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live and DL: Object Oriented Design, Manufacturing and Management for Enterprise Modeling (3 credits)
This is a combined Welcome Letter and Course Outline. Please read it carefully. You will find all essential course information here.
Please note, that this document will be updated during the semester. If anything is unclear please contact me preferably by email.
Paul G. Ranky, PhD
Chartered Professional Engineer
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Room 2519, ITC Bldg.
NJIT, University Heights, NJ 07102 -1982
Email at NJIT:
Tel at NJIT: (973) 642 4984, Fax at NJIT: (973) 596 3652
Tel at home (in case of an emergency only, 24 hrs, but preferably during normal hours, 8.00 am to 10.00 pm) (201) 493 9561
Note, that my office is in ITC 2519 at NJIT (Newark Campus).
My office hours for the Fall 2002 semester are: TBA, unless I am away on official NJIT business. If these are inconvenient hours for you please ask for an appointment by email, or by phone.
Find out more about the Professors past and current research work and background at:
Undergraduate engineering, science, management or IT / computing science degree, meaning proof of the successful completion of the following courses or their equivalents: Math 111, 112, 113: Calculus I, II and III, CIS 101: Computer Programming and Problem Solving, FED 101D and C, Fundamentals of Engineering Design, Design Component, CAD/ Graphics component, CIS113 Introduction to Computer Science, HSS 101 English: Writing, Speaking and Thinking, IE203 Computer Graphics in IE.
In-depth Narrative Description
In this course we learn modern, object oriented (OO) modeling methods, applied to a broad range of design, manufacturing, management and IT systems, using Case Based Learning methods, with browser readable interactive 3D multimedia. We learn how to create and validate models using a strong methods base as well as professional software tools that we have developed for this course, as well as that are available to us and our students either via NJIT's servers and/or via the Internet at no cost. Specifically, we model hardware and software systems, collaborative enterprise processes, integrated design, industrial and manufacturing systems, demanufacturing processes, real-time and remote quality control systems, and virtual product demonstration system design and software solutions over the Internet using object-oriented process modeling methods, UML (Unified Modeling Language), a US industry standard method practiced by the majority of Fortune 500 companies, and other web-enabled tools.
To paint a broader picture why this course is needed, consider that the 21st Century undoubtedly is the 'knowledge driven century', meaning that information that can be turned into value adding knowledge will represent more power than ever before. This is because the Internet helps to reduce waste, as well as acts as a systems integration and collaborator enabler for creating new ideas that can be turned into product and then sold to a global economy quicker and at a lower cost than ever before.
The advanced design and manufacturing/ assembly industry is increasingly operating on a globally integrated, Internet-based collaborative model of production and support in which OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) assemble products out of components and objects (both hardware and software) by a network of distributed suppliers. This distributed client-server model is enabled by the Internet, company intranets and consortium based extranets.
In this new economy, leading companies are discovering that besides minimizing design and manufacturing costs and maximizing quality, they can achieve competitive advantage by introducing new, innovative products that satisfy individual consumers on a global basis. This is possible because of the highly integrated collaborative opportunities of product and process design, information technology and management. Gains of such 'hot new products' can not only increase the company's market share but it can create an entirely new market category, in which the company is the leader, therefore enjoys the efficiency gains by orders of magnitude.
Internet-based, or Internet-enabled, collaborative manufacturing fosters innovation in integrated design and lean/ flexible manufacturing. This is because coupled with enterprise management systems it can contribute to further collaborative cost reductions and sustainable growth. Furthermore, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) activities and software systems, in integration with Enterprise Resource Planning and Management (ERP&ERM) with Supply Chain Management (SCM) coupled with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) represent a very powerful methods base. These systems can be used on a real-time basis to fine tune a business, continuously learn, innovate and satisfy customer needs, therefore sustain growth and make profit on a global basis.
The primary delivery mechanism for the above outlined system is Internet e-business. At the beginning, the key value of e-business is cost savings, customer satisfaction and revenue growth. As soon as the factory, or organization understands the benefits of web-enabled enterprise processes that share resources, applications and data, the opportunities for further waste reductions and growth are even more dramatic. This is the stage when the e-business gradually becomes a network of connected lean and flexible e-manufacturing businesses.
There are several major success cases in which US manufacturers have found Internet-based e-manufacturing to be beneficial. As an excellent example consider the National Electronics Manufacturing Initiatives (NEMI) Plug and Play Factory Project. This consortium addressed the issues of how to quickly integrate new pieces of electronics assembly equipment into a shop floor line management system and how to manage the vast amounts of data available in todays electronics manufacturing environment over the Internet, using XML messaging.
The necessary technical infrastructure was designed, developed, and demonstrated over a two-year period. New standards activities for electronics manufacturing were initiated where existing standards were either non-existent or insufficient to achieve the project goals. The goals of the project were to reduce the amount of time and cost that is takes to integrate a new piece of electronics assembly equipment into a shop floor environment and start collecting data and controlling that equipment (often several thousand miles away over the Internet).
It is estimated today that the integration cost of a typical factory information system is up to four times the cost of purchasing that system in the first place. Furthermore, the up to two year period that it takes to typically design and implement a new factory floor system is much longer than the product technology life cycles of todays electronic products. Often what happens after a long period of analysis and design and implementation is that users declare "It is just what I asked for, but not what I want". The reason for this is that the business model has changed so drastically during the time it took to implement the factory information system that the system is at best underutilized and at worst never used to support real production.
By demonstrating an order of magnitude reduction in the amount of time and the cost of implementing a new factory information system based on the Internet client-server model on an actual electronics manufacturing line, linked to other systems and factories over the Internet, the project achieved its goal of drastically reducing the break-even point.
To summarize, the key is that by understanding market drivers based on mutually beneficial collaborative problem solving processes enables companies to move beyond traditional design, manufacturing and trading mechanisms to new and different ways of solving challenges and capturing new markets. The challenges are enormous because most of the old models are changing at a rapid pace and quite frankly nobody truly understands the new economy... Some of the most important tasks facing today's able engineers, managers, researchers and IT professionals include the creation of secure Internet-based financial transaction, collaborative design and manufacturing, supply chain and procurement system integration and sustainable growth models. Those companies and individuals that will be able to understand and capture the essence of this new 'knowledge driven' Internet economy in which this new, much broader manufacturing model is a major wealth creator, will be tomorrow's e-business leaders.
This course is part of NJITs new certificate program in Enterprise Modeling & Design, optionally linked with the various masters programs in Industrial Engineering, or Manufacturing Systems Engineering, or Information Systems, or Engineering Management, as the next step, will arm you with all key components of this new knowledge base that you will need to be able to re-engineer enterprises and drive them to succeed in our competitive world.
Purpose of the Course
Object Oriented (OO) design, manufacturing and management modeling are well proven and accepted methods because hardware and software systems are increasingly complex, distributed, real-time, concurrent, Internet-oriented, and amplify the human intellect. System architects need to be able to analyze the behavior and performance, and then validate the final product, process, system and/or service before it is built.
The choice of the modeling method has a major influence on how a complex system is decomposed into objects and classes and then the way a solution is reached. In this course we use a modern, object-oriented approach, UML (Unified Modeling Language), a US hi-tech industry standard method practiced by the majority of Fortune 500 companies.
Our students will learn important and scientifically sound methods, validate their models using professional software tools and technologies, gain practical / virtual industrial and modeling science experience and therefore find several excellent job opportunities.
For whom is it intended? What other students might elect it?
Graduate industrial engineering, design, manufacturing systems as well as science, information technology, computing science and management students will find this course interesting, informative and challenging.
Reasons for prerequisites (or lack thereof)
The prerequisite for this course is an undergraduate engineering, science or IT / computing science or management degree. If you have any doubts or questions regarding your prerequisites, please contact Dr. Ranky at one of the above addresses.
Is the content duplicated in other courses? No, this course represents very new, novel concepts, methods and challenging real-world cases.
Course Details. Course outline with approximate week-by-week schedule
Week 1: An introduction to object oriented modeling, system analysis and design and the scope of this course. Traditional and object-oriented system modeling methods. Static and dynamic modeling approaches.
Weeks 2 and 3: Preparation of our methods base. Research and industrial cases and modeling examples following object-oriented methods. Interactive multimedia-based virtual and / or real laboratory / industrial case studies.
Weeks 4, 5 and 6: Development of our methods base and the tools we are going to use to validate our models. Object oriented system analysis and design following the UML method. (Unified Modeling Language). Classifiers, relationships, associations, generalization, realization, dependencies, constraints and instances. Use case view and diagrams. State machine view, event, state, transition and composite states. Activity view and diagrams. Interaction view, collaboration. Physical views and model management. Interactive multimedia-based virtual and / or real laboratory case studies. (Assignment No.1)
Weeks 7 and 8: Model development and validation case: Collaborative, Internet-based, virtual enterprise modeling. Interactive multimedia-based virtual and / or real laboratory case studies. (Assignment No.2)
Weeks 9 and 10: Model development and validation case: Collaborative, Internet-based integrated product and process design modeling. Interactive multimedia-based virtual and / or real laboratory case studies. (Assignment No.3)
Weeks 11 and 12: Model development and validation case: Collaborative, digital factory, electronic assembly system, manufacturing system and, (remote) real-time total quality system modeling. Interactive multimedia-based virtual and / or real laboratory case studies. (Assignment No.4)
Weeks 13 and 14: Model development and validation case: Collaborative, Internet-based disassembly system modeling. Interactive multimedia-based virtual and / or real laboratory case studies. (Assignment No.5)
Week 15: Real/virtual class presentations of Assignments 1 to 5.
Continuously Assessed:
Based on the interactive, multimedia-based material taught in this course, Assignments 1 to 5 are developed by the students and submitted to the professor for review as part of a course web-page and URL created and maintained by each student.
Textbook, Learning Resources and References
All learning material in this course will be compiled in cutomized, academically priced Learning Packs, in partially paper-based, mostly digital, Internet enabled, and browser readable format for each student.
Students of this course will rely on: