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University: New Jersey Institute of Technology, A Public Research University in Newark, NJ 07102, USA
Name of sponsoring Professor: Paul G. Ranky, PhD, Full Tenured Professor, Registered and Chartered Professional Engineer, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, NJIT, Newark, NJ 07102, USA; (Email: ranky@njit.edu) Courses in which the OPNET simulation program is used and demonstrated:
OPNET related R&D papers published / in print: Ranky, P G: A Method for Planning Industrial Robot Networks for Automotive Welding and Assembly Lines, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 29, No. 6, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England, Vol. 29, Number 6, 2002, pp.530-537 Ranky, P G: A Simulation Method and Distributed Server Balancing Results of Networked Industrial Robots for Automotive Welding and Assembly Lines, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 30, No. 2, Emerald Publishing Ltd., England (Accepted Research Paper in print) Ranky, P.G.: eTransition in the Multi-Lifecycle CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) Context, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo (Accepted research paper in print), 2003 Ranky, P.G., Lonkar, M. and ChamyVelumani, S.: eTransition Models of collaborating Design and Manufacturing Enterprises, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo (Accepted research paper in print), 2003 Ranky, P.G.: Network Simulation Models of Lean Manufacturing Systems in Digital Factories and an Intranet Server Balancing Algorithm, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo (Accepted research paper in print), 2003 Ranky, P.G.: A 3D Web-enabled, Case Based Learning Architecture and Knowledge Documentation Method for Engineering, Information Technology, Management, and Medical Science / Biomedical Engineering, IJCIM (International Journal of CIM) by Taylor & Francis, London, Baltimore, Tokyo (Accepted research paper in print), 2003 Ranky, P.G.: Advanced Machining Cell Design Concepts, Methods, Architectures and Cases, Manufacturing Review, The Journal of IEE (The Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, incorporating the Institute of Manufacturing Engineers), London, UK (Accepted research paper in print), 2003 Ranky, P.G.: Interactive 3D Multimedia Cases for Engineering Education with Internet Support, ASEE (American Society of Engineering Educators) Middle Atlantic Section Conference, October 25-26, 2002, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, USA. (Paper published in the proceedings) Ranky, P.G.: Introduction to Concurrent Engineering, an NSF (National Science Foundation, USA) sponsored Gateway Coalition streamed multimedia narrated web-presentation, December, 2002, NJIT, USA Ranky, P.G.: A 3D web Collaborative Concurrent Automotive Engineering Method Based on Our Distributed Digital Factory and Digital Car Models, Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, Detroit, March, 2003 (In the Proceedings) Ranky, P.G.: 3D Engineering Multimedia Cases. A Customizable 3D Web-enabled Library with Reusable Objects, ASEE (American Society of Engineering Educators) Mid-Atlantic Conference, Kean University, NJ, USA, April, 2003 (In the Proceedings) Ranky, P.G., Subramanyam, M., Caudill, R.J., Limaye, K., and Alli, N.: A Dynamic Scheduling and Balancing Method and Software Tool for Lean and Reconfigurable Disassembly Lines, 2003 IEEE (USA) International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment & the IAER Electronics Recycling Summit, May 19-22, Boston, MA, USA (In the Proceedings) Ranky, P.G., Morales, C., Subramanyam, M., and Caudill, R.J.: Lean Disassembly Line Layout, Process and Network Simulation Models and Cases, Based on Real-world Data, 2003 IEEE (USA) International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment & the IAER Electronics Recycling Summit, May 19-22, Boston, MA, USA (In the Proceedings) |