoproject S.p.A. Company and the Reduction of the Quantities of Water Consumed Through the Realization of a Closed-loop Cooling System for Production Machines, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Andrea Volpi, PhD, Full Professor, Engineering and Architecture Department, University of Parma, Italy. EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://marcoderosa93.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Marco Ghirini and Paul G. Ranky: The Analysis, Design and Optimization of Food Warehouse Material Handling Processes in the Italian Food Valley, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://marcoghirini.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Martina Mundula and Paul G. Ranky: Some Methods and Solutions to Improve Warehouse Picking Operations Quality and efficiency by Dividing Stock Codes Into Classes of Importance, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://martinamundula.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Marco Panno and Paul G. Ranky: The Feasibility Analysis of a Sustainable Energy System Based on High-efficiency Microcogeneration, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://marcopanno.weebly.com/full-article.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Alessandro Tanzi and Paul G. Ranky: Warehouse Plan for Every Part and Safety Stock Analysis For Companies that Produce to Order Including Cyber security Considerations, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://alessandrotanzi.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Myftari Edis and Paul G. Ranky: Optimizing the Transportation Network to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Cost, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, EU, and and ACADEMIC CO-ADVISOR (BRAZIL): Annibal José RR Scavarda Do Carmo, PhD in Production Engineering (PUC-Rio). The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://myftariedis.weebly.com, June 2023, a LinkedIn publication.
- Carlo Alberto Fornaro and Paul G. Ranky: Brand activism and environmental sustainability: the case of Patagonia, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Prof. Renato Gaeta, Full Professor of Industrial Marketing, Department of Engineering and Architecture, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://carloalbertofornaro2.weebly.com, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- Anna Cornetti and Paul G. Ranky: Feasibility Study of RFID Technology in the Supply Chain of Consumer Goods, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, eng, PhD, Full professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli studi di Parma, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://ac2564.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- Giacomo Bianchi and Paul G. Ranky: Analysis of the construction industry market sector, analysis of the leading companies' production in this market, and optimization of the production lines and management system, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Roberto Montanari, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://gb374.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- Riccardo Biolchini and Paul G. Ranky: Analysis and Design From Scratch of an Optimized Layout for the New Warehouse of a Manufacturing SME, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Barbara Bigliardi, Full Professor and Renato Gaeta, Industrial Engineering Department Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://tecnicalwarehouse.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- Marco Fabri and Paul G. Ranky: Implementation of a new automated system for inventory and warehouse management in an Italian supermarket?, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Roberto Montanari, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy Industrial Engineering Department Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://marcofabbriims.weebly.com/master-project.html, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- Melania Vecchi and Paul G. Ranky: The analysis and implementation of an advanced planning and scheduling software for RP Santini, Italy, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Roberto Montanari, Full Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy Industrial Engineering Department Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://mv444.weebly.com/problem-statement.html, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- Debora Spaggiari and Paul G. Ranky: FEASIBILITY STUDY OF THE EXPANDING USE OF THE OPTIT OPTIMIZAZION TOOL FROM ITALY TO EUROPE, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Antonio Rizzi, Full Professor of Industrial Marketing, Department of Engineering and Architecture, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://ds2289.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- Mariavittoria Caciorgna and Paul G. Ranky: FEASIBILITY STUDY RELATED TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ELECTRIC TRUCK. From route study to cost optimization, MS Project at NJIT, Double Degree of MS EM, MS Engineering Management Student, NJIT/UNIPR (New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ, USA, and the University of Parma, Italy). MS Project Academic Supervisor (USA): Paul G. Ranky, Full Professor, MIE Department (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), NJIT, R1 Rated Public Research University of New Jersey, USA and Antonio Rizzi, Full Professor of Industrial Marketing, Department of Engineering and Architecture, UNIPR Public Research University of Parma, Italy, EU. The full text/images/etc. of the MS Project can be found here: https://mc967.weebly.com/masters-project.html, June 2024, a LinkedIn publication.
- BOOK: Paul Ranky: Key Attributes and Skills of The Best Engineering Project Managers, Kindle Edition, Amazon Books, 224 pages, https://www.amazon.com/Attributes-Skills-Engineering-Project-Managers-ebook/dp/B0CQWPWY28/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1FMPNRZ7TT7SF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nTwsjR8M5MV-e_OAw_IztA.1UzouETHgWsdlgJHCJKpvgQaX5xAB6gm9e7E2NQmSUo&dib_tag=se&keywords=amazon+books%2C+Paul+Ranky%2C+69&qid=1720450441&sprefix=amazon+books%2C+paul+ranky%2C+69%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-1
Interactive Multimedia 3D eBook and Video Publications (Educational and R&D) 1991 to date: Written by Paul G. Ranky, (some in collaboration with other experts), programmed, directed, edited and produced by Paul G. Ranky. Published by http://www.cimwareukandusa.com (USA and UK Publishers). (Note, that each DVD video is pro-edited and about 30-35 mins. long. Shot in full HD, and more recently in 4K UHD and then rendered to different digital formats, including streaming for mobile devices, on-demand; each browser readable interactive multimedia eBook is approximately 500-600 pages long, and contains several thousand interactive files integrated into a browser readable format. My eBooks are full of active code to enjoy an interactive experience versus just a flat PDF file, as many others...) A good selection of digital video and eBook titles includes the following list below (for a more accurate list please visit http://www.cimwareukandusa.com/CIMwarePublPages/DVDvideo-FullList.html):
- The 16 Advanced Sustainable Lean Manufacturing Excellence and Technology Management Principles: System Design & Management Principles (Volume 1, Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, 4 DVD video boxset, UPC 632568004857) ==> NEW!
- The 16 Advanced Sustainable Lean Manufacturing Excellence and Technology Management Principles: Implementation Challenges and Solutions (Volume 2, Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, 4 DVD video boxset, UPC 632568004840) ==> NEW!
- Advanced Rapid Prototyping Methods, Tools, Technologies and Use –cases Using Mostly US Technology in Hong Kong / China (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD video)
- Advanced Automotive Tyre Design Engineering Strategies, Solutions and Test Drives in Detroit, USA Using Michelin Technology (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001290)
- Advanced US developed Mobile Robots for the Army and for Safety / Recovery / Security (A Major Show Filmed in the USA with technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD video)
- Advanced 3D Interactive CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) Development Concepts and Cases: An Interview and Software Demonstrations with Bill Gibbs, Founder of GibbsCAM (DVD video) (UPC 632568001443)
- Advanced, Difficult Manufacturing Technology Challenges & Working Solutions, Volume 1, Part 1 to 4 (a 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003607) ==> NEW!
- Advanced Multi-engineering Analysis, Modeling, Design and Simulation Challenges and Solution Cases, Using Dymola Methods and Tools (DVD video) (UPC 632568001610)
- Alternative Energy Sources: DVD Duo Pack, Components & Integrated Automotive Systems on Video and the Browser Readable, 'Introduction to Alternative Energy Sources Hybrid & Fuel Cell Vehicles' 3D eBook boxset ==> NEW!
- Advanced Electronic Assembly and Quality Assurance. Automotive Diagnostic System Assembly and Test. USA National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative's (NEMI) Plug & Play Factory Project... A Virtual Factory Tour on Video with In-depth Technical Discussions... (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001429)
- Advanced Electronic Assembly and Quality Assurance. Electronic Assembly Machines and Shopfloor Control Systems. USA National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative's (NEMI) Plug & Play Factory Project... A Virtual Factory Tour on Video with In-depth Technical Discussions... (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001412)
- Advanced Electronic Assembly and Quality Assurance. The USA National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative's (NEMI) Plug & Play Factory Project... A Virtual Factory Tour on Video with In-depth Technical Discussions... (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001405)
- Aerospace Design for Manufacturing, Assembly, Quality, Inspection, Service, Hi-tech Project Management and Maintenance Engineering Challenges and Solutions. (Aviation Quality Assurance for Design, Development, Production, Installation, Servicing and Maintenance. Principles, Methods, Challenges and Practical Engineering Solutions with Several USA, European and Japanese Case Studies) Vol. 1 (4 DVD video / eBook set) ==> NEW!
- Aerospace Design for Manufacturing, Assembly, Quality, Inspection, Service, Hi-tech Project Management and Maintenance Engineering Challenges and Solutions. (Aviation Quality Assurance for Design, Development, Production, Installation, Servicing and Maintenance. Principles, Methods, Challenges and Practical Engineering Solutions with Several USA, European and Japanese Case Studies) Vol. 2 (4 DVD video / eBook set) ==> NEW!
- Aerospace Design for Manufacturing, Assembly, Quality, Inspection, Service, Hi-tech Project Management and Maintenance Engineering Challenges and Solutions. (Aviation Quality Assurance for Design, Development, Production, Installation, Servicing and Maintenance. Principles, Methods, Challenges and Practical Engineering Solutions with Several USA, European and Japanese Case Studies) Vol. 3 (4 DVD video set) ==> NEW!
- AISIN, Japan: Automotive Components, Sensors, Gearboxes New Product Innovation (NPI) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Challenges and SOlutions with AISIN Automotive Body Components, Engine Transmission, Sensor, Automotive Navigation, Telematic Information Systems and Other Part and System Designs (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD video) (UPC 632568001634)
- Alternative Energy Sources: Hybrid and Fuel Cell Cars… (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) ==> NEW!
- Automotive Design for Quality and Quality Assurance: Video Factory Tour in the BMW MINI (UK) Manufacturing Ltd., Oxford, England Plant: (DVD Video)
- Automotive Engine Marriage Assembly and Teamwork : Video Factory Tour in the BMW MINI (UK) Manufacturing Ltd., Oxford, England Plant: (DVD Video)
- Vol. 1: Bali Experience: Diving Amed and Tulamben, USS Liberty Wreck, Biking Tour, Gunung Kawi Tampaksiring Temple, Holy Spring, Tirta Empul Tampaksiring Temple, Organic Farm Visit, Traditional Wood Carving, Pura Bangun Sakti Besakih Temple, Botanical Gardens, and Other Exciting Places... This Boxset Includes: artistic & documentary style videos and images. HD Vol 1, Part1 on DVD1: Dive sites including Amed and Tulamben, and the famous USS Liberty Shipwreck Part 1, 720p HD video, approx. 38.08 min; HD Vol 1, Part2, on DVD2: Dive sites including Amed and Tulamben, and the famous USS Liberty Shipwreck Part 2, 720p HD video, approx. 32.14 min; HD Vol 1, Part3, on DVD3: Biking tour in Bali with the Bike-Baik group, visit to the Gunung Kawi Tampaksiring Temple; visit to the Holy Spring, and the Tirta Empul Tampaksiring Temple; organic farm visit, coffee, coco, and tea plantations; Bali Traditional wood carving community visit, Pura Bangun Sakti Besakih Temple visit, the oldest temple in Bali, Pura Basukian Puseh Jagat, Besakih, Mahagiri Panoramic Resort Villas and Restaurant, and Bali sunset, Part 1, 720p HD video, approx. 43.46 min; HD Vol 1, Part4, on DVD4: Biking tour in Bali with the Bike-Baik group, visit to the Gunung Kawi Tampaksiring Temple; visit to the Holy Spring, and the Tirta Empul Tampaksiring Temple; organic farm visit, coffee, coco, and tea plantations; Bali Traditional wood carving community visit, Pura Bangun Sakti Besakih Temple visit, the oldest temple in Bali, Pura Basukian Puseh Jagat, Besakih, Mahagiri Panoramic Resort Villas and Restaurant, and Bali sunset, Part 2, 720p HD video, approx. 45.09 min; also includes 175 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of Bali Botanical Gardens-Ulun Danu Beratan, Temple On Water, and the Gitgit Water Fall, Bali, Indonesia. The artistic & documentary style Images are in max. quality Photoshop JPG format. All images are viewable as a computer slide show, or with many TV / DVD players, or mobile devices. (Slideshow software not included). High resolution / retina screen is recommended, but not necessary. Ideal for teaching / learning about sustainable green, eco-friendly travel, designs, living, mobility, and others. (4 DVD Boxset, Vol.1) ==> NEW!
Vol. 2: Bali Experience: Biking tour, Organic Tea Plantations, Temples, Pura Basukian Puseh Jagat, Besakih, Mahagiri Panoramic Resort Villas and Restaurant, Mount Batur Volcanic Area, Wild Monkeys, Ubud Town and Ubud Market, Bali Kuta Sunset, and Other Exciting Places... This Boxset Includes: artistic & documentary style videos and images. HD Vol. 2, Part 1 on DVD1: Biking tour in Bali with the Bike-Baik group, visit to the Gunung Kawi Tampaksiring Temple; visit to the Holy Spring, and the Tirta Empul Tampaksiring Temple; organic farm visit, coffee, coco, and tea plantations; Bali Traditional wood carving community visit, Pura Bangun Sakti Besakih Temple visit, the oldest temple in Bali, Pura Basukian Puseh Jagat, Besakih, Mahagiri Panoramic Resort Villas and Restaurant, and Bali sunset, Part 3, 720p HD video, approx. 52.06 min; also includes 66 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of Bali Kuta, Indonesia. HD Vol 2, Part2 on DVD2: Biking tour in Bali with the Bike-Baik group, visit to the Gunung Kawi Tampaksiring Temple; visit to the Holy Spring, and the Tirta Empul Tampaksiring Temple; organic farm visit, coffee, coco, and tea plantations; Bali Traditional wood carving community visit, Pura Bangun Sakti Besakih Temple visit, the oldest temple in Bali, Pura Basukian Puseh Jagat, Besakih, Mahagiri Panoramic Resort Villas and Restaurant, and Bali Sunset, Part 4, 720p HD video, approx. 52.50 min; also includes 118 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of Bali Kuta, Indonesia. HD Vol 2, Part3 on DVD3: Bali Ubud, Mount Batur volcanic area night climb and sun rise (top), 720p HD video, approx. 34.16 min; also includes 267 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of Bali Ubud, Tanah Mehra Resort, Indonesia. HD Vol 2, Part4 on DVD4: Bali Ubud, Mount Batur (top) volcanic area sun rise, wild monkeys and Ubud market, 720p HD video, approx. 39.58 min; also includes 203 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of Bali Ubud and Kuta area, and 263 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of the Bali Ubud area. The artistic & documentary style Images are in max. quality Photoshop JPG format. All images are viewable as a computer slide show, or with many TV / DVD players, or mobile devices. (Slideshow software not included). High resolution / retina screen is recommended, but not necessary. Please visit www.cimwareukandusa.com for other exciting 'Experience Series' publications. Ideal for teaching / learning about sustainable green, eco-friendly travel, designs, living, mobility, and others. (4 DVD Boxset, Vol.2) ==> NEW!
Vol. 3: Bali Experience: Diving Amed, Menjangan Permuteran, Tulamben; Sanur Beach, Bali Denpasar Market and Town Walk, Traditional Wedding and Music, Warung Blanjong, Traditional Balinese Cuisine in Sanur; Bali Ubud, Kuta, Mount Batur Volcanic Area, Tanah Merah, Ubud, and Other Exciting Places... This Boxset Includes: artistic & documentary style videos and images. HD Vol 3, Part1 on DVD1: Amed, Menjangan Island diving, Tulamben, and Sanur Beach, Bali, 720p HD video, approx. 53.44 min. Also includes 398 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of the Bali Ubud area. HD Vol 3, Part2 on DVD2: Bali Denpasar market and town walk around, traditional wedding preparations, and traditional music, 720p HD video, approx. 58.12 min, and also includes 211 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of Bali dives in the Menjangan Permuteran artificial reef conservation project area. HD Vol 3, Part3 on DVD3: Warung Blanjong Traditional Balinese Cuisine in Sanur, Bali with special thanks to Head Chef Ketut Mariani, 720p HD video, approx. 56.48 min. HD Vol 3, Part4 on DVD4: 398 hi-res artistic and documentary style images of (flowers, fauna, rice fields, the beautiful Tanah Merah Resort, volcanic sceneries and vegetation, and others). The artistic & documentary style Images are in max. quality Photoshop JPG format. All images are viewable as a computer slide show, or with many TV / DVD players, or mobile devices. (Slideshow software not included). High resolution / retina screen is recommended, but not necessary. Please visit www.cimwareukandusa.com for other exciting 'Experience Series' publications. Ideal for teaching / learning about sustainable green, eco-friendly travel, designs, living, mobility, and others. (4 DVD Boxset, Vol.3) ==> NEW!
- Bentley Quality by Design (UK / USA): Automotive Design, Industrial Design, Total Quality Management... (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)(UPC 632568001689)
- Big Twin Customs, Swift Motorcycle Co., S&S, Country Line Choppers, Lonesome Road Choppers, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs. Enjoy the Amazing Designs and the Excitement Quality (DVD Video, UPC 632568002662)
- Bonaire Experience: An Island Tour, and the Washington Slagbaai National Park (DVD Video)
- Bonaire Experience: Captain Don's Habitat, Klein Bonaire Dive Sites, and Shore Diving (DVD Video)
- Bonaire Experience: Hilma Hooker Wreck Diving, Karpata, Rappel and Nearby Dive Sites, the Salt Piers Night Dive, and Shore Diving (DVD Video)
- Boss Freestyle Motorcycle Stunts (DVD video)
- California Motors / New Vehicle Designs (USA): Automotive Design, Alternative Energy, Industrial Design, Total Quality Management (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001672)
- CAD to CAD Geometry Conversion / CAD Doctor Challenges (In-depth technical demos / interviews with Elysium / Dassault Systemes experts) (DVD Video)
- Caribbean Island Tour: The Utila, Bay Islands in Honduras DVD (2 DVD video and picture set)
- China: Chongquing, Old Town (Culture, everyday life, quality of life, and impressions without judgment) Great for trying to understand globalization challenges… (DVD Video)
- The CNC Professor Series: Volume 1: CNC Machine and Robot Integrated Cells and Flexible, Agile, Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: An Introduction with Hi-tech Industrial Examples... An Introduction to CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Principles with CNC Milling, Turning, Computer Controlled Robotic Welding, Assembly, and Other Advanced Manufacturing & Assembly Examples (Volume 1, Part 1 to 4, a 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003706) ==> NEW!
- The CNC Professor Series: Volume 2: CNC Machine and Robot Integrated Cells and Flexible, Agile, Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: Advanced Industrial Application Case Studies... An Introduction to CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Machine Components with CNC Milling, Turning, Computer Controlled Robotic Welding, Assembly, and Other Advanced Manufacturing & Assembly Examples (Volume 2, Part 1 to 4, a 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004895) ==> NEW!
- The CNC Professor Series: Volume 3: CNC Machine and Robot Integrated Cells and Flexible, Agile, Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: An Introduction to CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Programming Principles with CNC Milling, Turning, Computer Controlled Robotic Welding, Assembly, and Other Advanced Manufacturing & Assembly Examples... (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004901) ==> NEW!
- Collaborative Product / Process Development in a Global World: An Introduction to Collaborative Global Product / Process / Service System Design Challenges & Solutions with a Sustainable Green Quality and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Focus. Use-cases, Analytical Methods, Software Tools, Product, Process and Service System Demonstrations (3 DVD video and a browser readable multimedia eBook on DVD boxset) (UPC 632568003799) ==> NEW!
- Communication Skills & Soft Skills for International Global Project & Team Management, Vol. 1: Introduction and Overview, Part 1 to 4 (3 DVD videos and a browser readable 3D Multimedia eBook on DVD) (UPC 632568003645) ==> NEW!
- Communication Skills & Soft Skills for International Global Project & Team Management, Vol. 2: Cultural and Data Security Challenges, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568008763) ==> NEW!
- Communication Skills & Soft Skills for International Global Project & Team Management, Vol. 3: International Examples, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568008701) ==> NEW!
- Concurrent / Simultaneous Engineering, CE / PLM. Quality-focused product / process design methods, strategies, tools, CAD/CAM, TQM, QFD, CE process modeling, with industrial and R&D examples (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) (ISBN 1-905349-28-9) ==> NEW!
- Conversational CNC Programming: An Introduction with Programming Demonstrations Using Mori Seiki Multi-axis, High-Precision, High-Efficiency Integrated Mill Turn Centers (DVD Video, UPC 632568002402)
- Corvette Quality by Design (USA): Automotive Design, Industrial Design, Total Quality Management (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with the Corvette designer and other experts)
- Customer Requirements Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with an automotive external rear-mirror as an example) Vol. 1 (PC and Fax machine) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Customer Requirements Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with an automotive external rear-mirror as an example) Vol. 2 (PC and Answerphone) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Customer Requirements Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with an automotive external rear-mirror as an example) Vol. 3 (PC and Cellphone) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Customer Requirements Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with an automotive external rear-mirror as an example) Vol. 4 (PC and Remote Controller) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Customer Requirements Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with an automotive external rear-mirror as an example) Vol. 5 (PC and VHS Tape-recorder) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Customer Requirements Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with an automotive external rear-mirror as an example) Vol. 6 (PC and Audio CD Player) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Customer Requirements Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with an automotive external rear-mirror as an example) Vol. 7 (PC and Digital Talking Clock) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Custom Motorbike Designs: Big Twin Customs, Swift Motorcycle Co., S&S, Country Line Choppers, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs (DVD video)
- Custom Motorbike Designs: Ducati, Star, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs (DVD video)
- Custom Motorbike Designs: Harley Davidson, Tribal Iron Custom Choppers, Big Twin Customs, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs (DVD video)
- Custom Motorbike Designs: Suzuki, Honda, Patrane Airbrush Studios S&S, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs (DVD video)
- Custom Motorbike Designs: Victory, Star, Yamaha, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs (DVD video)
- Denso: Part 1: Lean Visual Factory Management Principles and Industrial Examples in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA. An Engineering Management Educational Program, Part 1 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568002488)
- Denso: Part 2: Process Kanban in Final Assembly, Kaizen, Quality Inspection, Heijunka Synchronization with the Customer, Visual Factory Management and Lead-time Reduction Examples with Supplier Kanban in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA. An Engineering Management Educational Program, Part 2 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568002501)
- Design Engineering Challenges of the Corvette (Including an interview with Jim Campbell, Director, Corvette Chief Engineer, GM, USA) (DVD video) (UPC 632568001566)
- Design for For Customer Requirements: Parts 1, 2 ,3 and 4. An Introduction to Customer Requirements Analysis, Sustainable Green Design, and Other Use-cases. Analytical Methods, Software Tools, Customer- Centered Product, Process and Service System Demonstrations (Part 1, 2, and 3 are DVD videos and part4 is a browser readable multimedia eBook on DVD) (UPC 632568003225) ==> NEW!
- Design Engineering Challenges and Solutions of Kistler Automotive Combustion Pressure Sensors, Water-cooled Sensors, Piezoelectric Sensors, the Crank Angle Decoder, the Signal Conditioning Unit, the Piezo Smart Sensor Identification System, and the Sensor Calibration Process (DVD video) (UPC 632568001542)
- Design for Safety and Quality: the Inspection and Auditing Process of Bridges and some Important Lessons Learned (DVD video) (UPC 632568001535)
- Design for Safety and Quality: Lessons Learned from the Analysis of Crashed Daimler-Benz / Mercedes Automobiles (DVD video) (UPC 632568001528)
- Design Reviews of Devices, Instruments, Machines, Products, Processes, Service Systems and Others, Including Automobiles, Aircraft, CNC Machines, Robots, and Other Components, Devices, Systems and Structures Using Lean Six-sigma and Other Advanced Methods, Tools and Technologies. This NEW multimedia series is about quality design reviews of devices, instruments, machines and various system engineered structures using lean six-sigma and other modern methods, tools and technologies. A quality design review is a major milestone within a product development process whereby a product, process or service system design is evaluated against its requirements in order to verify the outcomes of previous activities and identify issues before committing to, and if need to be re-prioritize, further design work. Design reviews can and should be conducted at several phases of the design process. This reduces waste, and unnecessary cost and time-to-market delays. Design reviews also play a crucially important role in safety. The ultimate design review, if successful, triggers product, process and/or service system improvements in all aspects, and eventually supports a successful product launch or product release. In many safety critical, and often harsh environment targeted industries, such as in underwater exploration, aerospace, automotive mobility, robotics, computer numerical controlled machines, and others, design reviews are compulsory, as part of design controls. This new series is illustrated with many practical, real-world examples, industrial and research use cases, based on sound methods, tools and technologies developed by the author, Professor Paul G Ranky, PhD, as well as by others. ==> NEW!
- Digital, Internet-linked Lifestyle: Digital Lifestyle, Industrial Design, Total Quality Management (Technical and entertaining show) (DVD Video)
- Ducati, Star, Kawasaki, Suzuki, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs. Enjoy the Amazing Designs and the Excitement Quality (DVD Video, UPC 632568002686)
- Digital Product Design: Concurrent Engineering Principles and Some Tools for Quality Design for Manufacturing, Assembly & Disassembly, and a Desktop Telephone Disassembly Use Case (a DVD video and a comprehensive interactive 3D multimedia eBook on DVD) (UPC 632568003034) ==> NEW!
- Digital Product Design: The Design Process of an Automated Robot Tool / Hand Changer, and Several Use Cases Focusing on Reconfigurable Robot Tool Designs & Robot Cell Integration Applications (DVD video)
- Digital Product Design: Design for Quality (DFQ) Principles and Practical Sustainable Green Product Design Examples (DVD Duo-set: a DVD video and a browser readable 3D multimedia eBook on DVD, UPC 632568003324) ==> NEW!
- Digital Product Design: Design For Manufacturing (DFM) and Assembly (DFA) Principles and Practical Green Product Design Examples (DVD video) (UPC 632568003300)
- Digital Product Design: The Design Process For Manufacturing (DFM) and Assembly (DFA) Principles and Practical Green Product Design Examples (DVD video) ==> NEW!
- Digital Product Design: Design For Quality, Manufacturing, Assembly & Disassembly Principles, and an Inkjet Printer Disassembly Use Case (DVD video) (UPC 632568002983) ==> NEW!
- Digital Product Design: Risk-based Design. Use Cases, Analytical Methods, Tools, Discussion and Practical Demonstrations. The Digital Product Design and Development Series. (Part 1, 2 and 3 are DVD videos and Part 4 is a browser readable 3D eBook on DVD) (UPC 632568002839) ==> NEW!
- Digital Product Design: The Design Process of an Automated Robot Hand / Tool Changer and Several Use Cases Focusing on Reconfigurable Robot Tool Designs and Robot Cell Integration Applications (DVD video) UPC 632568002990)
- Dive Utila, Bay Islands in Honduras DVD (DVD Duo set: Video DVD and picture DVD)
- Dynasim Engineering Modeling and Simulation for New Product / Process Designs / Automotive. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with experts )(DVD Video)
- Engineering Management, Project Management and Control, Leadership, Team Management, and Other Project Management Principles, Methods and Tools with Case Examples (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with experts) Part 1. (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001207)
- Engineering Management, Project Management and Control, Leadership, Team Management, and Other Project Management Principles, Methods and Tools with Case Examples (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with experts) Part 2. (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001214)
- Engineering Management, Project Management and Control, Leadership, Team Management, and Other Project Management Principles, Methods and Tools with Case Examples (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with experts) Part 3. (DVD Video)(UPC 632568001221)
- Engineering Management, Project Management and Control, Leadership, Team Management, and Other Project Management Principles, Methods and Tools with Case Examples (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with experts) Part 4. (DVD Video)(UPC 632568001238)
- Experience Eger, Hungary, Europe, Old Town and Fort (Culture, everyday life, quality of life, and impressions without judgment). Great for trying to understand globalization challenges (DVD video) (UPC 632568002167)
- Experience Fontainebleau Palace, France, Europe. Palace outside and inside virtual video tour. (Culture, everyday life, quality of life, and impressions without judgment). Great for trying to understand globalization challenges (DVD video) (UPC 632568001818)
- Experience Tokyo, Ginza by Day; Japan. (Culture, everyday life, quality of life, and impressions without judgment). Great for trying to understand globalization challenges (Suitable for all ages: not rated) (DVD video) (UPC 632568002143)
- Experience Tokyo, Ginza by Night; Japan. (Culture, everyday life, quality of life, and impressions without judgment) Great for trying to understand globalization challenges. (Suitable for all ages: not rated) (DVD video) (UPC 632568002129)
- Experience China, Chongquing, Old Town, Witness Everyday Life and Culture. (mpressions without judgment). (DVD Video)(UPC 632568001436)
- Experience China, Chongquing, Old Town, Witness Everyday Life and Culture (the long version). (mpressions without judgment). (DVD Video)(UPC 632568002853)
- Experience El Galleon Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines: Volume 1: Diving and Island tracking sustainable green adventures... A Sustainable Green Living and Mobility Focus... (an 8 DVD video and pro- HD photo boxset, browser readable 360 degree panoramas, also includes mobile device 720p HD videos for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices; 33 x360 degree panoramas, 583 hi-res images, 7 HD and SD dive videos) (UPC 632568004185)
- Experience El Galleon Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines: Volume 2: Diving and Island tracking sustainable green adventures... A Sustainable Green Living and Mobility Focus... (an 8 DVD video and pro- HD photo boxset, browser readable 360 degree panoramas, also includes mobile device 720p HD videos for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices; 318 hi-res images, 192 diving images, 4 HD and SD dive videos) (UPC 632568004802)
- Experience El Galleon Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines: Volume 3: Diving and Island tracking sustainable green adventures... A Sustainable Green Living and Mobility Focus...(an 8 DVD video and pro- HD photo boxset, browser readable 360 degree panoramas, also includes mobile device 720p HD videos for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices; 216 island hopping and 239 topside hi-res images, 7 HD and SD dive videos) (UPC 632568004833)
- Experience El Galleon Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines: Volume 4: Diving and Island tracking sustainable green adventures... A Sustainable Green Living and Mobility Focus... (an 8 DVD video and pro- HD photo boxset, browser readable 360 degree panoramas, also includes mobile device 720p HD videos for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices; 311 hi-res images, 5 HD and SD dive videos, including one meditation video in SD and HD) (UPC 632568004574)
- Experience Grand Cayman diving: Grand Cayman Boat Dives… Sting Ray City. A Sustainable Green Living and Mobility Focus... (DVD Duo Set: one DVD video and a picture DVD)
- FARO Quality Control and Inspection Methods, Tools and Technologies (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- FIRST Robotics: Pit Crew & Competition Day, the DVD duo pack (2 DVD videos) (UPC 632568003072)
- FLOW Water-jet Cutting, Lean / Flexible Automation, Robotics / Manufacturing Cells/ Systems. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Ford SYNus Concept Car Industrial Design Challenges and Methods: New Product / Process Designs / Automotive. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designer / expert) (DVD Video)
- Ford Rouge Factory Virtual Video Tour: Bodyshop: New Product / Process Designs / Environmentally Friendly Factory Design / Automotive. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Ford Rouge Factory Virtual Video Tour: Assembly: New Product / Process Designs / Environmentally Friendly Factory Design / Automotive. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Genesis Welding Robots / Lean / Flexible Automation, Robotics / Manufacturing Cells/ Systems. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Genrad (USA) National Electronics Manufacturing / Assembly (NEMI) Plug & Play Project: Virtual Factory Tour and NEMI Project Demos. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)
- Genrad (USA) National Electronics Manufacturing / Assembly (Shop-floor Control and Quality Assurance) Virtual Factory Tour and NEMI Project Demos. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)
- Genrad (USA) National Electronics Manufacturing / Automotive Electr. Assembly (NEMI) Plug & Play Project: Technical descriptions; Virtual Factory Tour and NEMI Project Demos. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)
- GibbsCAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing Challenges and Methods: New Product / Process Designs for Multiple-axis CNC Programming (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designer / expert) (DVD Video)
- Global Supply Chain Outsourcing Challenges and Solutions with Practical Cases in the USA, Hong Kong / China, India, Japan, Europe and Elsewhere (3 DVD videos and a browser readable 3D multimedia eBook on DVD boxset) (UPC 632568003782) ==> NEW!
- Harley Davidson, Tribal Iron Custom Choppers, Big Twin Customs, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs. Enjoy the Amazing Designs and the Excitement Quality (DVD Video) (DVD Video, UPC 632568002648)
- HEXEL, FANUC, OKUMA, Lean Cells, Robots, CNC Machines, FMS Systems. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video)
- High-tech Marketing Examples of Hi-Tech Products, Services & Systems. High-tech Marketing Methods & Strategies for Advanced Products, Processes & Services with USA and International Examples (Volume 1, Part 1 to 4, a 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004550) ==> NEW!
- High-tech Marketing Examples of Hi-Tech Products, Services & Systems. More High-tech Marketing Methods & Strategies for Advanced Products, Processes & Services with USA and International Examples (Volume 2, Part 1 to 4, a 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004949) ==> NEW!
- How to Attract, Manage & Retain 21st Century Talent in Hi-tech Engineering & IT/IS (Information Technology / Information Systems) Jobs? (Part 1 and 2, 2 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003676) ==> NEW!
- Human Design and Operator Error Detection and Prevention: Volume 1: Basic Principles and Introduction with Practical USA, European, and Asian Examples...(Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004970) ==> NEW!
- Human Design and Operator Error Detection and Prevention: Volume 2: Analytical Design Solutionswith Practical USA, European, and Asian Examples... (Part 1, 2, and 3 videos, and an eBook, 3 DVD videos and multimedia eBook on DVD boxset) (UPC 632568004963) ==> NEW!
- Human Design and Operator Error Detection and Prevention: Volume 3: Many More Methods Examples and Solutions with Interactive Exercises... (Part 1, 2, and 3 videos, and an eBook, 3 DVD videos and multimedia eBook on DVD boxset) (UPC 632568004956) ==> NEW!
- IBM’s Telematic Solutions and Systems - Introduction to Digital Factory & Digital Telematic Car Modeling with R&D and Industrial Case Studies (Technical concepts, methods, requirements analysis, presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) Browser readable multimedia 3D eBook (ISBN 1-872631-66-5)
- An Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet. Excellent reference 3D eBook with lots of technical detail, standards, 3D views of components, systems, network simulation results, practical examples, and glossary of terms. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts at a large server-silo site) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook on DVD)
- An Introduction to a Mori Seiki Multi-axis Integrated Mill Turn CNC Machine (DVD video, UPC 632568002389)
- An Introduction to Project Management: An Integrated Process, Requirements and Risk Analysis Method to Reduce the Likelihood of Project Failures. Excellent reference eBook with lots of technical detail, methods, software tools, standards, and 3D views of components, systems. Full of practical examples, and glossary of terms. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) ==> NEW!
- An Introduction to Digital Factory and Digital Telematic Car Modeling with R&D and Industrial Case Studies: An Integrated Process, Requirements and risjk Analysis Method on Digital Factory design. Excellent reference eBook, has an entire UML model of a digital factory. Lots of technical detail, methods, software tools, standards, and 3D views of components, systems. Full of practical examples, and glossary of terms. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook on DVD)(ISBN 1-872631-66-5) ==> NEW!
- An Introduction to Digital Design & Manufacturing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Using IBM Dassault Systems Methods & Technology Part 1 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568001085)
- An Introduction to Digital Design & Manufacturing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Using IBM Dassault Systems Methods & Technology Part 2 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568001092)
- An Introduction to Digital Design & Manufacturing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and DIgital Manufacturing Using IBM Dassault Systems Methods & Technology Part 2 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568001054)
- An Introduction to Digital Design & Manufacturing PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and DIgital Manufacturing Using IBM Dassault Systems Methods & Technology Part 2 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568001061)
- An Introduction and Overview of ISO 50001, the International Energy Management Standard with Practical USA, European, Middle-Eastern and Asian Examples (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, a 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003997) ==> NEW!
- An Introduction to a Multi-axis Integrated Mill Turn CNC Machine (DVD Video)
- An Introduction to Alternative Energy Sources: Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles, Green Living and Green Mobility (DVD duo pack: a DVD video and a browser readable 3D multimedia eBook on DVD) (UPC 632568003058) ==> NEW!
- An Introduction to Collaborative Project Management Methods, Tools & Technologies with International Examples and Use-cases in Engineering, IT, Management and Service Industries (A browser readable 3D multimedia eBook on DVD) ==> NEW!
- An Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet with Practical Engineering Examples, and an Internet Server Silo Video Tour, Part 1 of 2 (DVD video) (UPC 632568001276)
- An Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet with Practical Engineering Examples, and an Internet Server Silo Video Tour, Part 2 of 2 (DVD video) (UPC 632568001283)
- An Introduction to Green Mobility & Test Drives (Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, BMW, GM Fuel Cell SUV Concept, VW and Ford Fusion Hybrid) (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, a 4 DVD video boxset) ==> NEW!
- An Introduction to Sustainable Green Industrial Design With Ergonomics (Human Factors Engineering): Principles & Examples (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, a 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003539) ==> NEW!
- An Introduction to RFID, Radio Frequency Identification Methods & Applications (a DVD Video and browser readable 3D multimedia eBook Combo) (UPC 632568001511)
- An Introduction to Safety Integrated Process Automation for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plants: Part 1 of 2 (DVD video) (UPC 632568002952)
- An Introduction to Safety Integrated Process Automation for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plants: Part 2 of 2 (DVD video) (UPC 632568002969)
- Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet. Excellent Virtual Factory / Server-silo Tour, Part 1 with lots of technical detail, standards, systems, practical examples. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts at a large server-silo site) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001276)
- Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet. Excellent Virtual Factory / Server-silo Tour, Part 2 with lots of technical detail, standards, systems, practical examples. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts at a large server-silo site) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001283)
- Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet with Visual Factory Networking and Engineering Examples: Industrial Networking; The Internet of Things; Including Enterprise Web Design Standards for Information Systems Engineering, IT and Engineering Management... with lots of technical detail, standards, systems, practical examples, and glossary of terms. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts at a large server-silo site; browser readable interactive multimedia eBook and video on DVD, 2 DVDs in a boxset, UPC 632568001887) ==> NEW!
- Introduction to Lean Jidoka Principles, Challenges and Industrial Solutions, Volume 1: Human Centered Automation with Practical USA, European and Japanese Examples; (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004307) ==> NEW!
- Introduction to Lean Jidoka Principles, Challenges and Industrial Solutions, Volume 2: More Human Centered Automation with Practical USA, European and Japanese Examples; (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004932) ==> NEW!
- IMI-Norgren Lean Factory / Business Process Re-engineering Project. Virtual Factory Tour. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video)
- IMI-Norgren Lean Factory / Business Process Re-engineering Project. Technical Discussion: How did we become lean? Part 1 of 2 (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001184)
- IMI-Norgren Lean Factory / Business Process Re-engineering Project. Description of the lean BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) methods and strategies with industrial / shop floor examples. Part 2 of 2 (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001191)
- Intelligent Enterprise Design and Engineering Management Challenges, Solutions; Globalization; What the Future Holds for US… (Technical presentation, in-depth technical / interviews with expert)(DVD video) (UPC 632568001450)
- Introduction to PLM Part 1 (Product Lifecycle Management: Design Focus): What is it? How does it fit / integrate? What does it solve and how? (In-depth technical demos / interviews with Dassault Systemes experts) (DVD Video)
- Introduction to PLM Part 2 (Product Lifecycle Management: Design Focus): What is it? How does it fit / integrate? What does it solve and how? (In-depth technical demos / interviews with Dassault Systemes experts) (DVD Video)
- Introduction to Digital Manufacturing PLM Part 1 (Product Lifecycle Management: Manufacturing / Assembly Focus): What is it? How does it fit / integrate? What does it solve and how? (In-depth technical demos / interviews with Dassault Systemes experts) (DVD Video)
- Introduction to Digital Manufacturing PLM Part 2 (Product Lifecycle Management: Manufacturing / Assembly Focus): What is it? How does it fit / integrate? What does it solve and how? (In-depth technical demos / interviews with Dassault Systemes experts) (DVD Video)
- An Introduction to a Mori Seiki Multi-axis Integrated Mill Turn CNC Machine (DVD video, UPC 632568002389)
- Introduction to PLM Digital Product / Process Design Review (Product Lifecycle Management, Digital Mocup) (In-depth technical demos / interviews with Dassault Systemes experts) (DVD Video)
- Introduction to Design for Safety / Bridge Auditing Principles with Examples (In-depth technical demos / interviews with expert) (DVD Video)
- Introduction to Automotive Design for Safety / Crashed Mercedes Auditing / Principles with Examples (In-depth technical demos / interviews with expert) (DVD Video, UPC 632568001528)
- An Introduction to a Service Robotics. An in-depth Technical Discussion and Virtual Factory Tour on Video. (DVD video, UPC 632568001245)
- Introduction to Sustainable Green Mobility and Test Drives (Toyota, BMW, GM, VW and Ford Motor Cars) (Part 1, 2, 3 and 4, 4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003515) ==> NEW!
- IMI-Norgren Lean Factory / Business Process Re-engineering Project. Virtual Factory Tour. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video)
- IMI-Norgren Lean Factory / Business Process Re-engineering Project. Technical Discussion: How did we become lean? (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video)
- IMI-Norgren Lean Factory / Business Process Re-engineering Project. Description of the lean BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) methods and strategies with industrial / shop floor examples. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video)
- The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Volume 1: Introduction and System Design Overview; The Business Case, Intelligent Networked Machines, Advanced Sensors, Controls and Software, with Analytics, Part 1 to 4 (3 DVD videos and a browser readable multimedia eBook on DVD, a 4DVD boxset) (UPC 632568005014) ==> NEW!
- The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Volume 2: Application Examples, Implementation Challenges and Solutions with USA, European and Japanese Use Cases of Intelligent Machines, Connected Facilities, Smart Sensors, Controls and Software, with Advanced Analytics and Well Connected People at Work as well as on the Move, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568005007) ==> NEW!
- The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Volume 3: More Industrial Application Examples, Implementation Challenges and Solutions with USA, European and Japanese Use Cases of Intelligent Machines, Connected Facilities, Smart Sensors, Controls and Software, with Advanced Analytics and Well Connected People at Work as well as on the Move, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568005021) ==> NEW!
- Innovative Toys, that America Loves: Dolls, Interactive Dolls, Soft Toys and Accessories at the American International Toy Fair, New York City, USA (DVD video, UPC 63256803157)
- Innovative Toys, that America Loves: Educational Science, Hobbytech and Green Toy Designs at the American International Toy Fair, New York City, USA, Part 1 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568003119)
- Innovative Toys, that America Loves: Educational Science, Hobbytech and Green Toy Designs at the American International Toy Fair, New York City, USA, Part 2 of 2 (DVD video, UPC 632568003133)
- Introduction to Total Quality Management and the International Quality Standards, with a Lean Six-sigma Sustainable Green Engineering, Management, IT and Service Cases; iSEEE:Green, intelligent Sustainable Enterprise Engineering. (Browser readable interactive multimedia eBook) (ISBN 1-905349-26-2) ==> NEW Edition !
- The Industrial Design Engineering Challenges of the Ford SYNus Concept Car. (DVD video, UPC 632568001597)
- Kistler Sensors for Automotive Applications (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designer / expert) (DVD Video)
- LandRover Automotive (SUV) Design and Manufacturing Challenges Part 1 of 2 (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designer / expert) (DVD Video )(UPC 632568001375)
- LandRover Automotive (SUV) Design and Manufacturing Challenges Part 2 of 2 (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designer / expert) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001382)
- Lean / Flexible Automation, FANUC Robotics / Manufacturing Cells/ Systems (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video, UPC 632568001337)
- Lean, Robotic Adhesives Processing, Gasketing, Sealing and Encapsulating, Using RAMPF Methods and Technologies with an Integrated Product / Process Design Engineering Focus (DVD video) (UPC 632568001580)
- Lean and Fexible OKUMA, CHIRON and FANUC Integrated Manufacturing Cell Designs and Applications (DVD video) (UPC 632568001313)
- Lean, Fexible and Reconfigurable Genesis Robot Cell Designs and Applications (DVD video)
- Lean, Flexible and Reconfigurable HEXEL, FANUC, OKUMA and MAKINO Cell Components, and Manufacturing System Designs with Application Cases... (DVD video, UPC 632568001474)
- Lean Jidoka, Introduction to Lean Jidoka Principles, Challenges and Industrial Solutions. Human Centered Automation (4 DVD video boxset, Volume 1, Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 ) (UPC 632568004307) ==> NEW!
- Lean Jidoka, Introduction to Lean Jidoka Principles, Challenges and Industrial Solutions. Human Centered Automation (4 DVD video boxset, Volume 2, Part 1, 2, 3 and 4 ) (UPC 632568004505) ==> NEW!
- Lean Visual Factory Management Principles and Industrial Examples in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA. An Engineering Management Educational Program (DVD Video, UPC 632568002488)
- LEGO Professional Quality Modular Toys, Models and Systems (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- LGB Professional Quality Toy-Trains, Models and Systems (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Lowback Pain: 3D human body tour around the L2-L5 section; Low back pain diagnosis and analysis (Medical engineering and medical science concepts, methods, presentations, in-depth technical demos of medical tests / interviews with medical doctors / experts) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook)
- Life Cycle Assessment: Volume 1: PC Laptop Computer LCA. A Sustainable Green Product Feasibility Assessment & Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) Method with Examples, Part 1 & 2 (2 DVD videos) (UPC 632568003737) ==> NEW!
- Life Cycle Assessment: Volume 2: Cell Phone LCA. A Sustainable Green Product Feasibility Assessment & Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) Method with Examples, Part 1 & 2 (2 DVD videos) (UPC 632568003720) ==> NEW!
- Lift Truck Engineering Design Challenges and Solutions (DVD Video)
- Machine Vision Systems for Zero-defect-focused Visual Factories: Solutions for Dimensional Gauging, Product / Process Defect Identification, Robot Guidance and/or Identification (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with Cognex experts) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002235)
- Machine Intelligent Fixtureless Robotic Assembly & Joining Using Real-time Feedback Controlled Vision and Force Sensing FANUC Robots (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002464)
- Machine Intelligent and Reconfigurable Material Joining Cell Using Integrated Vision and Multi-arm Controlled FANUC Robots (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002440)
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 1: New York City, Budapest, Hong Kong, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, Kyoto, and Tokyo for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (8 DVD introductory educational set) ==> NEW!
- Manila-VIP-Video-CityTour-Paul-Ranky-Part1-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Manila-VIP-Video-CityTour-Paul-Ranky-Part2-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YYouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Manila-VIP-Video-CityTour-Paul-Ranky-Part3-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 2: Tokyo (Japan) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 2a: More Tokyo and Kyoto (Japan) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 2b: More Tokyo and Kyoto (Japan) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 2c: More Tokyo and Kyoto (Japan) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 3: Dubai (UAE) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 3a: More Dubai, Sarjah and Abu Dhabi (UAE) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 3b: More Dubai, Sarjah and Abu Dhabi (UAE) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 3c: More Dubai, Sarjah and Abu Dhabi (UAE) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 4: Hong Kong (China) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 4a: More Hong Kong (China) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 4b: More Hong Kong and Macau (China) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 4c: More Hong Kong and Macau (China) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 5: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 5a: More Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 5b: More Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 6: Singapore (Singapore) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 6a: More Singapore (Singapore) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 6b: More Singapore (Singapore) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 6c: More Singapore (Singapore) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 7: Manila (The Philippines) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 7a: More Manila (The Philippines) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 8: Budapest (Hungary, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 8a: More Budapest (Hungary, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 9: Washington, D.C. (USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 9a: More Washington, D.C. (USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 9b: More Washington, D.C. (USA) for Architects, Urban Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Students, Faculty & Professional Management (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 10: Boston, Massachusetts (USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 10a: More Boston, Massachusetts (USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 11: Chicago, IL (USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 12: Vienna (Austria, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 12a: More Vienna (Austria, Europe)for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 12b: More Vienna (Austria, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including hi-res images, and HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 13: New York City (USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 13a: More New York City (USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 13b: More New York City (USA) 4Seasons, Fall for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 13c: More New York City (USA) 4Seasons, Winter for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 13d: More New York City (USA) 4Seasons, Spring for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 13e: More New York City (USA) 4Seasons, Summer for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including HD videos) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 14: Paris (France, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 15: London (England, United Kingdom, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 16: Frankfurt am Main (Germany, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 16a: More Frankfurt am Main (Germany, Europe) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 17: Seattle, Washington State, USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 17a: More Seattle, Washington State, USA) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- The International Large City: Megacity Educational Multimedia Resource Library, Vol. 18: Montreal (Canada) for Architects, Urban Designers and Planners, Environmental, Mechanical, Electronic, Industrial, Transportation, Logistics, Energy Management, Quality Auditing, Industrial Ecology, IT/IS and Other Engineering & Science Educators, Professionals and Students, Faculty & Professional Management. Also excellent for teaching and learning about OS&H (Occupational Safety and Health) in large cities, megacities with lots of examples (4 DVD educational set including text, hi-res images, HD videos, 360 degree panoramas, web-links to further resources, and more...) ==> NEW!
- Michelin Automotive Tyre Test Drives / Tyre Design Challenges and Solutions. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- MINI: This is where the MINI is made: The Bodyshop. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001108)
- MINI: This is where the MINI is made: Engine Marriage Assembly and Teamwork. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (Browser readable interactive multimedia eBook) (ISBN 1-872631-77-0) ==> NEW!
- MINI: This is where the MINI is made: Quality Assurance and Control. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)(UPC 632568001115)
- MINI: This is where the MINI is made: Final Assembly. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001122)
- MINI: This is where the MINI is made: Lean Manufacturing / Assembly. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (Browser readable interactive multimedia eBook) (ISBN 1-872631-79-7) ==> NEW!
- MINI: This is where the MINI is made: Robotic Framing, Welding and Lean Assembly of the BMW MINI. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001153)
- Micro-precision Manufacturing Technology, Automation Solutions & Future Trends, Volume 1 (2 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003591) ==> NEW!
- Micro-precision Manufacturing Technology, Automation Solutions & Future Trends, Volume 2 (2 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004925) ==> NEW!
- Multi-CAD Dat Exchange Using ELYSIUM Methods and SOlutionss (DVD video) (UPC 632568001078)
- Natural Wonders of America: Acadia National Park Area (Fall Colors), Maine, USA. A professionally shot and edited collection of over 300 UHD (Ultra High Definition, approximately 4K) images, and image sequences, as well as full HD video clips with natural sounds, illustrating the amazing beauty and sustainability of this natural habitat. (DVD boxset) ==> NEW!
- Nissan / Infinity Concept Cars New Product and Process Innovation: NPPI (New Product / Process Innovation). Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts (DVD Video)
- Nottingham Manufacturing Innovation Centre (UK) Advanced Rapid Prototyping Methods, Tools, Technologies and Use –cases. (Technical presentations of RP machines and processes, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video)
- Novel Toy Designs, NPPI (New Product / Process Innovation). Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts and innovative toy designers. (DVD Video)
- New Product and Process Innovation (NPPI): California Motors Special Purpose Vehicle and Personal Mobility System Designs for Base Operations, and Non-tactical Settings with Excellent Fuel Economy (DVD video)
- New Product and Process Innovation (NPPI): High Performance Plastics and Chemical Automotive Products and Processes Using Sekisui Methods and Technologies (DVD video) (UPC 632568001627)
- New Product and Process Innovation (NPPI): Massively Parallel Microfabrication of Nanostructural Materials, and Nanotechnology Devices with Several Hi-tech Application Examples, Including the Nanofabrication of the VErtically Aligned Carbon Nanofiber (VACNF) and Nanofiber Arrays for Intracellular Electropshyology and Electrochemical Diagnostics, Massively Parallel Gene and Drug Delivery, and Others (DVD video) (UPC 632568001641)
- New Product and Process Innovation (NPPI): Quality Control and Inspection Challenges and Solutions with the FARO Portable Arm... (DVD video) (UPC 632568001603)
- New Product and Process Innovation (NPPI): Professionally Designed and Produced Quality Toys: LGB Trains and Models (DVD video) (UPC 632568001498)
- New Solutions & Future Trends in Advanced Hi-tech Manufacturing Technology, Automation, Lean & Reconfigurable Cellular Manufacturing, Volume 1, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003553)==> NEW!
- New Solutions & Future Trends in Advanced Hi-tech Manufacturing Technology, Automation, Lean & Reconfigurable Cellular Manufacturing, Volume 2, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004918)==> NEW!
- New Solutions and Future Trends in Advanced High-Tech Industrial Robotics (Advanced Robot Application Case Study Library), Volume 1, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568003560) ==> NEW!
- New Solutions and Future Trends in Advanced High-Tech Industrial Robotics (Advanced Robot Application Case Study Library), Volume 2, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004864) ==> NEW!
- New Solutions and Future Trends in Advanced High-Tech Industrial Robotics (Advanced Robot Application Case Study Library), Volume 3, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004871) ==> NEW!
- New Solutions and Future Trends in Advanced High-Tech Industrial Robotics (Advanced Robot Application Case Study Library), Volume 4, Part 1 to 4 (4 DVD video boxset) (UPC 632568004888) ==> NEW!
- Oak Ridge National (USA) Nanotechnology Laboratory NPPI (New Product / Process Innovation). Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts (DVD Video)
- OKUMA Lean Machining Cells and Systems (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with expertsIntelligent Enterprise Design and Engineering Management Challenges, Solutions; Globalization; What the Future Holds for the USA) (DVD Video)
- Palawan-Dives-01-El-Nido-Sunrize-Harbour-Sunset-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-02-Tunnel-HelicopterIsland-SouthMiniloc-Nat-Nat-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-03-SunrizeDives-Coral Gardens-Destacado-Rock-North-Rock-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-04-EntalulaIslandWestWall-SouthMiniloc-NatNat-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-05-South-Minilok-North-Rock-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-06-Abdeens-South-Miniloc-North-Rock-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-07-Sibaltan-Dives-SoonKo-RunwayReef-SharkBait-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-08-El-Nido-To-Coron-Ferry-Ride-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-09-Coron-WreckDives-01-KogyoMaru-TeruKazeMaru-Paul-Ranky-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-10-Coron-WreckDives-02-OlympiaMaru-MorazanMaru-CoralGarden-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-11-Coron-WreckDives-03-KogyoMaru-TeruCaseMaru-BarracudaLake-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palawan-Dives-12-Coron-WreckDives-04-Akitsushima-OkikawaMaru-4K, Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: Palawan Island, Coron Island, and Manila, Philippines. 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, July 2018
- Palau Experience: Volume 1: Diving Blue Corner, German Channel & Others, Rock Island Kayaking & Snorkeling, Jellyfish Lake, Palau & Peleliu Tours, Helicopter Flight and 360 Panoramas in the Republic of Palau, Micronesia. A Sustainable Green Living and Green Mobility Focus (an 8 DVD video and photo boxset, browser readable interactive island map with photos, videos and 360 degree panoramas, also includes mobile device videos for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices) (UPC 632568006998)
- Palau Experience: Volume 2: Diving Coral Gardens, Blue Corner, Blue Hole, Ulong & German Channel, Ulong Island Kayaking & Snorkeling, Palau Island Tours, and an Interactive Map with 360 Panoramas in the Republic of Palau, Micronesia. A Sustainable Green Living and Green Mobility Focus (an 8 DVD video and photo boxset, browser readable interactive island map with photos, videos and 360 degree panoramas, also includes mobile device videos for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices) (UPC 632568008954)
- Palau Experience: Volume 3: More Diving, Island Tracking, Kayaking & Snorkeling, Palau Island Tours, an Interactive Map with 360 Panoramas in the Republic of Palau, Micronesia. A Sustainable Green Living and Green Mobility Focus (an 8 DVD video and photo boxset, browser readable interactive island map with photos, videos and 360 degree panoramas, also includes mobile device videos for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices) (UPC 632568004086)
- Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-01-Dives-RangerStation-AmosRock-Ko-ok-4Kvideo-MasterEdit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqIHPMsHjSw, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-02-Dives-SeafanAlley-SharkAirport-WashingMachine-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui0dUw1LmAQ, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-03-Dives-MalayanWreck-BlackRock-DelsanWreck-StaghornPoint-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwHBMZ7861Q, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Tubbataha-04-Dives-JessieBeazleyReef-RangersVisit-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V-LHr4hZCo, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Cebu-To-Malapascua-Island-By-Van-and-Boat-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFkiboTo1uk, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Malapascua-Island-Gato-Island-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMUvYiAzACc, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Malapascua-Kalanggaman-Island-Dive-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVvgmzfyg14, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Panglao-BeachWalk-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icaxkbK7xtQ, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-01-DoljoPoint-PuntodWall-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZZm1hXMXHY, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-02-ArcoPoint-AlonaHouseReef-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObpqV0yvSmQ, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-03-BalicasagIsland-Dives-4Kvideo-Master-Edit-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFyFzdypTHk, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Paul-Ranky-Panglao-Bohol-04-GakAng-Doljo-AlonaBeachHouseReefNightDive-4Kvideo-Master-HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCzZyTLmd-I, A Sustainable Green Engineering Resource Library: 4K quality multimedia resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were written, shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com), published on YouTube and LinkedIn, September 2019
- Plug & Play Self-describing Transducers and Smart Sensors (TEDS) Transducer Electronic Data Sheets and Operation Principles with Demonstrations (DVD video) (UPC 632568001306)
- Process Kanban in Final Assembly, Kaizen, Quality Inspection, Heijunka Synchronization with the Customer, Visual Factory Management and Lead-time Reduction Examples with Supplier Kanban in Denso's Michigan Manufacturing Plant, USA. An Engineering Management Educational Program (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002501)
- Product Distribution and Supply Chain Management Industrial RFID Smart Label Printing and Marking Engineering Design Challenges and SOlutions (DVD Video, UPC 632568002426)
- Product Lifecycle Managemen (PLM) and Integrated Digital Mocup (DMU) (DVD video, UPC 632568001047)
- Professionally Designed and Produced Quality Toys: Innovative Toy Design at the American International Toy Fair (DVD video) (UPC 632568001696)
- Professionally Designed and Produces Quality Toys; LEGO Model Custom Designed by Children and Adults for Fun, Testing and Prototyping (DVD video) (UPC 632568001504)
- Process Failure Risk Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with a computer disassembly example) Vol. 1 (Fax machine disassembly process) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Process Failure Risk Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with a computer disassembly example) Vol. 2 (Hummer light disassembly process) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Process Failure Risk Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with a computer disassembly example) Vol. 3 (Floppy drive disassembly process) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Process Failure Risk Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with a computer disassembly example) Vol. 4 (Hummer indicator switch disassembly process) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Process Failure Risk Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with a computer disassembly example) Vol. 5 (PC hard disk drive disassembly process) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Process Failure Risk Analysis (Describes the generic method in detail, with a computer disassembly example) Vol. 6 (HP Laserjet disassembly process) (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- Process Modeling Case: Japanese Cake & Food Preparation Process Examples (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002051)
- Product Distribution & Supply Chain Management: Industrial RFID Smart Label Printing and Marking Engineering Design Challenges and Solutions (DVD video)
- Quality Control and Inspection Challenges and Solutions Using a Portable Co-ordinate Measuring Machine… New Product and Process Innovation (DVD Video)
- The Quality Audit Process and Product, Process & Service System Related Quality Audit Examples, Volume 1, Part 1 to 4 on 3 DVD videos and a comprehensive browser readable 3D multimedia eBook on DVD, UPC 632568003683) ==> NEW!
- RAMPF Lean Robotic Systems for Adhesive Dispensing and Automotive Assembly (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Rapid Prototyping, Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing Solutions, With a Sustainable Green Engineering Design and Manufacturing Focus An Excellent Introduction to Rapid Proto machines and technoologies in a 3D eBook format with text, videos and 3D objects for eng. designers and managers (Technical presentations and processes, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (ISBN 1-872631-42-8)
- Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing; Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing: A Virtual Laboratory Tour and Presentation by the Hong Kong PolyU Industrial Center (DVD video) (UPC 632568001252)
- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Methods, Tools, Technologies and Use –cases. An Excellent Introduction and Reference eBook for Eng. Project Managers (Technical presentations and processes, in-depth interviews with designers / experts) (DVD Video)
- Rugged RFID with a Database On Board: Industrial Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Method, Technology and Application Cases (DVD Video)
- Robotized Welding Cell Design, with Automatically Changeable Electrode Tip Dresser, for Lean, Visual Factories (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002259)
- Relax on Utila, Bay Islands In Honduras: Experience a Caribbean Island with Natural Sounds, Beautiful Oceans, Stunning Sunsets, and Underwater Views DVD (DVD video and picture DVD Duo set)
- Rockwell Networking: Rockwelll automation Shopfloor Networking Using Ehternet/IP, ControlNet, DeviceNet and Other Solutions (DVD video) (UPC 632568002075)
- SEKISUI, Advanced Automotive Chemical Products and Processes (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Service Robot Design / Programming Challenges with Application Demos. New Product / Process Designs / Service Robotics. (Technical presentations, in-depth interviews with designer / expert) (DVD Video)
- Smart Sensor Designs and Standards for Lean Manufacturing / Assembly: Digital Factory Designs, NPPI (New Product / Process Innovation). Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts and innovative toy designers (DVD Video)
- Students Can Cook A very enjoyable, and practical step-by-step healthy food preparation and cooking video for students and adults (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002730) ==> NEW!
- Suzuki, Honda, Pastrane Airbrush Studios, S&S, Lonesome Road Choppers, Sportbike Customs, BMW Oldies, Moto Guzzi, Bourget's Bike Works, Super, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs. Enjoy the Amazing Designs and the Excitement Quality (DVD Video)(UPC 632568002587)
- Sustainable Green Farming & Living: Eco-farming / Organic Farming & Green Buildings for Green Living... Part 1 and 2 (2 DVD videos, UPC 632568003713) ==> NEW!
- The Tastes and Sights of Hungary: A Culinary Trip to Hungary, Europe, with a Dinner and a Movie Theme: DVD-1 Tastes: Goulash soup, (Gulyás leves) and Assorted Strudel, (Rétes). Sights: Food in Hungary. Visit a small organic, as well as a large market in Budapest, and a summer food festival held over the Danube, on Chain Bridge (also in Budapest). A tour of the lively Christmas craft fair in Budapest. DVD-2 Tastes: Chicken paprikas, (Csirke paprikás), and Pancakes (Palacsinta). Sights: the historic town of Eger, traditional wine cellars, the famous castle, the site of major battles over 450 years ago. Tour the large and beautiful Basilica of Eger, as well as the historic town, and a demonstration of the over 1000 year old Hungarian runic writing. DVD-3 Tastes: Squash stew, (Tök fözelék) and Peach Dumplings (Barackos gombóc) Sights: the Open Air Village Museum of Szentendre (near Budapest) authentic, fully restored workshops and communal buildings, as well as special Hungarian breeds of farm animals. DVD-4 Tastes: Layered Potato and Egg Casserole (Rakott krumpli) with Cucumber salad (Uborka saláta) and Fruit Soup (Gyümölcs leves). Sights: Budapest, the Hungarian capital, the Ancient city of Aquincum, Pannonia (near Budapest), and several, protected UNESCO World Heritage sites in Budapest, including the Castle Hill, the Hungarian coronation crown in the King Mathew Church (Mátyás Király Templom), Heros' Square, Opera, Basilica, the Houses of Parliament, the Museum of Ethnography, and others. (8 DVD box set = 4 SD, standard def. DVD videos, and four 720p HD videos for PC, Mac, tablets, and/or Mobile Devices) (UPC 632568004499) ==> NEW!
- Tool Storage and Tool Management System for Lean Manufacturing Operations... TOOL-BOSS Advanced Tool Management Systems, Products and Processes with Use-cases by Kennametal, USA (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)(UPC 632568001344)
- This is where the MINI is made: The Bodyshop. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)
- This is where the MINI is made: Engine Marriage Assembly and Teamwork. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)
- This is where the MINI is made: Quality Assurance and Control. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)
- This is where the MINI is made: Final Assembly. Virtual Factory Tour in the Oxford, England factory, where all the MINIs are made. (Technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in the factory) (DVD Video)
- Toyota Crossover Concept, Hybrid and Saloon Car Customer-focused Design and Product Lifecycle Management Methods: Toyota and Other Examples (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001658)
- Toyota Humanoid Robots, Personal Carriers, and the iUnit (A Major Toyota Show Filmed in Japan, with technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts in Japan and the USA) (DVD Video) (UPC 632568001559)
- Toyota Automobile Innovations, Requirements Analysis, Industrial Design, Design Quality (A Major Toyota Show Filmed in the USA with technical presentations, in-depth technical demos / interviews with experts) (DVD Video)
- Toyota Industrial Equipment Innovation: Lift Truck Engineering Design Challenges and Solutions (DVD Video)(UPC 632568002563)
- TQM, Total Quality Management... Excellent overview and in-depth discussions with methods, tools and use-cases. Quality-focused product / process / service system / IT design methods, strategies, tools, with industrial and R&D examples (Browser readable 3D multimedia eBook) ==> NEW!
- US National Automotive Center Mobile Research Robots. A Design Engineering Focus ( DVD video) (UPC 632568001573)
- Vehicle Stability Design Engineering Strategies, ABS, TCS and ESP Solutions and Test Drives in Detroit, Using Bosch Technology ( DVD video) (UPC 632568002105)
- Victory, Star, Yamaha, and Other Custom Motorcycle Designs. Enjoy the Amazing Designs and the Excitement Quality (DVD Video)
- Visual Factory Controls: Signaling Solutions, Industrial Switches, Push Button Solutions, Single & Multi Status Indicators, Control Lights, Panel Mount Alarms, LED Round Beacons, Stack Lights, Panelview and Industrial Displays, Handheld Devices, PDAs, Hazardous Location Signaling, Industrial Electronic Horns, Dual-circuit Panel Alarms, Light Curtains, Safety Relays, Interlock Switches, and Others (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002266)
- Visual Factory Management & Control (VFM) Technology Case: An Introduction and Overview of Factory Automation Components & Systems (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002228)
- Visual Factory Management and Control Case: Rugged RFID with a Database On Board: Industrial Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Method, Technology and Application Cases ( DVD video) (UPC 632568002242)
- Warehouse Management and Supply Chain / Distribution Logistics Challenges and Solutions (DVD Video)(UPC 632568002525)
- Warehouse Operations Management: Automatic Fork Truck Guided Vehicles that Can Find the Load, Move the Load, and Load Trailers (DVD Video) (UPC 632568002549)
- Welcome to the Future in New York City. (A Video of the Premier Future-technology Focused Event in the USA) (DVD video) (UPC 632568002068)
- Why Projects Fail, and How to Prevent & Avoid Project Failures? ... in Particular in the Case of International Global Projects... Project Management Methods, Tools and Technologies, Including Civil & Construction Engineering and Engineering Management... Volume 1, Parts 1 and 2 (One DVD video and a browser readable 3D interactive multimedia eBook on DVD) (UPC 632568003652) ==> NEW!
Major Research Grants, and R&D Donations Received for Research and Education (1974 to date...):
- Computer Graphics; A major research and educational program with UNDP (United Nations Development Program, Geneva, Switzerland, Europe); 1974-76.
- Computer Networking (ALOHA); A major research and educational program with UNDP (United Nations Development Program, Geneva, Switzerland, Europe); 1974-76. (Note, that ALOHA was the predecessor of what we refer today as the Internet).
- Flexible Manufacturing Cells and Systems, System Design, Programming, Hardware and Software. A major European research program; the first major FMS program in Europe (1976-80)
- Trent Polytechnic research project: No. 0461 "Flexible Automated Component Handling and Assembly System, using a Computer Controlled Industrial Robot." Team Leader: P.G. Ranky, (1982-1985). This project included flexible assembly cell design, robot tool design, robot hand changer design, robot position and orientation error testing and off-line robot program generation.
- Teaching company project in the area of design for assembly and test, mechanised and robotised assembly and test (sponsored by SERC, The Science Engineering Research Council, UK) for Plessey Office Systems Limited (POSL), Nottingham. Flexible Robotized Assembly and Inspection projects, CADMAT, Academic Tutor and technical project leader: P G Ranky. (1981-1984).
- Design and Implementation of an Automated Robot Hand Changer, Sponsored by CRIM (Center for Research in Integrated Manufacturing) The University of Michigan (1985 - 1987).
- Non-contact Sensory Based Robot Test Equipment for measuring robot position and orientation errors, using an optical metrology as well as a non-contact sensory based system, Sponsored by CRIM (Center for Research in Integrated Manufacturing) The University of Michigan , USA (1986-1987).
- FMS Real-time Operation Control Software Development (including: dynamic scheduling, balancing, capacity planning and tool management) , sponsored by CRIM (Center for Research in Integrated Manufacturing) and the School of Engineering, The University of Michigan and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (USA). (1986-1987).
- Flexible Assembly System Design System, sponsored by the Kellogg company (1985 - 1986), Technical Project Manager, P G Ranky. This project involved solid model simulation, pioneered by my team for FMS/FAS applications and the development of new concepts to flexible assembly using robots in general
- Robot Test Database, sponsored by the Kellogg company (1985-1986), Project Team member. This project included the design of a robot test data base for storing position and orientation errors of industrial robots
- Robotic Assembly of Modular Fixtures, Sponsored by Bluko Technic and Fritz Werner, West-Germany and CRIM at the University of Michigan (1985-1987).This project included the redesign of a modular fixturing system for robotised assembly, as well as the implementation of several demonstrations using an IBM robot (donated to the University of Michigan by IBM) and different peripherals designed and implemented as part of the project.
- Hierarchical decomposition and solid model simulation of CIM/FMS/robotic systems following a knowledge based expert system approach, industry funded research project started in April 1988 at The University of Surrey. Total industrial support: Software donation DENEB USA, hardware PRIME Computers (UK)
- Research grant for establishing the University of Surrey FML (Flexible Manufacturing Laboratory) for teaching and research purposes, in particular for manufacturing the University of Surrey communications satellite (launched in 1990). (Note, that seven micro satellites were machined in my FMS laboratory between 1990 and 1992). (It might be of interest to mention, that in 1997 the project was put up by IEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers, London) to be one of the British world-beater MacRobert Ward shortlisted projects and won in 1998. Note, that I left the project when I became Chair in London in 1992).
- Training Agency Grant received for the masters: MSc in CIM program (in English: course) run at the University of Surrey: 1990; renewed in 1991
- COMET II European grant as part of the ENCIM consortium (European Network of CIM) 1990.
- COMET II European grant "CIM in Orbit research grant- CIM information interchange and distance education over satellites (using our own satellites, machined in my laboratory) between Surrey (UK), Porto (Portugal) and ABB (Sweden)" approved research for the project including industrial hw/sw support. Principal Investigator. In 1990, coined the phrase CIM in Orbit, which meant global/ tele- design and manufacturing.
- SERC, Science Engineering Research Council (UK) travel grant CDR 112, Manufacturing System Simulation, May 1991
- 1992-93: European Community COMET/ENCIM grant: Distributed CIM Databases and Knowledge Based Expert Systems
- SERC/DTI, Science Engineering Research Council (UK) (Teaching Co and research Grant Distributed Numerical Control 1993 October for 3 years)
- Enterprise University of East London Research Grant: Student Centred Learning (1993)
- Eureka/ FAMOS European research project (1993) (software donation from Germany) to The University of E. London, UK.
- Eureka/FAMOS UK, Swiss, German and Austrian R&D partner European CIME and Concurrent Engineering R&D Consortium Partner in Projects EU 890 ORDAT, EU 891 CONTAD, REDHA_CUT and VIRTASS. Project manager and author of R&D projects and the research proposals on the UK side of the consortiums.
- The objective of the ORDAT project was to establish an Object- oriented Engineering Database for the Small to Medium Sized Manufacturing & Design Industries in Europe. My responsibility in the project included: Factory system analysis and preparation of the analysis of the Concurrent/Simultaneous Engineering Database development using my CIMpgr method
- The objective of the CONTAD project was to establish a Flexible Assembly Software/Scheduling system for the Small to Medium Sized Manufacturing & Design Industries in Europe. My responsibility in the project include: System design, scheduling algorithms and production control software design support.
- The objective of the REDHA-CUT project was to design a three axis micro-robot (diameter 2.6 mm. length 25 mm) for medical use, manufacture these precision devices in small batch and then create the multimedia education packages to teach doctors how to use the system. My responsibility in the project includes: Structured project management and product design analysis using my CIMpgr methodology, Concurrent/Simultaneous Engineering, manufacturing/assembly system design and multimedia. It should be noted that the Swiss Research Funding Agency has awarded this project to be one of the most innovative 10 out of 1500 R&D projects! As a result, our team won the Swiss Innovation Prize in 1995. The project was invited by NASA to exhibit at the Future Technologies/ East Tech. Exhibition in Boston, in October 1997 as well as in October 1998.
- The objective of the VIRTASS project is to establish an object- oriented Multimedia Simulation environment for the Small to Medium Sized Manufacturing & Design Industries in Europe. The specific project is to research and develop the entire virtual design, manufacturing and testing procedure of mobile phones, from concept to recycling, before any real-world physical design, prototyping or manufacturing/ assembly took place. My responsibility in the project includes: system analysis, concurrent engineering and virtual reality multimedia. The project was invited by NASA to exhibit at the Future Technologies/ East Tech. Exhibition in Boston, in October 1998.
- TEMPUS joint European Project No. S_07324-94 dedicated to the creation and development of three new engineering colleges in developing areas in Romania (Timisuara, Cluj-Napoca and Iasi). Collaborative project with industrial and academic partners in the UK, Romania, France, Germany, Greece, Spain and Finland, supported by the European Commission for three years.
- Desktop CIM, Distributed Virtual Laboratory Network (DVLN) project with UK and Hong Kong Educational and Industrial partners, as the core team and Swiss, Swedish and Japanese collaborative partners on a self funding basis. The core team and the project was sponsored by the Hong Kong Government. The R&D proposal was written and accepted by the Hong Kong research agencies based on my original concept and idea. My responsibility in the project included: the establishment of the videoconferencing and multimedia network infrastructure using ISDN technology, overall system development and setting up several R&D projects and experiments using the established DVLN on a global manufacturing and design basis.
- Confidential Concurrent / Parallel Engineering, Logistics and Interactive Multimedia projects with Rolls Royce Motor Cars. Ongoing research with Rolls Royce Motor Cars, UK. (Ongoing research and consulting activities since 1991).
- Multimedia and Video Conferencing Distance Learning program with Sweden. One of the first of this kind in Europe. 1993-94.
- Undergraduate engineering and integrated engineering program (in English: course) development funding. As part of a team I have played key roles in securing major course development and delivery funds for the University of East London from the Ford Motor Company (UK and Germany) (1993 to 1999)
- Invited to write the R&D report and organise a small consortium on "Good Multimedia Development Practice, Methods, Rules and Technologies" for the British Government, NCET, National Centre for Educational Technology (R&D project 1995/96)
- At NJIT (USA) since December 1995 to date (awarded 1996): Desktop CIM, Multimedia Learning Tools R&D. Principal Investigator of the UK side of the consortium. (Co-author of the original proposal. Coined the phrase: Desktop CIM). Further donation was given in kind.
- At NJIT (awarded 1996): Invited NJIT R&D team member of the TRP grant, led by Professor Swart, NCE Dean, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This project started before I have started at NJIT, nevertheless I have managed to contribute in the area of FED (Foundations of Engineering Design) course development and interactive multimedia learning/ teaching tools.
- Attracted a major Total Quality software donation for 100 concurrent licenses for NJIT (1996).
- At NJIT (awarded): Invited NJIT R&D team member of the GATEWAY grant, led by Professor Swart, NCE Dean, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This project started before I have started at NJIT, nevertheless I have managed to contribute in the area of freshmen industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, and design project and interactive multimedia learning/ teaching tools, and course developments, including new course development in Concurrent Engineering (live and distance modes) and FED.
- At NJIT (awarded 1997/98): "A Smart Diagnostic and Repair Tool Implemented in a Voice I/O Controlled, Interactive Multimedia, Mobile-wearable Computer-based device for the Automobile (and other) Industries". A DARPA sponsored SmartForce NJIT R&D Project consortium with General Motors, the USA Army National Guard, Hughes/ Rathyon and ISI. Co-Principal Investigator with Prof. S. Tricamo. (This project was originated by Professor Dean Swart and team before he has left NJIT. I was a member of this original R&D team and wrote the system specification part of the proposal in detail). The area of research interest is strategic maintenance, system modeling and design, maintenance engineering, mathematical modeling of hi-tech product maintenance, concurrent engineering and Product Data Modeling feedback loops, voice controlled mobile interactive multimedia, validation and test. The focus area was automotive engineering, nevertheless the principles are generic and could be applied literally to any product. The project was featured on USA national TV (ABC news) as well as in several national newspapers and automotive exhibitions in the USA.
- At NJIT (1998): Lucent mobile telephone drop-cell. Principal Investigator. The area of research was mobile telephone testing, cell design and cell integration into an automated (lean) electronic manufacturing/ assembly line. The equipment/ cell that I have designed and validated within this project was accepted by Lucent and Bell Labs (USA).
- At NJIT (1998): Aircruisers System/ Boing 777 Evacuation System Workcell modeling. Initial Research Needs Study, Principal Investigator. The area of research interest is workcell modeling/ process modeling, lean manufacturing and feedback loops to product design. As a result, several of my recommendations were adopted by the factory, as well as by their sister factory, and one of them was found to be attractive for Boeing itself.
- At NJIT (awarded 1998 to 2001): New Jersey Technology Council and United States Department of Commerce sponsored ElectronEX R&D Project. Co-Principal Investigator with Prof. R Hatch (at 50% time). The area of research interest is global, contract electronic manufacturing, multimedia communication, system modeling, analysis and design in global manufacturing, hi-tech technology transfer/ marketing and related distance learning and interactive multimedia education of the global workforce. E-commerce, e-marketing, e-maintenance and smart e-support systems over the internet via the virtual trade show and virtual product demonstrator, and virtual electronic product support systems (hardware and software), under development within the project. An important aspect of this project is the research, design and implementation of a major web-site on the Internet with sophisticated web-casting technologies. As a positive result, in June 1999 the R&D program entered into a formal agreement with the US Commercial Service under which it marketed the project's services through its 170 overseas offices.
- MECOMTRONICS R&D Project supported by the US National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education Program (1999-2000) through the New Jersey Center For Advanced Technological Education, Middlesex County College, NJ. Awarded to research and develop novel, modular educational material for technician students as well as for instructors in Community and Technical Colleges offered throughout the US in the area of: Numerical Control and Robotics Equipment (Module Code: M), Automated Processes (Module Code: S), Material Transport and Manufacturing Cells (Module Code: T), Automated Inspection (Module Code: U), and Manufacturing Processes and Prototyping (Module Code: W). (see also publ. list). The R&D academic/ engineering/ science/ mathematics/ English/ computing/ ergonomics/ communication skills/ ethics/ business management/ technician team includes: PI and Lead Author: Ranky, P G and Co-PIs and co-authors / reviewers in alphabetical order: Bladikas, A, Caudill, R., Gidney, J., Kurfess, F, J Mengchu, Z, One-Jeng, J, Perna, A, Ranky, M , Sebastian, D, Swart, W, Tricamo, S, Wanner, H. NSF Funding (Grant: # NSF ESI-9553749):
- Invited research team leader for the system modeling, integration, concurrent engineering, virtual disassembly and engineering multimedia aspects of the in the Multi-lifecycle Engineering Design and Assessment Program dealing with electro-mechanical products, such as computers, telephones, TV sets and others, as part of the 5 year long R&D project at the MERC (Multi-lifecycle Engineering Research Center at NJIT, USA. Director: Professor Reggie Caudill, PhD), jointly sponsored by the New Jersey Science and Technology Research Grant, and industry.
- Principal Investigator and one of the winners of the NJIT Provost's Challenge in Educational Technology with his team's DEKA, (Digital Educational Knowledge Assets) faculty R&D proposal, that he has authored. (Team members include Professors One-Jeng (IME), Surjanhata (ME) and Milano (Civil Eng.), and graduate students).
- Demanufacturing and Virtual Product Disassembly Manager and Product Identification Method and Toolset, DOD (USA) and CTC Inc., funded 1 year long R&D project (2000-2001). Co-PIs: Professors Caudill, Dass, Gjeskin and Ranky at the Multi-lifecycle Engineering Research Center at NJIT, USA. (Director: Professor Reggie Caudill, PhD);
- Software Donation by Rational Software Inc., USA (October 2000) for 80 seats of their US $4000 per seat Object Oriented Software Development tool.
- Computer Systems and Networking IT course development for Regular, Distance Learning and Honors versions (I-TOWER R&D Grant, NJIT), 2000-2001. (This course content, designed and delivered in interactive 3D multimedia format, a first of it's kind, achieved over 99% approval rate by the 4th year full-time IT420 students, during its second run, for each subject area taught in the 15 week long course during Spring Semester 2002)
- Software Donation by Rational Software Inc., USA (October 2001, License Renewal and latest software) for 80 seats of their US $4000 per seat Object Oriented Software Development tool.
- Product Disassembly Line Management: Disassembly Operation/Production Control (DOC), DOD (USA) and CTC Inc., USA funded R&D project (Aug 2002 to May 2003). Co-PIs: Professors Caudill, Dass, and Ranky at the Multi-lifecycle Engineering Research Center at NJIT, USA. (Director: Professor Reggie Caudill, PhD); Task 2: Integrated Disassembly Dynamic Production Control System (DOC); as well as Line Manager and Operator Training Program R&D Leader and co-PI: Ranky.
- New Jersey Commission on Higher Education: Pre-engineering school IOP grant: Grants to stimulate high school students and teachers to promote engineering as a profession; Modules: The Electric Motor Designed For Hybrid Vehicles; Hybrid Vehicles; Virtual Field Trip: Interactive 3D Tour of an Electric Motor Design Studio; Virtual Field Trip: Interactive 3D Tour of an Electric Motor Manufacturing and Test Facility; PI: Ranky, Co-PIs: James Thomas, Dr. John Keeley, RHS, NJ, 2002-2003.
- Software Donation by Rational Software Inc., USA (October 2002, License Renewal and latest software) for 80 seats of NJIT students and research of their US $4000 per seat Object Oriented Software Development tool.
- Software Donation by OPNET Inc., USA, Bethesda, MD. Optimum Network Performance Simulation Software, iT Guru, Modeler and WDMnet, 25 seat license for NJIT students and research (2002-2005).
- Software Donation by IBM / Dessault Systemes, Delmia Inc., USA, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) $2.98 million for NJIT students and research (2006).
- New Jersey Liberty Science Center and NJIT research grant (as part of the new LSC $109 million expansion) on Digital Product and Process Design (Started in June 2007; see the evolving web site: http://njit-lsc.njit.edu/pauldesign.html )
- New Jersey Liberty Science Center and NJIT research grant (as part of the new LSC $109 million expansion) on Humanoid Robotics (Started in June 2007; see the evolving web site: http://njit-lsc.njit.edu/paulrobot.html)
- New Jersey State Grant: New Jersey Commission on Higher Education Research Grant ($300K including match and industrial support): Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Partnership in Green Engineering Design, Advanced Manufacture, Lean Six-sigma Project Management and Micromanufacturing; Co-PI, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, NJIT, 2008-2009
- New Jersey Liberty Science Center and NJIT research grant (as part of the new LSC $109 million expansion) on Alternative Energy Sources (Started in July 2008); see the evolving web site soon.
- Software Donation by DPT Technologies Inc., USA, ESPRIT CAM software, 40 seat class license for NJIT students, approximately $1.2 million commercial value (2010).
- Co-PI in a major R&D grant (in access of $ USD 1 million) in the area of Energy Management and Sustainable Green Engineering with Professors Caudill, Das, and Zhiming at NJIT, in the MIE (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department), New Jersey Institute of Technology, the Public Research University of New Jersey, USA (2011 to date).
- Software Donation by SolidCAM Technologies Inc., USA, CAM software, 50 seat class license for NJIT students, approximately $35K commercial value (2014).
- Visual Factory Management Dashboard Modelling and Support Toolkit, Paul G Ranky (PI) and Michelle Vollo, NSF I-CORPS (USA) Grant, National Science Foundation, October 2016.
- Lean Factory Waste Reduction Modeling and Management Decision Support Toolkit, Paul G Ranky (PI) and Avery Bechtel, NSF I-CORPS (USA) Grant, National Science Foundation, March 2017.
- Service Quality Assessment and Improvement Methods and Tools, Paul G Ranky (PI) and Erica Ostar, Jean-Pierre Cazorla and Robert Fourniadis, NSF I-CORPS (USA) Grant, National Science Foundation, September 2017.
- Product Design Review Modeling and Management Decision Support Toolkit, Paul G Ranky (PI) and Kristofer Rauffer, Rutuja Patil and Shokhzod Esenkulovl, NSF I-CORPS (USA) Grant, National Science Foundation, September 2017.
- Product Design Rules, Methods and Tools for Automated / Robotic Assembly, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Baaba Kyerewaa Forster-Forson, NJIT Graduate Student, NSF I-CORPS (USA) Grant, National Science Foundation, March 2018.
- Lean Factory Waste Reduction Modeling Methods and Management Decision Support Toolkit, NSF National Team Grant, Paul G Ranky (PI), Avery Bechtel (EL) and Raymond Vaccari (IM), National Science Foundation, USA, October 2018.
- Service Quality Assessment and Improvement Methods and Tools For Engineered Systems, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Kevin Moriarty, NJIT PhD Graduate Student, NSF I-CORPS (USA) Grant, National Science Foundation, October 2018.
- Human Error Prevention And Detection Methods and Tools, Focusing On Engineered Systems, Paul G Ranky, (PI), NJIT Faculty Research Grant, October 2018.
- A 3D Space Optimization Method and Tools With A Sustainable Waste REduction Focus, Paul G Ranky, (PI), Naomi Habib (EL), NJIT Undergraduate Student and William Miller (IM), NSF I-CORPS (USA) Grant, National Science Foundation, October 2019.
- Quantified Service Quality (QSQ) Firmware System For Complex Engineered Systems, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Kevin Moriarty, NJIT PhD Graduate Student, and Ray Vaccari, (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) national team grant, National Science Foundation, February, 2020.
- A Programmable Cybersecurity Safe Data Input Firmware System (CYBERSAFE-INPUT), Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Bianny Garcia with Joshua Chreer (ELs), NJIT undergraduate students, and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, October, 2020.
- A Programmable Automated Drone Accessory (Hardware and Software) System, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Naomi Habib, Olamide (EL), NJIT undergraduate student, and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, October, 2020.
- Quantified Customer Requirements Analysis Firmware System, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Gagandeep Kaur (EL), NJIT graduate student, and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, May, 2021.
- Quantified Risk Analysis Firmware System, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Austin Westbrook, and Carlos Justiniano (EsL), NJIT graduate students, and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, May, 2021.
- Cognitive Integrated Manufacturing System Control Firmware by Paul G Ranky, PI (Principal Investigator), with research grant students: Jesus Cangalaya, Schmidt, Anneliese, Ilavarasan, Vigneshwar, Lucas, Dave and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, September 2021.
- Modular Drone Sensors With Integrated Smart Controls by Paul G Ranky, PI (Principal Investigator), with research grant students: Anneliese Schmidt, Ilavarasan, Vigneshwar, Lucas, Dave, and McDermott, Jill, and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, September 2021.
- 3D Printed Digital Work-holding Device Designs With Embedded Machine Learning Firmware by Paul G Ranky, PI (Principal Investigator), with research grant students: Eisha Syeda, McDermott, Jill, Schmidt, Anneliese, Ilavarasan, Vigneshwar, Lucas, Dave, Butler, Sean, Patel, Krish, Leifert, Gregory, O’Melia Dominick, and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, September 2021.
- Edge Computing Integrated Cybersecurity Firmware Device For Industrial Robot and CNC Controllers by Paul G Ranky, PI (Principal Investigator), with research grant students: Matthew Garrido , Schmidt, Anneliese, Ilavarasan, Vigneshwar, Garrido Mathew, Eisha Syeda, Orihuela, Valeria, Lucas, Dave, and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, September 2021.
- Ehrlich, M., Ranky, P G, et al: NSF $15 million research grant awarded to the consortium (January 2022): New Jersey Institute of Technology today joined other area universities as part of a new regional research hub, funded by a $15 million National Science Foundation grant and led by Princeton University, to help faculty and students convert federally sponsored research into successful businesses. Starting in January 2022, Northeast I-Corps Innovation Hub members will provide entrepreneurial training, mentoring and resources, which enable researchers to form startup companies that rapidly translate laboratory discoveries into breakthrough products. Participants will build skills and generate opportunities among researchers from all backgrounds including those historically underrepresented in entrepreneurship, where NJIT excels. The hub is one of five announced nationwide. It simplifies the federal government's previous structure for academic technology transfer, as compelled by the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act. NJIT has long been part of such transfer in the greater Newark area — as one of hundreds of standalone NSF I-Corps sites nationwide, and through the NJIT VentureLink startup incubation arm — and now brings its expertise to the hub at the affiliate level under principal institution Princeton and partner institutions Rutgers University and the University of Delaware. Other affiliates are Delaware State University, Lehigh University, Rowan University and Temple University.
- Robot Integrated Firmware Order Picking Preference Optimization System For Fully Automated eCommerce Management by Paul G Ranky, PI (Principal Investigator), with research grant student Roberta Carrassi (NJIT MS in Engineering Management graduate student as EL), and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, February, 2022.
- Multi-bot Integrated Firmware Device For Warehouse-bot Teaming Optimization System for Human / Automated Hybrid Fulfillment Centers by Paul G Ranky, PI (Principal Investigator), with research grant student Christian Leone (NJIT MS in Engineering Management graduate student as EL), and Ivan Dominguez (IM): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, February, 2022.
- An Optimized Warehouse Robot Control Device (MULTI-BOT-OPT), by Paul G Ranky, NJIT, USA, PI (Principal Investigator), with research grant students Roberta Carrassi and Christian Leone (NJIT MS in Engineering Management graduate students as ELs, Entrepreneurial Leads), and Ivan Dominguez (IM, Industrial Mentor): NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, June, 2022.
- Autonomous Humanoid Security Robot (Hardware and Software) System, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Naomi Habib, Olamide (EL), NJIT undergraduate student: NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, October, 2022.
- REAL-TIME-SMART-EDGE: A Firmware Device With Real-time Statistical Quality Trend Analysis-based IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) Capabilities At The Edge With Integrated AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) for Optimal Machine Intelligent Performance For Mission Critical Applications, Paul G Ranky, (PI), and Ken Zhang, (EL), NJIT undergraduate student: NSF I-CORPS (USA) grant, National Science Foundation, January, 2023.
Other Professional Activities and Awards:
Nantional Science Foundation (USA) invited Adjunct Professor, coaching and mentoring 17 small university-based (New York, New Jersey, Atlanta, Puerto Rico) research groups / startup companies in product / process / service / new business development / entrepreneurship / innovation skills and processes as part of the NYC NSF Regional Innovation Node (NYCRIN) at CUNY, City University of New York, 2019. The EL (Entrepreneurial Lead) of one of the teams, that Dr. Ranky has frequently coached, won the Best EL Presentation Award (CUNY, NYCRIN, March 2019).
Book reviews: CAD/CAM/CIM/ Automation and Robotics book reviews for ROBOTICA, Cambridge University Press, 1984 onwards, for the American Society of Manufacturing Engineers, for Prentice Hall, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, for Chapman and Hall, London, for Taylor and Francis, London, UK, Springer Scientific, and others (1986 - to date).
Journal Paper Reviews written (1983 to date) for the
- Elsevier USA & UK: Computers & Industrial Engineering, International Journal Reviewer (Elsevier Reviewer since 1983 to date)
- International Journal of FMS (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston),
- International Journal of CIM (Taylor and Francis, London),
- IEE Transactions (USA),
- Journal of Manufacturing Systems (SME, USA),
- Advances in Robotics Research (Techno Press, KAIST, Korea),
- Assembly Automation (MCB University Press / Emerald),
- Industrial Robot (MCB University Press / Emerald),
- Sensor Review (MCB University Press / Emerald),
- International Journal of Manufacturing System Design (World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd., London/Singapore),
- ADAM with IT, Advanced Design And Manufacturing with IT over the web, listed in the Directory of Scholarly Electronic Journals and Academic Discussion Lists, published by the Association of Research Libraries, Washington DC, USA, and indexed by The Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library (EEVL), and others.
UK Literati Club Member: An internationally recognized group of academics and professionals, that provide peer review services for academic / research journals hosted in England. Received the Highly Commended Award of the Literati Club, MCB University Press (UK and USA), 2000 for his article: Design, manufacturing and assembly automation trends and strategies in China, Assembly Automation, Vol. 19. No. 4, 1999
Internet Research Register Editor, Industrial Robot, MCB University Press (1999-2000)
Journal of Applied Continuous Improvement (2015 to date). International Editorial Bard Member of the Journal of Applied Continuous Improvement. This is an international peer reviewed journal aimed to publish scientific articles in mechanical engineering sciences, industrial management, quality management, automation and robotics science and information technology. It is focusing on manufacturing process improvement, processes optimization that save time and costs, lean manufacturing, quality procedures, layout optimization, industrial cost reduction, setup reduction, applied SMED, service procedure improvement and related matters. Journal home page: http://phosciences.com/journal-of-applied-continuous-improvement/; Journal Editorial Member link: http://phosciences.com/journal-of-applied-continuous-improvement/editorial-board/
Editor North America, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM), by Taylor & Francis, London, Tokyo, and Baltimore (USA), 2000 to date. The citation impact factor of this international journal is VERY HIGH: 0.773; in comparison, this citation impact factor is higher than IIE Transactions (at 0.541), Operations Research (at 0.672) Annals of Operations Research (at 0.331) and the Journal of Heuristics (at 0.633). I am proud to state, that I am one of the Founding Editors of this Journal when we started it in 1983-84.
Member (2007 to date): NJIT Green Academic Council: the mission of this academic group at NJIT is to develop greening strategies, definitions, and processes for greening the curriculum. (Greening here means an eco-friendly, sustainable engineering approach to almost everything...)
Editorial Board Member / USA Editor:
- One of the founding editors of IJFMS (by Springer Scientific / Kluwer, Boston, USA), (1987 to date), (the citation impact factor for IJFMS is typically VERY HIGH; please find the most current ratings for this journal here: http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=18198&tip=sid)
- Industrial Robot (ISI impact factor = 0.198),
- Advances in Robotics Research (Techno Press, KAIST, Korea),
- Assembly Automation, (ISI impact factor = 0.061), and
- Sensor Review by MCB University Press / Emerald Publishers, London, New York, Tokyo (2000 to date) Assembly Automation http://www.emeraldinsight.com/aa.htm, Industrial Robot http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ir.htm, Sensor Review http://www.emeraldinsight.com/sr.htm
- Associate Editor (2019 to date)
International Journal of Green Technology, Chemical Engineering Center of Catalysis for Renewable Fuels, The University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA
Important note on the ISI impact factor of various journals in the OR/MS/OM/ Information Systems area: the citation impact factor for IJCIM (which is 0.773) and IJFMS (which is 0.735) are both higher than IIE Transactions (at 0.541), Operations Research (at 0.672), Annals of Operations Research (at 0.331), Journal of Heuristics (at 0.633), and Transportation Science (at .491). The Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the "average article" in a journal has been cited in a particular year or period. The annual impact factor is a ratio between citations and recent citable items published. The impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years. (Please note, that these ISI values change all the time, nevertheless they are very important indicators.)
International Handbook Editor: Springer Scientific / Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA (2002 to date)
Special Issue Editor (2015-2016): "Product, Process, System Design Review Methods and Tools", Systems, http://www.mdpi.com/journal/systems/special_issues/design_review, Systems (ISSN 2079-8954) is an international, peer-reviewed journal (Basel, Switzerland) on systems science, systems engineering, and systems engineering management. It publishes original research papers, comprehensive reviews and communications. The aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided. There are, in addition, unique features of this journal, in that manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas will be particularly welcomed, electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculation and experimental procedure - if unpublishable in a normal way - can be deposited as supplementary material.
Editorial Board Member in the Advances in Robotics Research, An International Journal, Techno-Press: Publishers of international journals and conference proceedings; P.O. Box 33, Yuseong, Daejeon 305-600 Korea, Tel: +82-42-828-7996, Fax : +82-42-828-7997, Email: info@techno-press.com; Editor -in-Chief: Prof. Ju-Jang Lee, Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Daejeon 305-701, South Korea, Managing Editor: ISSN:2287-4976(Print); ISSN:2287-4984(Online); 4 issues; Quarterly (2015 to date)
Editorial Board Member International Journal of Industrial and Operations Research, (2018 to date). International Journal of Industrial and Operations Research is an Open Access, peer reviewed, academic Journal promoting the performance and efficiency of operational systems & Procedures and advance their rapid developments. VIBGYOR Online Publishers which publishes Journals of the highest quality and significance in all areas of physics, theoretical and applied Physics. We are an Open Access Publisher, focused to provide an opportunity for many researchers to get involved in updating themselves with the ongoing research. We host international, open access, peer reviewed academic physics journals. Physics experts at VIBGYOR are contributing their best knowledge in building the interactive platforms upon various Physics oriented subjects. Whether you are an Inspiring teacher, budding new scientist, creative aspirants, we cordially invite you to browse our website and learn about our upcoming gatherings or articles in the field. We are a new launchers aiming to publish papers of highest quality assuring the scope coverage of the entire related core, pure and applied Physics. http://vibgyorpublishers.org/journals/editorial-board.php?jid=ijior
IEEE (USA) Green Engineering Editor, focusing on Sustainable Green Engineering (IEEE is the largest engineering society in the world).
Publishing House of Sciences, Portugal, Europe, Journal of Applied Continuous Improvement Editorial Board Member. Journal of Applied Continuous Improvement is an international peer reviewed journal aimed to publish articles in mechanical engineering sciences, industrial management, quality management, automation and robotics science and information technology, which are focused in manufacturing processes improvement, processes optimization that save time and costs, applied lean manufacturing, quality procedures, layout optimizations, industrial costs reduction, setups reduction, applied SMED, services procedures improvement and related matters. The journal invites original papers, review articles, case studies and short communications containing new insight into any aspect of applied continuous improvement. (http://phosciences.com/journal-of-applied-continuous-improvement/)
Invited Member: U.S. Department of Energy for a round table discussion on "Industries of the Future: Strengthening American competitiveness through technological innovation in advanced manufacturing”, July 15, 2020
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New Jersey Section 304 invited Executive Board Member (July 2020 to date)
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 'AWARD OF RECOGNITION' recipient in 2010 for 'his outstanding and dedicated service towards bringing the NJIT Student Chapter to the Metropolitan section"
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 'AWARD OF EXCELLENCE' recipient in 2011, and also for 2012 for 'his outstanding and dedicated service towards bringing the NJIT Student Chapter to the Metropolitan section"
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section Executive Board Member.
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 'AWARD OF RECOGNITION' recipient on December 6, 2014 for 'his outstanding and dedicated service towards developing the NJIT Student Chapter to the present level"
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 'STUDENT SECTION RECOGNITION AWARD' recipient, December 5, 2015 for 'his outstanding service and dedication as NJIT's ASQ Student Section Academic Founder and Leader.'
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 'STUDENT SECTION RECOGNITION AWARD' recipient, December, 2016 for 'his outstanding service and dedication as NJIT's ASQ Student Section Academic Founder and Leader.'
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 'AWARD OF RECOGNITION' recipient, December, 2017 for 'his dedicated service to the American Society for Quality - NY/NJ Metropolitan Section as NJIT's ASQ Student Section Academic Founder and Leader.'
American Society for Quality (ASQ) New York / New Jersey Metropolitan Section 'AWARD OF RECOGNITION' recipient, December, 2018 for 'his dedicated service to the American Society for Quality - NY/NJ Metropolitan Section as NJIT's ASQ Student Section Academic Founder and Leader.'
IET, Institute of Engineering and Technology of Malaysia 'AWARD OF RECOGNITION' recipient in 2011 for 'his research presentation on Sustainable Green Engineering & Technology' in Malaysia, 2011.
Bergen Community College (New Jersey, USA) Certificate of Appreciation recipient 'In recognition of your volunteer commitment to the Bergen Community College Good Manufacturing Practice & Good LAboratories Practice (GLP) Advisory Board' (Agust 18, 2010). (View Certificate)
Conference Paper Reviews: Regular reviews for international CIM and Advanced Manufacturing Systems, System Modeling, Engineering IT and Software Engineering, Lean and Flexible Automation, Production Control, Supply Chain Management, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Integrated Product / process Design, Design for Environment, Sensors, Robotics, Total Quality management, and Engineering Education conferences by IEE(UK), IEEE(USA), SME(USA), ASEE (American Soc. Of Engineering Educators), JUSFA (Japan USA Flexible Automation Conference), International Symposium for Flexible Automation, sponsored by NSF, National Science Foundation, (USA) by the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineering, The Dynamic Systems and Control Division of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Participating Societies include: The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, The Robotics Society of Japan, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and others (1980 to date).
Currently Active and Past Professional Society Memberships: IEE (UK), IET(UK), FEANI (Europe), IEEE (USA), ASEE (USA), PMI (USA), Tau Beta Pi, ASQ(USA), SAE(USA), SME(USA), ASME(USA)
Member of Tau Beta Pi, The Engineering Honour Society, Elected by the student body of the New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA.
Member of the NJIT MIE Teaching Awards Committee (to date)
Member of the NJIT MIE Graduate Studies Committee (to date)
MIE Representative On NJIT Teaching, Learning and Technology Committee (to date)
Professional Society Membership Reviewer: IEE Professional Review Interviewer for East Coast, USA (2005 to date, by the IEE (UK), The Institution of Electrical Engineers, incorporating the Institution of Production Engineers, London, UK)
British Science and Engineering Research Council Research Project Reviewer (1987 to date)
British Department of Trade and Industry R&D Project Reviewer (1987 to 1995)
North Jersey Regional Science Fair Judge, Captain (1998 to date)
Hong Kong / China National Science Foundation Research Council: External Research Project Reviewer (2004 to date)
Hong Kong City Polytechnic University: External Masters Program Advisor / Examiner (2004 to date)
Estonian National Science Foundation: External Research Project Reviewer (2005 to date)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada External Research Project Reviewer (2007 to date)
Qatar National Priorities Research Program External Research Project Reviewer (2008 to date)
South Africa’s National Research Foundation (NRF) Evaluator (2010 to date)
Aberdeen Group (USA): Full Panel Member of Aberdeen Group's on-going state-of-the-market research (2010 to date)
Book Reviews for Artech House Publishers, Norwood, MA, USA (2012 to date)
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor & Francis, UK and USA (external research paper reviewer, 2018 to date)
External Academic Reviewer for promotions and research: Jordan University of Science & Technology, Unit of Councils Affairs lead by the Vice-president of this university (2013 to date)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington DC, USA: External Research Project Reviewer (2006 to date). In 2006 he has reviewed 22 research proposals for AAAS of a total value of over $20 million (USD).
New Jersey Technology Council: Invited panelist: Nine Hi-tech Predictions... (February, 2007, Princeton, New Jersey). The moderator of the panel was Alan Wink, Director, Technology Group, Amper, Politziner & Mattia, and the members of the panel were: Professor Michael Celia, Chair Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, Professor David Fenske, Dean, The iSchool at Drexel University, Professor Paul G Ranky, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, NJIT, and Dr. Vincent A Smeraglia, Director, Office of Patents & Licensing, University of Medicine and Dentirtry of New Jersey.
New Jersey Technology Council: Invited webinar presenter: (January, 2011, New Jersey): Collaborative Global Engineering Challenges and Some Solutions
New Jersey ASQ (American Society for Quality) Student Chapter: Academic Founder and first academic advisor (2009 to date) as part of the hosting ASQ Section 300. Pls. note, that a separate website for the ASQ Student Chapter is under construction, until then you can download the joining instructions, kindly prepared by Bill Ward, our first Student President for the ASQ Student Chapter (PDF link).
External Program Evaluator for Sweden's Knowledge Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden. External Evaluator for PhD Programs in Sustainable Engineering / Production. The main objective of the Knowledge Foundation is to boost Sweden’s competitiveness by supporting initiatives for the development of knowledge and competence. (2010 to date).
Invited Member to the Oxford Round Table's 10th Annual International Conference on Environment, Sustainability and Climate Change, August, 2014, at Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. (Harris Manchester College is one of the thirty-eight colleges that form the University of Oxford and was founded in 1786.)
Voting Member to the United States ISO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO (International Standards Organization) Project Committee TC 242 Energy Management (US TAG to ISO/PC 242) and ISO/ TC 257 Energy Savings Calculations. As a voting member I provide input regarding future members, comments to develop U.S. positions, and input on responses to International positions as well as votes on other technical issues that are relevant to the US TAG to ISO/PC 242 and 257. Participate in the development, as well as co-author of the ISO 50001 standard through US TAG 242 and PC 242 / TC 257 meetings provides me with the knowledge to remain competitive and gives me the latest information regarding the standard. ISO TAG members are listed as technical experts by ISO in the area of ISO 50001, Energy Management and Energy Calculations. These are ANSI Accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Groups to ISO/PC 242 Energy Management, and ANSI Accredited U.S. Technical Advisory Groups to ISO/ TC 257 Energy Savings Calculations. (2010 to date).
In September 2012, the Lawrence D. Eicher (LDE) Leadership Award for excellence in creative and innovative standards development was awarded to our ISO technical committee, ISO/TC 242, Energy management. The specific factors which led to the selection of ISO/TC 242 as winner of the 2012 LDE Award include the following: The use of innovative approaches have ensured the global relevance and timely production of the standard. Effective leadership and a true desire to promote the involvement of developing countries has been paramount. ISO/TC 242 has benefited from the establishment of a unique four-country leadership approach. The ISO DEVCO Funds-in-Trust programme enabled representatives of developing countries to participate in meetings. The rotation of meetings to different regions of the world and the use of Web meetings to coincide with different international time zones has also facilitated the participation of developing countries. ISO 50001 has benefitted from proactive project management and effective coordination of the entire committee structure, including excellent meeting support. The Lawrence D. Eicher Leadership Award is named after the late Secretary-General of ISO from 1986 to 2002. Published in June 2011, ISO 50001 has experienced a rapid international uptake and is already implemented in 44 countries worldwide.
United States ISO Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO (International Standards Organization)TC 242 / TC 257: Definition of a methodological framework applicable to calculation and reporting on energy savings ISO DIS 17743: General calculation methods on energy efficiency and savings for countries, regions or cities ISO CD 17742, general calculation methods on energy savings for, organizations, general technical rules for measurement, calculation and verification of energy savings of projects, ISO 17741 Working Groups (2012 to date). Participating in the development of ISO (International Standards Organization, Geneva, Switzerland) standards through U.S. TAG 242, TC242, energy management, U.S. TAG 257 and TC 257, evaluation of energy savings, providing the latest R&D knowledge and information regarding the USA and international standards under development (ISO 50004 (Guidance), ISO 50006 (EnPIs and baselines), ISO 50007 (Energy Services), ISO 50008 (Commercial Buildings), ISO 17747 (M&V Organization calculations)). ISO 17741 may be used by any stakeholder (policy maker, decision maker, company, etc) that aims to quantify energy savings. The personnel certification for the Superior Energy Performance program by IEnMP has achieved the first certification for CPEnMS – see the ANSI Announcement:
ANSI Announces December 2013 Accreditations under Its Personnel Certification Accreditation Program: 'The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is proud to announce the recent accreditation of four organizations under the Institute’s Accreditation Program for Personnel Certification Bodies. These groups – the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), LIUNA Training, the Institute for Energy Management Professionals (IEnMP), and the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice (TALPP) – join a community of 43 other personnel certification bodies with ANSI-accredited programs, covering a range of industry sectors involving more than five million professionals. At its December meeting, ANSI’s Personnel Certification Accreditation Committee approved the accreditation of IEnMP’s Certified Practitioner in Energy Management Systems (CP EnMS) program, LIUNA’s LIUNA Instructor program, AEE’s Certified Energy Manager program, and TALPP’s Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) program. Accreditation by ANSI signifies that these programs’ procedures meet ANSI/ISO/IEC 17024, General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification Systems of Persons.'
ISO USA TAG tasks completed in 2014 include the following: as a US TAG (International Standards Organization, USA Technical Advisory Group) voting member involved in the process for ISO 50015, ISO 50006, and ISO 50004. The following documents were published (2014):
ISO 50001:2011 Energy Management
ISO 50002:2014 Energy Audits
ISO 50004:2014 Implementation guidance for Energy Management
ISO 50006:2014 EnPIs and Baselines
ISO 50015:2014 Guidance for Measurement and Verification
ISO USA TAG tasks (ongoing in 2015): there are a number of projects that are active, including:
ISO 50007 Energy Services
ISO 50008 Commercial Buildings
ISO 17747 Calculations for energy savings in Organizations
The upcoming changes to ISO 50001 for the High Level Structure
Completing ISO 17741 Energy savings for projects
Three new work items for TC 257
Invited member of DEMA's 2020 Vision Group (Diving Equipment and Marketing Association, USA), helping to develop a new direction for the USA and international Diving Industry. Topics include brainstorming on how to get more young people involved in diving, in sustainable green eco-tourism, and how to reactivate previous divers who have been out of the water for a while. (ContChartVar_Template.xls)
Completed the Wharton Princeton Entrepreneurship Executive Education Program (January, 2022)
National Science Foundation (NSF) USA, registered 2018 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) panelist. 2017 to date.
Cybersecurity Conference Advisory-committee Member (2023): the National Institute of Technology (NIT), KURUKSHETRA, India. The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering and the Department of Computer Engineering, are jointly organizing the “2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Security (I3CS-2023)", 01- 03 June 2023 at NIT Kurukshetra an Institute of National Importance in India. After the grand success of the previous conferences of I3CS-2021, this is the second International conference in the series.
Dr. Ranky's Recent Presentation Links to Eco-friendly, Sustainable Green Environments, Facilities and Systems
Enjoy our new 360 Panoramic Site Navigation demos, as part of our iSEE:Green, intelligent Sustainable Enterprise Engineering with a Green focus research; See more on some of the key principles here: http://www.cimwareukandusa.com/All-Green/Ranky-GreenEngineering.html (© USA and international copyright of all media and content at this site by Paul G. Ranky)
360 degree interactive panoramas in the El Galleon, Asia Divers, eco-friendly green sustainable resort in Puerto Galera, Philippines (Programmed in HTML5 - not in Flash! - for desktop, laptop, as well as mobile Mac / PC, iPhone, iPad, and Android devices).
Known issues: Please note, that in case you have a relatively slow, or unreliable Internet connection, you might see a tile (i.e. a missing segment) in the pano screen immediately after having downloaded the file. If this is the case, clear the browser's buffer (a.k.a. the cache) and download the file again. These are relatively small files, it should not take long to download them. Let me know if you have any comments: email: cimware@mac.com
e16-ElGalleon-Waimea-PanoLivingRoom, e02-ElGalleon-Pano15A-LivingRoom, e03-ElGalleon-Pano15A-Bedroom, e04-ElGalleon-Pano15A-Balcony2, e01-ElGalleon-Pano15A-Balcony1, e33-ElGalleon-Pano-Poolside2-with-Rhuby, e27-ElGalleon-Pano-RestaurantOutside-Take1, e29-ElGalleon-Pano-DiveLockerRoom, e31-ElGalleon-Pano-RestaurantOutside-Take2, e32-ElGalleon-Pano-Spa
More 360 degree interactive panoramas (as part of a virtual resort tour) in the El Galleon, Asia Divers Resort with a novel gyro feature (for iPhone 4 and 4S, iPhone5, or later, and iPad2 or iPad3, or later and also for other gyro sensor enabled mobile devices) in an eco-friendly green sustainable resort, teh El Galleon Resort, Asia Divers in Puerto Galera, Philippines (Note: as you move your iPhone, or iPad left or right, up or down, you'll see the space just as if you were there. Enjoy the experience!) (© USA and international copyright of all media and content at this site by Paul G. Ranky.)
e16-ElGalleon-Waimea-PanoLivingRoom-Gyro, e20-ElGalleon-Waimea-Pano-GardenView-Gyro, e23-ElGalleon-Waimea-PPoolsideView-Gyro, e28-ElGalleon-DivePlatform02-Gyro
ElGalleonResort-RestaurantView-SunnyPano-1, ElGalleonResort-RestaurantView-SunnyPano-2
A new artistic direction... step inside a 360 degree digital watercolor panorama paradise (as far as we know this is a first of its kind in the world at the time of writing)... just click and enjoy: ElGalleon-WaterColor-1-360-Panorama
Some more web-friendly, reduced size video clips and images of beautiful eco-friendly, green sustainable environments and facilities in the USA, in Europe, in Micronesia, Palau, with Sam's Tours in Palau, with Planet Blue Kayaking in Palau, with the Palau Royal Resort hotel in Palau, in Guam, the Philippines, the Caribbean Islands, Hong Kong and Asia, Mexico, Malaysia, Japan, and elsewhere. (Just click on the links below to see them. Please note, that the short video clips below are edited clips of my full length programs (more here) and are rendered in good quality 720p format. Please be patient if you have a slow Internet link. The original 18 to 22 megapixel images are kept small too for a web-friendly experience. Enjoy!) (© USA and international copyright of all media and content at this site by Paul G. Ranky.)
VideoClip1, VideoClip2, VideoClip3, VideoClip4, VideoClip5, VideoCli6, VideoClip7, VideoClip8, VideoClip9, VideoCilp10, VideoClip11, VideoCli12, VideoClip13, VideoClip14,VideoClip15, VideoClip16, VideoClip17, more to come...
Let me show you some more short underwater video clips (all of them part of full length programs at http://www.cimwareukandusa.com), that I have shot whilst diving at the El Galleon Dive Resort, Asia Divers, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. These video clips promote and illustrate beautiful sustainable green environments, with a deep, warm color style, as well as a very relaxed marine life behavioral focus. Dive sites include the Canyons, Shark Cave, Hole in the wall, Sabang Wrecks, Sinandigan Wall, Monkey Beach, Kilima Steps, St. Christopher Wreck, Dungon Wall/ Twin Wreck, Fish Bowl, Lalaguna Point, Sabang Point, Boulders, Dry Dock, The Atoll, Batangas Channel, Manila Channel, Coral Garden, Verde Island, and others: VideoClip1, VideoClip2, VideoClip3, VideoClip4, VideoClip5, VideoClip6, VideoClip7, VideoClip8, VideoClip9, VideoClip10, VideoClip11, VideoClip12, VideoClip13, VideoClip14, VideoClip15, VideoClip16, VideoClip17, VideoClip18, VideoClip19, VideoClip20, VideoClip21, VideoClip22, VideoClip23, VideoClip24, VideoClip25, VideoClip26, VideoClip27, VideoClip28, VideoClip29, VideoClip30, VideoClip31, VideoClip32, VideoClip33, VideoClip34, VideoClip35, VideoClip36, VideoClip37, VideoClip38, VideoClip39, VideoClip40, VideoClip41, VideoClip42, VideoClip43, VideoClip44, VideoClip45, VideoClip46, VideoClip47, VideoClip48, VideoClip49, VideoClip50, VideoClip51, VideoClip52; more to come...(you can find the full length video and image library programs at http://www.cimwareukandusa.com).
Also, some more images promoting a sustainable green, non-toxic, happy world... Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5, Image6, Image7, Image8, Image9, Image10, Image11, Image12, Image14, Image15, Image16, Image16, Image17, Image18, Image19, Image20, Image21, Image22, Image23, Image24, Image25, Image26, Image27, Image28, Image29, Image30, Image31, Image32, Image33, Image34, Image35, Image36, Image37, Image37, Image38, Image39, Image40, Image41, Image42, Image43, Image44, Image45, Image46, Image47, Image48, Image49, Image50, Image51, Image52, Image53, Image54, Image55, Image56, Image57, Image58, Image59, Image60, Image61, Image62, Image63, Image64, Image65, Image66, Image67, Image68, Image69, Image70, Image71, Image72, Image73, Image74, Image75, Image76, Image77, Image78, Image79, Image80. .. (you can find the full length video and image library programs at http://www.cimwareukandusa.com).
Some beautiful images I have taken at the amazing eco-friendly, sustainable, high quality and very friendly PADI 5 star dive resort in the Philippines, near Dumaguete (a great location to dive the famous and fantastic Apo Island): https://www.liquiddumaguete.com, Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5, Image6, Image7, Image8, Image9, Image10, Image11, Image12, Image13, Image14, Image15, Image16, Image17, Image18, Image19, Image20, Image21, Image22, Image23, Image24, Image25, Image26, Image27, Image28, Image29, Image30, Image31, Image32, Image33, Image34, Image35, Image36, Image37, Image38, Image39, Image40, Image41, Image42, Image43, Image44, Image45, Image46, Image47, Image48, Image49, Image50, Image51, Image52, Image53, Image54, Image55, Image56, Image57, Image58, Image59, Image60, Image61, more to come, including 4K underwater videos... (you can find the full length video and image library programs at http://www.cimwareukandusa.com).
Go to the Welcome Page
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Enjoy my latest videos I shot of one of our new projects with Dr. Judith Fitzpatrick and James Sottilo:
Judith-Fitzpatrick-Microbes-Video, for mobile devices, suggest to click on this version: Judith-Fitzpatrick-Microbes-Video-Mobile-Version
James Sottilo-Microbes-Video , for mobile devices, suggest to click on this version: James Sottilo-Microbes-Video-Mobile-Version
Welcome to Dr Paul G Ranky’s Sustainable Green Engineering Multimedia Resource Library:
The purpose of this novel library of 4K UHD videos on YouTube is to offer valuable, high quality resources for teaching, learning and researching sustainable green living and mobility systems, challenges, and some solutions. All videos were shot, edited, and produced by Paul G Ranky, copyright by CIMware USA, Inc. USA (www.cimwareukandusa.com, Email: cimware@mac.com).
This series takes you to the beautiful and friendly Philippines, Apo Island, Palawan Island, Coron Island, both topside (as divers talk about it), as well as under water into the blue oceans around El Nido and Sibaltan, and the shipwrecks in Coron Islands (as part of Palawan).
There are several videos (all in 4K UHD) in the library, covering the following topics:
Palawan-Dives-03-SunrizeDives-Coral Gardens-Destacado-Rock-North-Rock-Paul-Ranky-4K
In this video watch the thousands of yellow fin snappers swirling at around 8.00 mins into the video!
Around 15:30 mins into the video you can see me diving (my video selfie; sorry, cannot smile due to my mask on my face and regulator in my mouth)
Around 16:20 mins into the video a rare sequence of me swimming with a large turtle
Around 29 mins into the video again the yellow fin snappers, and after that I am swimming with hundreds of barracudas
Around 48:20 mins into the video I am swimming with hundreds of jacks
The Barracuda Lake dive was amazing, unique in the world, it starts around 28 mins into the video
You might also enjoy my Apo Island dive expedition videos on YouTube, here:
Music for all videos composed, arranged, performed and edited by Paul G Ranky, and other artists. All music used are licensed. Some of the compositions are Paul G Ranky originals.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to the following companies and organizations that helped me to make this happen: UNITED Airlines, USA, Philippine Airlines, the friendly people of the Philippines, Dolce Vita Hotel and Restaurant in Puerto Princesa City (www.hotels-palawan.com), Palawan Island, Palawan Divers in El Nido, www.mindshiftgrear.com, USA, www.leisurepro.com, New York City, USA, www.funsundivetravel.com on Coron Island, Dive Sibaltan, Palawan Island, Canon, USA, www.liquiddumaguete.com, SONY, USA, and www.cimwareukandusa.com, in NJ, USA; Email: cimware@mac.com
© International Copyright by CIMware USA, Inc., www.cimwareukandusa.com All Rights Reserved!