Digital Art & Video Clip Library



Tools (Handtools & Powertools): Digital Art & Video Clip Library 40 professional quality, royalty free images, illustrating old and new handtools, powertools, milling /turning machine tools, drills and others on one PC & Mac CD-ROM, in 360 dpi native Photoshop RGB and JPEG, as well as in 72 dpi Internet ready JPEG formats. Additional digital, interactive video clips in cross-platform QuickTime format to give that extra "buzz" to your presentation, by showing some of the related processes in more detail with original sound, ISBN 1 872631 28 2

Ideal for designers, for creating exciting presentations and multimedia and for marketing. (Photoshop is a Trademark of Adobe Systems Inc., QuickTime is a Trademark of Apple Computers Inc.)

Please note that all images below are in relatively poor Internet quality to shorten your website download time. The purpose of having these images here is to give you some examples of what is offered on the professional quality CD-ROM.

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